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01/15/2008 22:30 #42903

This seems so fishy
Category: web
I am just full of journals tonight. Maybe I am going to go back to full time blogging now that I have a lot of time waiting while cooking. I don't care what side of the abortion fence you are on, this is not about that, but about companies lying.

In this information weekly magazine article about Comcast blocking certain type of traffic they also mentioned Verizon was caught blocking people's text messages based on content but it was an accident.

Verizon Wireless apologized for its blocking of an abortion rights group's messages, said the incident was isolated, and said it changed an outdated policy to ensure messages aren't blocked based on their content.

I don't understand how you are supposed to read this.

1. They had some system that let a rogue employee gain access to some filtering system and stopped that accidental access.

2. They wrote a production level program and deployed it that filtered out text messages about abortion rights, but when then they deleted it, they discovered that they had accidentally programmed and deployed it.

3. They had a verbal policy that used to disallow discussion about abortion rights via text message but then when they realized that the policy was an accident, they had already developed and deployed a system that actively filtered abortions rights information out.

If it is a filtering list system, what other words were "accidentally" filtered and who came up with that list. What do you think?
fellyconnelly - 01/16/08 07:01
hmmmmmm now if only they can filter out the damn spam messages that their customers keep getting...
james - 01/15/08 23:08
That sounds like a very poorly run on sentence.

01/15/2008 22:00 #42902

Crohn's begone
Category: health
So I called the Dr. Visco's office for like the fifth time today trying to get my biopsy results. I knew he probably deals with it everyday but for me I don't and I was really anxious waiting a week to find out. So then when the secretary read it to me she didn't mentions Crohn's and so I said, "Doesn't you mean to say Crohn's somewhere?" and she said it didn't say it anywhere on there. Needless to say I asked the doctor to call me back as I am so sick of talking to secretaries at this point. I think this is the same woman that said IBS when she meant IBD originally and caused the whole unbelievability factor with my former primary care physician.

So Dr. Visco calls me back like 4 hours later to say that the biopsy was consistent with their findings that I had ulcerative colitis but I am sure that he told me Crohn's before, (e:terry) remembers it too. He wants to see me again in four weeks. Seriously, even though Ulcerative Colitis can be life long and really bad, and you can lose you large intestine - it stops there - unlike Crohns which can kind of go anywhere from you mouth to your butt and can wreck you small intestine.

He also said I had crytptitis or something like that where the cells in my intestine that mature into normal intestine cells where messed or inflamed. I wish I understood it better. Frankly, I just wish he described it better.

Is this good news? I wish I knew.

jenks - 01/16/08 10:26
haha, oops. I am so full of stupid abbreviations that I forget they are not all standard. Yeah, f/u is follow-up.
paul - 01/16/08 09:02
Yes, thank god they are the same mostly at the level I am at - so no mis-medication
fellyconnelly - 01/16/08 07:04
are the drugs and diet that are associated with crohns the same as with ulcerative colitis?
jbeatty - 01/15/08 23:01
Maybe not to paul, but its slightly amusing that you refer to follow up as f/u.
jenks - 01/15/08 22:50
he definitely said crohn's to terry. and to me.
Ask him about it at your follow up.
they're not HUGELY different in my book.
Yes, you CAN get small bowel crohn's, but it's really rare. They're both pretty much colon disease.

I totally understand you wanting to know, and I hate that path always takes so long.

But aside from your sanity (not to say that doesn't count for anything), it probably won't make a huge difference- in your treatment- at least for right now. i.e. until you go back to see him. So just pin him down at f/u.
jim - 01/15/08 22:14
Seems like good news! Unless they're still telling you wrong things.

01/15/2008 20:03 #42898

Did someone pass wind
Category: apple
or is that the new macbook fart - I mean macbook air? I am glad I have no interest in it. I have had so many apple computers and this has all the feel of the few freakshow apple hardware items that I have now as museum pieces.


The powerbook duo 280c 1996 . Retail price like $3500ish - no usb - it did not exist and no optical drive, and no ethernet - you needed a dongle. I don't have the dongle or a CD that works with it so it still have a really pretty system 7 setup. I could never network it other than over telephone once I lost the dongle.

The ibook blueberry - one usb port for everything. That port died right after my apple care did. Before it died it was so annoying to unplug the usb mouse everytime. I wanted to charge something. It seems liek every computer I ever had starts to lose a usb port over time. Even my newest top of the line macbook pro has one that doesn't work as well and requires multiple plugging ins sometimes.

Sad to see no firewire or ethernet. Apple made firewire target disk mode which I think is one of the best things about apple laptops when you want to save them from some problem or copy data but this system doesn't have firewire either.

What about when there is no wireless and you want to plug in. Is that a dongle too. What if I want to stream movies to my TV and use a mouse. Now I have to carry a usb port splitter, a vga usb cable, and mouse and a usb ethernet adaptor. Couldn't have just been 3.05 lbs.

1. no firewire
2. one USB port
3. no ethernet
4. no optical drive
5. no built in graphics card
6. Price point $1799!!!! That seems so crazy when compared to the low end macbook pro for $1999
7. 2GB of ram
8. no dedicated graphics
9. 4-5 hours battery life - that is so super fucking lame. That is the one thing that laptops need to update right away. Battery life is so out of date with the other technologies. How can this laptop remove everything else and still not have a longer battery life. Is it better with the extra $100 for the solid state drive, lol.?

1. 3lbs
2. sexy design

This is so similar to my complaint with the iphone. It seems like design is really starting to trump functionality with apple. Liek why didn't they release copy and paste with the update. Or how about streaming radio or mobile ichat. I mean it is only software between it existing or not, not like it requires much of an investment on their part. That reminds me too much of Sony, I hope it stops.

If someone gave me one I would still play with it.
paul - 01/16/08 09:07
Lets add some more crap to the make this a disposable computer list.

1. Built-in battery is not user accessible
2. Apple's site indicates that the RAM is soldered to the motherboard.

The Solid State Drive option carries a $999 premium for a 64GB drive
mrdeadlier - 01/15/08 23:59
What entity would EVER allow design to dictate functionality? That concept is so completely foreign to me. Thank goodness I've yet to ever experience this firsthand!
jim - 01/15/08 22:13
I think it's cool if you're on the go and your main computer is some beefy desktop somewhere. On it's own it's lacking for sure.

I know I only want one computer - syncing multiple computers sucks.
jason - 01/15/08 21:40
wtf? vga/usb exists? Hell if I knew. I'd love to know how that works.
joshua - 01/15/08 21:32
See? There we go. My list of complaints was rather short in comparsion, hehe.

01/15/2008 19:21 #42897

AS if the last one wasn't bad enough
Category: buffalo
This is why I don't read the paper usually. Imagine if we went out and got shot the other night. It makes me not want to go out ever. So much for my idea that I am not going to get shot if I am not involved in drug deals or gang violence.

4 shot in Pearl Street parking lot as hundreds are leaving nightclubs.

A man was critically wounded as he and three other people were shot Sunday morning when two gunmen sprayed more than a dozen bullets into a crowded Pearl Street parking lot.

The volley of gunfire erupted just after 4 a.m. in the heart of the city's Theater District, near Shea's Performing Arts Center, while hundreds of patrons were leaving downtown nightclubs.

About 100 people standing and walking in the parking lot went running for their lives, screaming and ducking for cover.

Most seriously wounded was Charles Holmes, 26, of Watertown, who was listed in critical condition Sunday night. He was shot in the abdomen and was in the trauma intensive care unit at Erie County Medical Center.

Two other men suffered single gunshot wounds. Duran Lynch, 27, of Sanders Road, was listed in fair condition in ECMC, and Jason W. Hargrove, 25, of Cedar Street, was treated in Buffalo General Hospital and released.

Police said a bystander, Jennifer Seltzer, 28, of Auburn Avenue, was struck by a stray bullet.

Seltzer survived a raging fire in 2006 when roofers rescued her and her five children. She was treated in ECMC's emergency room.

Buffalo police spokesman Michael J. DeGeorge said that one of the three men is believed to be the target of the gunmen, but he declined to say which one.

"It's my understanding from talking to detectives that there was a certain amount of pandemonium," DeGeorge said. "Certainly, people were scared and concerned for their safety, and thankfully, at this point, everyone is alive."

The motive for the shooting remains unclear, but it might have been sparked by a quarrel.

"It's possible that there may have been an argument outside one of those bars in the area and that argument spilled into the parking lot," DeGeorge said.

The parking lot is in the 400 block of Pearl Street, nestled between McCarthy's Bar & Grill and Michalina's Bistro on one side and Genesee Picture Frame and Holley Farms on the other. Across the street is Space entertainment complex, Club Marcella and the rear entrance of Shea's.

"I was sitting in the window when I heard loud bangs - probably about 15 shots," said John Szuba, owner of Michalina's, a bar and nightclub at 454 Pearl, less than 100 feet away from the shooting scene.

"There was gunshots flying everywhere. I made everyone inside get down on the ground, and a couple people left out the side door," Szuba recalled at the scene Sunday afternoon. Yellow crime tape was still blowing in the wind, and a brown beer bottle was smashed into pieces on the sidewalk.

Seltzer has now survived two life-threatening experiences in less than two years. On April 6, 2006, she and her children were trapped in their burning 2z-story house on Hawley Street, near Forest Avenue, when two roofers driving to a job site noticed the fire.

The roofers grabbed a ladder from their truck and, with the help of a neighbor, climbed up and rescued Seltzer and three of her children - carrying them to safety, one by one. Her two remaining children jumped from the roof into the waiting arms of one of the roofers and their mother's boyfriend.

At the time, Seltzer was 26, and her children ranged in age from 1z months to 7 years. They all were treated in ECMC for smoke inhalation.

Lt. Sal Colangelo, head of the city fire marshal's office, investigated that fire along with his fire investigators.

"I'm really hoping she's OK," Colangelo said of Seltzer after he heard of the shooting. "It's just fortunate that luck would follow a person around like that."

Back on Pearl Street, Szuba said he has hired three off-duty police officers to patrol his bar and uses metal detectors to check his weekend patrons.

Last April, Liquori Mills, 23, was shot multiple times outside his bar.

"I'm not going to renew my lease here," Szuba said. "It's a shame that people are trying to make an honest living, but the police are not protecting the citizens on Pearl Street."

Szuba said he believes that officers are not patrolling Pearl Street enough and focusing far more attention on nearby Chippewa Street.

DeGeorge disagreed with Szuba's assessment, saying that police patrols are boosted in the downtown entertainment district on the weekends.

paul - 01/15/08 23:06
(e:libertad) you need to retell that story in your journal. Its such an appropriate time.
jbeatty - 01/15/08 22:51
This lot is about a block from where I work. It's bad for business when assholes like this shoot up the neighborhood. As if it isn't bad enough that hardly anyone lives around there and we rely on theater going suburbanites to fill our pockets.
libertad - 01/15/08 21:37
Makes me think of the time that someone was shot dead right in front of my car parked at Club Marcella on Pearl. My car became part of the crime scene and was all taped off so I couldn't leave. I hate guns.
metalpeter - 01/15/08 19:56
I read an article that was kinda about this today and how the club owners have been said to not do enough and then the lots are owned by someone also. They mentioned that they let the thug element in. I don't know if they let in to many "thugs" or what kind of music they play. But what I will say is that if anyone has a gun in a car or with them when they go to a club then the ass holes (if they are little white suburbanite drug dealers or little ghetto knuckleheads, gang bangers, Bike Gang members, mobsters or people connected to them, or just people who can't control them selves when they drink) need to stay the fuck home and shoot up there own enemies in their own hood and leave the people who just want to have a good time, the fuck alone. Most people who go out understand that where people get drunk that sometimes you get bumped into and that some people may spill a drink or touch someone they shouldn't and if the problem is big enough let a bar tender or security know. But there are a small handfull of people who can't handle that and need to stay home and not destroy a good thing for every one else. I do know that you do have a right to carry a gun to protect your self. But most likely if you are in Downtown and have one it is because you have enemies or get into trouble so you need one. Again if that is the case go dancing at the place near where you live.

01/15/2008 19:12 #42895

For any of you would be escorts
Category: buffalo

Man admits killing woman in his North Street apartment
Kevin R. Baker, a previously registered Buffalo-area sex offender, pleaded guilty today to a reduced charge of first-degree manslaughter for the suffocation murder of a 24-year-old female escort he had called to his North Street apartment three months ago.

State Supreme Court Justice Russell P. Buscaglia told Baker, 39, he faces a prison term of between 15 to 20 years on plea deal worked out by prosecutors and his attorney, Joseph J. Terranova, in the suffocation of Jillian M. Flagg, 24, of Amherst on Oct. 13.

Baker, who last year served a brief local jail term on a misdemeanor unlawful imprisonment charge for a September 2005 incident with an 11-year-old Cheektowaga girl, was remanded pending his March 19 sentencing.

I wonder what part of North Street - at least this one was not 11 years old.
paul - 01/17/08 08:47
Wow, sorry about your sister. It must be horrible to find out about the death of your sibling, no matter what the circumstances. I don't think anyone is blaming her for it. Clearly, some sicko strangled her and no one wants that for themselves.

Unlike, the news you can feel free to start a journal here and tell your story. I am sure people are willing to listen.

I wasn't saying her death didn't mean anything either, I was just saying that she must have known she was getting into something sketchy, at least more than say a kidnapped 11 year old.

Other people should use it as a warning to not involve themselves in that business. I think there is a misconception and that some people think that it is safe to be an escort.

On another note, I had a friend who had like $100,000 in medical bills and just didn't pay them. There is no debters prison in America. It's sad she felt that she had to resort to this. Like it would suck and she might be flat out broke the rest of her life, or living welfare/medicare, and living in a shack but I don't think anyone "has" to be a prostitute.

Again, I am sorry for your loss, I wish it could have turned out different.
phuckyou - 01/17/08 06:49
so my sister's death didn't mean as much because she wasn't 11? but then again the papers don't mention how ill she became this past year which lead to this awful lifestyle to pay medical bills for herself and her fiance with a broken spin
metalpeter - 01/16/08 17:29
That funny How did I miss this yesterday. Maybe he paid for her to afficate (cut off the air supply) to him and then she did it wrong or something and then he did it to her but did it to long. I don't know the details but I'm sure there is a reason he didn't preplan it.
james - 01/15/08 19:24
I wonder if they reduced it from murder to manslaughter because he murdered a sex worker and not a real human being.... grrr