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12/23/2007 19:07 #42627

Elmwood Winter Farmer's Marke
Category: food
I was reading on Buffalo Rising that the Elmwood Farmers market found a winter home in the presbyterian church on Elmwood. Isn't that Drew's church?

I am happy to announce that many of the vendors from the Elmwood-Bidwell Farmers Market, along with a few others, will kick off the opening of the Wintermarket on Elmwood on January 13th. Located inside the Presbyterian Church at the corner of Lafayette and Elmwood, it will be open on Sundays from 1 - 4PM until the Elmwood-Bidwell Market re-opens in May.

drew - 12/23/07 22:14
Yup. Drew's church.

12/23/2007 16:28 #42624

Christmas in Japan
Category: holidays
I was reading this site about some Christmas urban legend which later told of some real holiday trivia from Japanese adoption of western holidays. The Buffalo News is even featured as a source on this article in snopes.

As you'd expect in a country where less than 1% of the population is Christian (the rest is primarily Shinto or Buddhist), Christmas is a purely secular occasion, with shops and businesses remaining open for the day ... The elimination of the religious aspects of Christmas and its hyper-commercialization have led to some unique (and, to us, bizarre) ways of celebrating it ... What we do find unusual is a custom of young couples exchanging presents of expensive jewelry, heading out to high-priced hotels, and being directed by scantily-clad female elves to rooms complete with Christmas trees, where the lovebirds spend their Christmas Eve in romantic bliss. The co-optation of familiar Christmas figures - both secular and religious - in the service of mass merchandising has produced some rather curious blendings: Colonel Sanders dressed in a Santa suit (as KFC tried strenuously to promote fried chicken as the "traditional" Christmas meal) ... Santa in a graveyard accompanied by the Virgin Mary on broomstick, elves plastered on sake, and a Christmas revue featuring "stripping nuns and three lecherous Wise Men."

mike - 12/24/07 00:40
haha thats ridiuclously awesome!

12/23/2007 11:19 #42621

Bye Bye Tooth Peice
Category: health
I slept though it pretty much the whole thing. I just thought if I kept on sleeping I wouldnt have to deal with he stomach drama, which kind of, a tiny bit, improved.

Bye bye, little tooth part
Then this morning I woke up after a 20 hour nap because my back was starting to hurt from sleeping and was brushing my teeth when a part of my tooth fell out on a sunday. Now there is a hole in the tooth and new
little pieces keep falling out.


I just hope it can hold off until tomorrow before it really falls apart because no dentist seems to be open today. You can see from the picture that not much of the tooth is real. Most of it is the white filling. I had all my amalgam metal fillings taken out and replaced with the white ones in 1997 in Canada. They said it had a 5-10 year life span so I guess I am about to have a dental emergency considering I had 12 fillings replaced at that time. Maybe I should have just kept the freakin metal ones but I couldn't get over the idea of mercury getting into my body.


It's all my fault for the amount of candy I ate as a child. Like I used to (pre-stomach thing) eat a lot of candy as an adult - but it was way worse as a child.
lilho - 12/23/07 19:36
that looks like a hairy toothy vagina. kinda sick.
paul - 12/23/07 11:23
Wow mustache look disgusting up close.

12/19/2007 22:26 #42591

WNY hazardous waste
Category: buffalo
Where should the chemicals go?
What does everyone else do with all their chemicals? When we bought the house we inherited tons of chemicals, half empty, rusted crap, etc. I tried to put them all together in two places of the garage and basement but really it seems dangerous. Especially the one in the garage, I took them all and put them in two plastic totes.

I kept meaning to deal with it. Once we actually brought them with us to the dump but they didn't take them there. So I searched and found this erie county government site that isn't very up to date. Apparently, the next scheduled drop off day is Sept 8th, 2007. I am going to call tomorrow and find out about the next one.

Radon Gas
While I was on the site I found info about radon . I am uploading their education video to youtube so that it is a badnwidth friendly more acessible version instead of the 85Mb mpeg on the erie county site. I will post it here when it is done.

Did you know that radon is common in NYS and in Western New York.


It is an odorless, colorless gas that comes out of the soil and into your house. Luckily, in the city it looks like it isn't much of a problem but way out in some suburbs and rural areas it looks dangerous. Especially, marilla - I mean I wouldn't even want to live in East Aurora.

12/19/2007 14:36 #42583

This getting ridiculous
Category: health
So I call the doctors office again and get to talk to the secretary again. She tells me they are going to put me on Asacol 3 pills/3 times a day. So I call back and ask if I could also take a gluten or lactose intolerance test and she says, "Oh we don't do that here" So I ask her where and she doesn't know. So I call my "primary care" physician and he says there is no way they could have cme up with IBS from a CAT scan. SO SOMEONE IS FUCKING LYING - WHO IS IT?

He suggests I go to see the GI doctor. Which is exactly who I was looking for when I called the first doctor (a colon /rectal specialist) and asked him for a referal. He told me to just come to him and thats how I ended up in CT scan land. Now I have an appointment set for Feb 5th. By then I should be dead or crazy.

I guess I will just take the medicine and see if it helps. (e:terry) says it doesn't seem dangerous.

leetee - 12/19/07 20:27
I am so happy you HAVE health insurance, Paul... think of how shitty this would be without it.

I have had the same kind of issues you have had. The only thing that seemed to help me (i have no insurance, i have to self medicate) was keeping to bland foods and taking enzymes.

Good luck with this all... i really do hope that things aren't serious and that the pain doesn't continue!!
james - 12/19/07 19:36
and people complain about countries with socialized medicine making people wait...
imk2 - 12/19/07 18:31
you should tell them that you are in a lot of pain and that there is no way that you can wait that long. they leave spots open for cases like this. you have to be more assertive paul, you cant let these doctors walk all over you. i would call the office back and say "listen, i am in pain, i have been in pain for so long i am going to go crazy, you need to fit me in in the next week or so because there is no way that i can wait another month and a half to see a doctor, and then go through test and then wait for results. they will make room to see you, i gurantee you. do you want me to call for you and get this done?
ladycroft - 12/19/07 15:44
It took a long while for me to get diagnosed with IBS. Lots of tests later...would you believe it was actually my CHIROPRACTOR that made the discovery of my mega allergy to cow milk??? He was really into holistic healing and said he wanted to run blood tests for food allergies due ot my presenting symptoms. Crazy!
paul - 12/19/07 14:53
So I called the GI associates of Buffalo :::link::: and they said I was already a patient of Dr. Bartolone back in 1998. I really don't remember that. Maybe I just don't remember 1998. He looks like he speaks english at least. Right now that is still my only pre-requisite for a doctor. So I guess we will see feb 5th.