If that is not exciting for you, don't worry, but it is for me. And, Internet Explorer, Welcome to the 21st century, you old heap of junk, you!
enknot - 12/20/07 18:32 I'll believe it when I see it. I'm in the pit of my bitter little developers funk. Why are we such cynical bastards?
james - 12/20/07 12:27 Microsoft: raising the bar for the lowest common denominator.
paul - 12/19/07 20:32 That's awesome, we should see widespread adoption by 2012.
12/18/2007 20:36 #42573
The 300 Category: estrip
In your face, 250+!
james - 12/18/07 21:26 let us celebrate this auspicious occasion with a glass of wine
jim - 12/18/07 20:58 What my journals lack in terms of breadth and depth they shall make for in frequency AND ESPECIALLY EXUBERANCE!!!!
12/18/2007 14:43 #42572
We went to Buffalo General Hospital today. Pretty good food. Including what was apparently an 18" steak egg roll.
imk2 - 12/20/07 00:14 jenks you havent noticed a decline in the quality of the roswell food?
mrdeadlier - 12/19/07 20:55 jenks i respect your opinion even though you are wrong ;)
jenks - 12/18/07 23:35 i disagree. I still think roswell's caf kills the Kaleida Kafe.
imk2 - 12/18/07 21:10 i'm glad i'm not the only one that has noticed that roswell food has gone down in quality. i think it has a lot to do with the fact that the head chef that was there left about 6 months ago and the standards he had implemented while he was there left with him too.
i wonder if i should write another letter to roswell big wigs to let them know my (and your) thoughts on the matter. maybe i should blog about it, maybe we all should.
james - 12/18/07 16:05 they are holding the good food ransom until Jim's project is done.
And (e:Terry), I shot tea out of my nose reading that. ^_^
paul - 12/18/07 15:50 Sounds healthy. Glad to see Buffalo General has healthy food just like Roswell. Seriously, why is the Roswell food so sub par now.
terry - 12/18/07 15:21 (e:paul) wsa there at the same time having a very different kind of lunch. :p
mrdeadlier - 12/18/07 15:06 An 18" egg roll with FREAKING STEAK AND CHEESE IN IT.
12/17/2007 14:19 #42554
Flu Category: sick
I thought my stomach was tied up in knots due to stress, turns out it's the stomach flu. If only all things were as easy to solve as just waiting a couple days.
paul - 12/17/07 18:13 I think twitter does to writing what MTV does to attention span. Soon people will not be able to write more than a sentence.
jim - 12/17/07 15:14 Yeah, I'm afraid of visco-toxins :::link:::
paul - 12/17/07 15:09 My stomach ache started out with my thinking it was a stomach flu. Didn't you just have the stomach flu a little while back? Good luck. Watch this be the early stages of laptop induced stomach illness or something crazy.
mrmike - 12/17/07 14:30 On a per word ratio, your posts will be blank inside of a week ;)
jim - 12/17/07 14:21 My posts are getting shorter and shorter. The mal effects of twitter, I suppose.
12/16/2007 20:06 #42547
Speedracer the Movie Category: culture
Good or Wack?
scott - 12/17/07 15:07 Wack. Some classics don't need to be rehashed.
carolinian - 12/17/07 13:00 When I saw Golden Compass last week I saw the Speed Racer previews. The acting looked too good and the actors' lines were far too articulate to qualify as a faithful live-action representation of the Speed Racer franchise.
jason - 12/17/07 11:25 When I was a kid I was fascinated by Speed Racer. The trailer looked pretty cool. They stylistically do make it sort of cartoonish, and I like that. I can't wait to see more. Hopefully they do a good job with it.
jim - 12/17/07 00:02 Personally I'm hoping for good. Campy, colorful, fast, flashy - could be a fun movie.
jim - 12/16/07 22:43 mrmike, I do not know if you jest. I'll withhold judgement of your sanity until you clarify.
I'll believe it when I see it. I'm in the pit of my bitter little developers funk. Why are we such cynical bastards?
Microsoft: raising the bar for the lowest common denominator.
That's awesome, we should see widespread adoption by 2012.