If I got a check for $500, it would have been totally unremarkable. Just put it in the bank and not thought about it, but seeing all these 20's, 50's and 100's is kind of shocking. I don't think I've ever carried this much cash in my pocket at once.
I went and deposited it this morning, I was so tempted with thoughts of going wild, out to dinner, out shopping, etc, etc. Or go buy drugs or hookers. It also made me feel like I'd done something wrong and was going to get arrested. Weird psychological reaction to cash. Glad it's out of my pocket. Now it'll go towards the gas bill, rent, and food like it needs to so I don't end up homeless :)

Im in love with that picture!
That looks like $550 bro.
On a serious note about money for a second. Yes banks are good and are safe and insured. That being said everyone should have some cash stored some place that only they know where it is, for the just incase something something happens that prevents you from getting money from the bank like say the Hoover dam and the falls power plant are both taken and we lose all power or something along those lines. The thing about debit cards is that they are great but they also increase spending. First of all you can spend 24 hours a day and don't have to worry that if you run out of cash how will you get to the bank. But what they also do is change the feel of having money. When you work a week and are handed cash or a check that you cash. You are more careful with that money. I drop $500 in the snow next person who comes along it is theirs. Now with a check they can get it cashed but that is breaking a law or two. Also when you hand that money over for a PS3 and maybe a game, it like wow I did a lot of work for this so it makes you think about it every time you buy something. But with checks being direct deposited you never feel or smell that cash so when you spend all that money you don't even think about it really. But there are some places where you really do need cash like drugs, strippers, and hookers. Hey maybe I should find a nice stripper do date who doesn't do lap dances but still has lots of cash. Oh Forgot one other place you need cash in Rap Videos.
Is there a video to go along with that?
"I forced him to throw that money at me while I pretended to sob in bed."
I forced him to throw that money at me while I pretended to sob in bed.
It was great!
You should have made it rain.
I love cash more than more than checks or electronic money. One of our tenants pays there rent in six $100 bills each month. Its fun going to the store 6 times and whipping out a hundred.