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Tinypliny's Journal

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11/16/2007 19:39 #42168

How safe is this area?
Category: crime
Quick question for those of you familiar with this area:
(Bounded by Sheridian Drive, Bailey Avenue, Niagara Falls Boulevard, Decatur Road, Yale Avenue, enclosing Eggert Road)


Can one stroll in the circled area without fear of being mugged or shot at say, 8:30 AM? How does this area compare to the areas around Roswell (Ellicott, Main etc.), Elmwood Strip?

Thanks in advance for any opinions!
tinypliny - 11/18/07 16:36
Hmmm... I wonder why you say that (e:zobar). I was able to walk quite easily from Sheridian to the middle of Niagara Falls Boulevard without being mowed down by vehicular traffic. There were generous sidewalks throughout. I have walked on worse roads in Rochester, that have no sidewalks at all. Rochester is really quite ill-planned compared to Buffalo.
zobar - 11/17/07 13:47
The residential parts are safe. Bailey and Eggert are not for pedestrians; Sheridan Dr and Niagara Falls Blvd are downright pedestrian-hostile.

- Z
tinypliny - 11/17/07 11:27
Thanks Jim and James! :)
james - 11/16/07 21:31
I really wish they built the second UB campus in the city of Buffalo. I remember what a pain in the ass it was to go to class there. I had to leave 45 minutes before class began. That was 30 minutes driving and 15 minutes to walk from my parking space. AHH!
jim - 11/16/07 20:23
That's Tonawanda, pretty safe. Matt grew up sort of near there.

11/13/2007 00:02 #42100

Category: the odes
I think this has something to do with living on the fifth floor. My homeostatic regulatory mechanisms are striving to balance this unnatural elevation. The result is, I spend most of my time at home, on the floor. I don't have any desire to get a bed and I am quite happy sleeping on the floor. Apparently, the homeostatic powers have decided that this level of floor-loving is not enough. I now need to sit, read and work on the floor. So here I am, lusting after this oh-so-chic low table.


This would totally match the decor in my flat. I happen to have set of black drinking mugs. There are, however, some impediments to this homeostatic plan. The low table is a designer table and it's sold by a European outlet - both of which might shoot up the cost. But wait, maybe I should get this alternative:


How fortunate that I also happen to have set of chopsticks to grace this table, should I end up buying it. It's sold from Toronto, but the cost is still prohibitive, what with the Canadian dollar rousting the US of A dollar. Perhaps, I should go the authentic Japanese way and get a Kotatsu. I could then kill two birds with a single table. The table comes equipped with a space heater - to heat the space under the table so that your big toe doesn't ever freeze.


I might save big on accessories! I already own a laptop, a drinking bottle and a quilt.

Though the law of homeostasis demands that I get one of these tables, the law of penury demands that I ward off this urge and get back to the journal article that I am reading and finish it without making any more fuss about tables and floors. After all, what good is an unfrozen toe if the rest of the important parts of your body have gone through the freeze and thaw cycle several times already??
tinypliny - 11/15/07 22:59
@(e:ladycroft): I hope not!! I really like it on the floor!!! :)

@(e:museumchick): Unfortunately, that's not my flat. I wish it were though. I would really like to have that table with the rug! :)

@@(e:Hodown): I totally agree!!!

@(e:metalpeter): Might I say, those are excellent points. I am prone to tripping over everything because I am most probably, the clumsiest person alive on the planet. But I am crazy about keeping my floor clean. I seriously could and (most surely would) murder the people who dare come in with their shoes on. :)
metalpeter - 11/13/07 16:58
I myself being about average height don't like table on the floor. They would be very awkward since I would be to high above them when sitting. The other problem is it is just something else to trip over. If you drop a box on the floor of something you bought you wouldn't be able to see the table anymore. I'm not saying they are a bad Idea at all just not what I'm into. I think that for them to work the place has to be like a traditional Japanese place where you take off your shoes. You don't want to be sitting on a floor that you walked on with shoes from outside. The other thing is that you can't do that cause if the floor gets dirty then it is near your food. You also can't have a dog or a cat cause they will want to eat right off that table. In theory it is a cool idea and would look really nice, but for me it isn't an option. That being said I hope you get one and remember that during winter when that floor is cold you might feel differantly.
hodown - 11/13/07 12:28
That last table looks so cozy and warm. I love it!
museumchick - 11/13/07 12:27
Your place looks cozy and comfortable:). I like the idea of having everything on the floor, though, (e:ladycroft) is right... it could start to get kind of cold.
ladycroft - 11/13/07 02:30
your tune might change when winter is full throttle - you'll be posting about bunk beds to maximize your time in the heat ;)

i bet you could make that table, or something very similar. living a life of penury develops the creative genius.

11/12/2007 00:41 #42086

I waited and waited and waited...
Category: eating in
... for some plums to ripen. I bought them more than a month back at Guercio's. Usually, I just eat them, ripe or not. But I remembered Paul and James wax eloquent about the merits of ripened plums at the Garden Walk Party and I decided to give ripening a try. I got the special ripen-your-pear-plum-peach bag from Wegmans, kept the plums carefully in the bag and waited.

And waited... and waited and waited, till I could wait no longer.

Today, I checked them out and they had metamorphosed into shrivelled PRUNES!

I was somewhat hesitant to try them out but I am super-glad I did. They are just absolutely DELICIOUS! I am in Prune-Heaven!

Moral of the Story: Patience pays rich and rocking dividends!


james - 11/12/07 10:39
It is the same with pears. They are so delicious when fully ripe but I don't have the patience most of the time.

My secret is to hide plums and pears somewhere and then hope I find them in a month before they spoil.

11/16/2007 00:01 #42157

Verbatim: Spam is not welcome.
Category: e:strip
A while back, I had an email exchange with a chap who was deleted from (e:strip) for spamming his realty business advertisements on the site. I wanted to post this before, but I guess I was just being lazy. Well, here it is. I think this person totally deserved the severe comments, and no response from me, but I realized this too late.

This was my original comment:

Dear uptownevolutio,
tinypliny commented on journal #41785:


FYI, I am not planning on moving to Charlotte anytime in the next 1000 years. I am not sure this is a right group of people you need to be targeting. Most of the people here are firmly rooted in Buffalo.


In reply, he wrote:

Thanks for your kind words and support. Ummmm.... really, I deal with people from the Buffalo area on a weekly basis relocating to Charlotte for something called jobs...... But the smile on my face must be from all the people Not moving from Buffalo/Upstate NY. Oh well..... It's comments like these that I laugh at on my way to the bank. Enjoy your deep roots in Buffalo. I guess everyone has a place and I am glad you found yours. Enjoy it.


Scott Russo
Center City Realty
704.421.0706 direct
704.358.0050 office

I ignored this, but then he wrote again...

On 10/30/07, Scott Russo Broker/Realtor Center City Realty <> wrote:

> I am not sure this is a right group of people you need to be targeting. Most of
the people here are firmly rooted in Buffalo.

I have been truly busy this last week but wanted to send you some info. I did some research as to how many people are so firmly rooted in Buffalo. It seems you have topped the list of the most people moving from your area for the last decade from 1990 to 2000. Congratulations!

My guess is that it could be related to the rise in crime since 1999. I mean after all .... you only have double the amount of crime in your small city as the average city in the US.


City Residents
1980: 357,870
1990: 328,175
2000: 292,648
2004 estimate: 282,864
Percent change, 1990-2000: -10.8%
U.S. rank in 1980: 39th
U.S. rank in 1990: 50th (State rank: 2nd)
U.S. rank in 2000: 69th (State rank: 2nd)
Density: 7,205.8 people per square mile (2000)

Scott Russo
Center City Realty
Charlotte, NC USA
704.421.0706 direct

I was really tired that day and somewhat irked by his last email when I wrote my reply. Some of my "facts" were skewed, but it was very liberating to type away wildly without thinking about the consequences, for a change. :)

Hi Scott,

Thanks for the statistics. I have no reason to doubt it at all. I know that Buffalo is a dying city. There is a lot of crime in the city and employment rates are at a record low. Add to this equation, appalling mismanagement on the governance front and sky-rocketing taxes. I am sure that, given this rather bleak scenario, moving to Buffalo or staying on in poverty and crime is not the dream of most people around the US.

When I made that comment in your journal, I wanted to balance, what I thought were somewhat harsh, comments left on the journal by some of the other (e:strip) people. I truly apologize that my comment didn't strike the right chord, and instead sounded negative and patronizing. When I said that I was not sure that you were targeting the right group of people I meant the regulars on (e:strip). I do know for a fact that most of them are really quite attached to the place. Jim and James, for instance (the people who commented) are seriously considering buying a home in Buffalo.

Many of the regulars on (e:strip) have been here for a long time and a large chunk of them own their homes around Elmwood, Downtown Buffalo or in the suburbs such as Amherst and Kenmore. Moving is not a option for them because they have families and relatives here. More importantly, they have secure paying jobs or are attending graduate school/doing research.

I am not aware of the official policy of advertisement on (e:strip), but I am confident in saying that advertising is not the focus of the community and is generally looked down upon. The concept behind the creation of the (e:strip) site was to build not only a close-knit online community but also to transcend barriers of anonymity to bring neighbours together. It is a complete non-profit both in sense, and in vision, run by Paul Visco - the creator. It is quite clearly a labour of love.

We at (e:strip), are not just online personas, we are almost a family. Almost everyone knows everyone else by their real name and occupation. We meet at frequent get-togethers and exchange views and ideas. While being close-knit, estrip also welcomes new members. However, we strongly prefer that new members take the site personally, and respect it for what it is, a family of friends. Naturally, we feel more than a little irked when new members use the public forum for advertisement or for private gain.

I came to Buffalo about 5 months back for my Ph.D. research, and I have to admit that (e:strip) was one of the major factors that made me feel at ease in a new city and in a new neighbourhood. My move and transition to a new community was almost effortless. I was made to feel welcome by almost all of the (e:strip) family. I deeply regret that you did not have a similar experience and faced bitterness, instead. I am sorry for rambling on and on, but I wrote this letter in an effort to illustrate the feelings of (e:strip) regulars and an explanation of not only my comment, but also the reception that you unfortunately received.

I am sure that you are still most welcome to post at (e:strip). However, we do ask that you treat us as your family, and not hurt us by treating us as your prospective clients for future profit.


cc: Paul Visco, Vision, Design and Creation,

Future spammers better take note and edge away quietly, before you are detected and decapitated!

carolinian - 11/16/07 09:30
I'd add "(e:carolinian) had to move up to Buffalo to do programming for a living because the folks in Charlotte were too snotty about him not having a computer science degree. Nevertheless, he's quite thankful that you're redirecting the herd-mentality yankees to the less desirable areas of his home state."
mrmike - 11/16/07 09:13
Well smacked down
libertad - 11/16/07 08:41
We could take a picture of your disapproving eyes and send it to him?
imk2 - 11/16/07 05:30
james - 11/16/07 01:03

That is a really nice letter back to him Tiny.

Jim and I both left nasty comments on his journal. We both got a single email each and it was snotty, but not nearly as loquacious as his letter to you.

I guess he thought that by you being moderate in tone meant you were an easy target to send crap through email to. Well, you sure showed him ^_^

11/06/2007 23:24 #42019

It's all about fashion!
Category: the odes
Seeing as how video-responses and audio-responses and general responses-in-kind are the rage on the web, this is a pseudoscientific photoresponse to Paul's blog on pagers, posted yesterday. ((e:Paul,41990)).

Objective and Hypothesis:
Using the same model, setting and variables, I think a plausible answer to Paul's bewilderment at Roswell's persistence with seemingly outdated technology, is an unswerving commitment to fashion.

Study Design:
Observational, Cross-Sectional (a.k.a snapshot).
Controlled setting: Roswell Buildings
Controlled model (constant): (e:imk2)
Variables: Accessories

Apparatus: 3.2 Megapixel Fuji
Statistical Methods: Bivariate Prevarication

Pay special attention to the duplication of accessories, the "big and bold" theme and the evident delight of the Roswellian. After statistical testing, the following observations are seen to be statistically significant:

(a) "Big and bold" is beautiful. (p value*: 0.0008, CI: Big, Huge#)

(b) Like history, fashion trends repeat themselves. (p value*: 0.003, CI: Repeat twice, Repeat Six times^)

(c) Fashion might be directly associated with gratification, and thus happiness (no matter, how transient) (p value*: 0.04, CI: Smile, Maniacal Gurgling Laughter%)

(d) Good things come in doubles (p value*: 0.045)@


  • p-value: prevarication value

  1. The Zero (or Null) being - "Normal" on a continuous scale from "Really tiny" to "Ginormous"

^The Zero (or Null) being - "Remains same" on a continuous scale from "Doesn't repeat at all" to "Repeats infinite times".

%The Zero (or Null) being - "A Neutral Look" on a continuous scale from "A Scowling frown" to "Maniacal Howling Laughter".

@Analysis included categories such as:
-- "Good things come in singles"
-- "Bad things don't come at all"
-- "Good things don't come at all"
-- "There is no such thing as a good or a bad thing (reference category)"

Discussion and Key Conclusions:
Roswell recognizes the fashion needs of its esteemed employees and thus results (a) and (b) are robustly matched by the institution in the form of old fashioned "big and bold" themed pagers. Though, results (c) and (d), barely reach statistical significance, Roswell goes an extra mile to ensure that even these "barely there" fashion needs are met by (i) forcing committed Roswellians to have a minimum of two pagers and (ii) putting them in situations where they are required to smile, no matter what the circumstance (or the weather).

Ha, this study is perfect. Stop looking for faults, you nitpicker!

Public Health Significance:
This study demonstrates the acute mental health needs of the estripper who authored this manuscript.

Conflict of Interest:
The author of this manuscript is the recipient of a bag of sweet sweet candy from one of the "constants" in the study, i.e. (e:imk2).

Visco P. et. al. Text Pagers and the Wegmans Parking Lot .; ((e:Paul,41990)): 2007, Sep 05.
james - 11/07/07 09:42
Tiny, you need your own TV show.

You can cook, crack jokes, dance a little. Like a one woman variety hour.
paul - 11/07/07 03:02
I think they may be the funiest thing I ever read!! I love the references section.
jenks - 11/07/07 01:08
ohhhh, tiny.... I think you need to get away from work for a while. ;)