So as a fan of the NHL why am I laying this foundation? We had all of these trendy bandwagon fans buy out the arena with season tickets. Now the team sucks and "other things" are coming up for them to do. SO this is a wonderful opportunity to go catch games. With a large season ticket base and falling demand, an opportunity to catch a quality team when they come to town is what we have.
In my situation I'm going to be going to at least 2 games very soon due to the people jumping off the bandwagon. I just love these Die Hard Sabres Fans.
Point #2 Ryan Miller Sucks. He's just a sound fundamental goalie that knows has his Angles down and that's about it. He not and never will be a pure athletic reaction goalie, a la Patrick Roy or Dominik Hasek. He's fine when you score 6 goals a night and the defense hangs back since you have a 2 goal lead. But when the pressure is on and the other team is pinching this guy is a sitting duck. Standing on his own and he's just mush, or #33 according to

That means that there are 3 BACKUP goalie with better stats than he currently has!
So to me this fact just caps the unholy trinity of the Sabres F'ing up. Briere, Drury, and Miller. They should have kept Martin Biron and dumped Miller.
I agree with Josh, I saw a bit of both games over the weekend and both Miller and Thibault could sue for non-support. They were left to their own devices a lot which is a little strange considering the bulk of our defense is hold overs and should know how to play together. On the upside, some of the fair weather folks will get out of the way and it might be a little easier for us poor hardcore types to see a game.
I appreciate the rip on the fair weathers, but we all knew this was going to happen anyway, didn't we? I used to get irritated with the fair weather support but I've turned a new leaf and just accept the fact that people around here fucking suck when it comes to supporting the team when they aren't Stanley Cup contenders. Most of those "DIE HARDS" were on a milk carton in 2004!
I think the jury is out on Miller - to an extent I think he is victimized by our shocking lack of any defense.... at all. Ultimately our defensive strategy leaves him hanging a lot, and what are we to expect - that he's going to be all-world when the odds are always stacked against him? I don't think he is or will be on the level of Roy, but I think he is an above average goalie that would do better for his own personal statistics if he weren't a Buffalo Sabre.
Luongo's also having a shitty year comparatively, and nobody's throwing him under the bus just yet. Just saying, let's let the season play out. That being said, the second goal the other day was just shocking. Just shocking.