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09/29/2007 11:50 #41398

back in buffalo!
Hello (e:peeps)! I am finally back in buffalo....and it feels great! Now I just have to get my shit together, and put my life back on track....

on that note: for those of you who work at Roswell, it is seriously my dream to work there....I have applied to a billion posiitons, but I haven't heard anything about any of them....SO! I found a posting this morning of something that I have experience in and something I would love to do...job # 820-Clinical Resarch Associate I. If any of you have any pointers as to how I can snag the job, that would be so greatly appreciated. I am so in need of something that I can feel validated for....and htis job sounds perfect.

09/13/2007 22:45 #41087

every time I try to post on here, my internet gets messed up....I am going to attempt to do so again....

I am leaving for home (buffalo) coming a week today.....I leave las vegas and start my journey across the US to end ultimately in buffalo.....which should be sometime around sunday night or monday morning.....

things fell apart here, and I just need to get home.

anyone know of any good jobs? or any job for that matter....I need a job. ANYTHING will do as long as I can make money and keep my clothing on.

I am getting my hair trimmed tomorrow.....I am excited.

Im exhausted. i need to go to bed.....gonight.
metalpeter - 09/14/07 17:39
Hope you enjoy your trip back to Buffalo. I don't know what you want to do but there are lots of jobs and even temp services. Lots of people say there are not jobs but if you pick up a job finder you will see there are a lot of jobs. Are there lots of jobs that you would like and are qualified for, not sure that is a different issue. I don't know of anyone of hand to is hiring but I haven't been looking for jobs. I'm sure you will find something.
jessbob - 09/13/07 22:51
Feel better.
jbeatty - 09/13/07 22:48
No, but if I did I would be applying there myself tomorrow!

09/10/2007 20:37 #41039

news since last post....
My prospectus went awesome. I couldn't have imagined it any better.... I am so happy about this! My committee was very impressed with my research project, my organization, and my ability to explain it....thank god.

So, to celebrate, danny and I went to the BMI urban music awards. it was insane. i hung out with fellows like sean combs, three 6 mafia, lil wayne, T-Pain, Lil Mama, etc. Yes. it was insane. entertaining to say the least.

what else? I got a pedicure today. hot pink toes! love it.

my dogs are sooooooo annoying. they are wrestling.

Oh! I got a new phone. the new palm treo. it's so intense. there is so much to learn on this thing, i don't even know where to begin.

so, recently i have been feeling very spiritual....I want something to find me peace and a place of content-ness....I have bought jade and buddist jewelry to keep my mind on the things that I value the most, and to bring me good luck of course....

I really want some indian food. that would be fabulous....we will see what I can scrounge up!

tonight I am going to see built to spill. excited. this weekend is modest mouse. wonderful!
libertad - 09/10/07 21:53
OMG I should have been wearing jewelry all this time! Why didn't anyone tell me?!

What does it look like? I looked at some on image search, but it is all so different from one another. Post a pic if you can.

09/06/2007 15:55 #40971

ok. so I have less than 2 hours before I have my thesis prospectus. I am FREAKING out man....I am totally prepared, but am terrified of the whole experience. Ugh! I can't wait till its over. I am going to need a few cold ones after this.... other news, I am going to the BMI urban music awards here in las vegas tomorrow. I get to go on the red carpet and watch celebrities and watch the whole awards show. It's hilarious. I am going to be the only white girl DMC, rhianna, lil jon etc are all going to be there. HAHAHAHAHA. entertainment at its finest.

and the MTV video music awards is this weekend here too. I am sure the whole city is going to be a zoo. awesome. NOT.

hmm. what else? I threw my back out big time. it is horrendous. I went to the chiropracter yesterday to get it fixed. I feel a bit better...but it doesn't help that I am wearing t-strap mary jane heels...I mean, how practical is that?

The countdown is on. home is less than a month. yes!
ladycroft - 09/07/07 05:28
Hurray! By now it's all over and you can BREATHE. MTV music awards??!! Holy crap you HAVE to stalk 30STM on my behalf! Haha.

And I meant to say previously, you're hair is not short, it's super cute!!
museumchick - 09/06/07 22:22
I hope the thesis prospectus went well for you:).
metalpeter - 09/06/07 19:15
If you are at your cutest and really the only white girl I'm sure you will get hit on a lot, I'm guessing, don't know if that is good or bad. I forgot about those MTV awards thanks for reminding me. Hey it is a good time to grab a camera and be our version of prez hilton. Hope you have a great time.
jason - 09/06/07 16:04
What are T-Strap mary jane heels? Eh, nvm!

08/07/2007 13:50 #40425

crazy crazy
So, a long while since I last posted....nothing too exciting going on.

I got back from buffalo last wednesday at 1am, and started my new job at 8am that day. My boss is a dick, like super sexist, and it really pisses me off. yea, i may be tiny and a woman, but that doesn't mean i can't move 40 lb boxes in the back, so don't belittle me and tell me I shouldn't bother because they are heavy.

he makes stupid comments like, "we only hire hot chicks" and "women really sucks bad". I think he tries to be funny, but he isn't. at all. He is the type that drives a crotch rocket, wears all black, listens to bands like slipknot, and thinks he is such hot shit that it is disgusting.

but apparently i am not the only who thinks this way. my entire staff does. and they want to fire him. and the owner of volcom wants to put me as store manager. but i don't want to because i am leaving in a month and a half (which they don't know about).... being a store manager would make me mucho dollars, but I certainly don't want to deal with the shit and responsibility. Everything is on your shoulders...and you put in way more hours than just 40 a week.

I havent worked on my thesis is over a month. this is a serious probem because my goal is to have it done by the time i leave. is this possible? I really have to bust into high gear.

So, I went to saks 5th avenue over the weekend and bought a juicy couture denim skirt with heart pockets (and I already have the same jeans). Its adorable, but cost me a small fortune. I can't spend for the next week and half thanks to that damn skirt....

and when I get paid next week, my first thing I am going to do is get my hair cut. A post or so ago, I stated that I was duct taped to a chair and had my hair chopped off. It's about hsoulder length now, but I think I want to get a chin length bob...kinda like Irulan from the real world las vegas (reunited hair style of course). theory is, if my hair is gone, which it is, might as well get it cut the way I want it.

I have been working so much, I am so out of touch with what is going on in the world recently. I feel like a bad citizen of society. I know someone shot people at the caesers palace parking garage over the weekend....does that count for something? jesus.

Anyway, I hope all (e:peeps) are doing well....take care!
lilho - 08/08/07 02:23
apparently you have time to blog but zero time to call me back???? thanx.
deeglam - 08/08/07 01:37
even though I don't know some of you, I LOVE YOU ALL! you all know how to make me laugh....thanks for the great comments!
metalpeter - 08/07/07 19:59
I can't really say anything about the job the reason is that job enviroment is a big factor in harasement I don't know it. For example if a girl walks into an autobody place the guys are going to be pigs and have naked girls hanging all over the place and if she is offended then she shouldn't work there. But in your case it sounds like the guy is dick but there is wrong with Japanese racing bikes and liking slipknot. But on a completely unrealted topic Now if you are only staying for that short of a time How am I supposed to get you to get me free Volcom stuff :).
joshua - 08/07/07 16:10
I like your attitude, given that you wouldn't flip it around and try to weasel out of some manual labor by using your sexiness level to your advantage. You know what I mean? Like a case where a woman says, 'don't tell me I can't do it, but don't ask me to do it either.'

You aren't a bad citizen... everybody gets wrapped up in their own crap. I'm sure your hair looks fine, by the way! I'm sorry to hear about your abduction/forced hair cut.
ajay - 08/07/07 15:40

Sue the dick and make million$ ...
ladycroft - 08/07/07 15:37
all i could think of when i read your first paragraph was an episode from 'The Office', the one about sexual harrassment in the workplace :)
chico - 08/07/07 13:52
Keep the crappy job, skip the temptation to become manager, and *finish* *that* *thesis* !!!