I am a young woman in a situation that isn't the best she has had...
a women who is in love with animals, especially my 3 babies...
a girl who loves pink and hello kitty
but is not a bimbo by any means (which some may believe me to be on first impression....which of course I despise)
I have a heart of gold....sometimes that isn't a great quality though, because you get set up to be let down at times....
my family is most important to me.
i don't get my eyebrows waxed as often as I should.
sometimes i say things that I shouldn't say about other people. but what most people don't know is that most of the time i regret it.
i love cleaning bathrooms.
my gucci bag is clearly fake. i mean, whoever spends $3000 on a bag is dumb.
2 of my closest friends are men. I think I just get along with dudes better....
I am a democrat. although I hate to say a party affiation, but I guess i am more liberal than anything....
I am tough. and I promise you, if you piss me off enough, i will punch you in the face....
I love to laugh. sometimes uncontrollably. In fact, this is quite embarrasing, but once in 4th grade, I was laughing so hard that I peed on
(e:lilho). yes. that is right folks. I peed on her in a cardboard box in my basement.
i have an ever changing hairstyle, although recently it has stayed constant. I am contemplating changing it.
i want to have a great job. but i also want to go back to school for like, everything....including physics. I don't understand it all....then again, who does, but I want to go to school for it.
and i hate school at the same time.
i am a little heavier than i would like to be. but i can manage.
i hate people who talk too much....like, the type who turn a 2 minute story into 70 minutes. i don't give a shit about your life. please give me the condensed version.
I LOVE MAKEUP. it's horrible. don't ever tell me I have too much lipgloss. you never can. and for the record, i wear minimal makeup despite my huge collection. i do not look like a streetwalker. thank you.
i have a dry sense of humor.
i am sometimes sensitive.
i am not too much of a movie person.
music is my life.
i am allergic to everything. the sun. the grass. even tattoo ink. bad news man....
i read books about diseases and economics for fun. i am a total nerd. but so clueless at the same time....
i usually have bad skin, but recently, it has been great due to my new skin care system from the derm.
i like to eat bad food. that's right. i will be the first in line at taco bell and arby's.
i love television. really bad television for that matter. for instance, i love that show on E!: girls next door. I mean, who watches that shit?
i haven't worked out in 2 weeks.
if you don't' like any of these qualities in a person, then don't talk to me. in fact. don't' look at me. don't read this. i don't want you in my life anyway.
Looks like your brothers had a great time!