The Roswell Park Cancer Institute Memorial Mace
Yes, an honored stick with which to beat people, in a glass class by Human Resources.
And even better, an illustrated history of the evolution of medicine:
view large here)
Including these highlights:
Centaurs curse humankind with illness, including cancer.
Greeks like to have sex with other men and also fail to cure cancer.
An old Jew wears pointy shoes and withholds secret knowledge of how to fight cancer.
Some guy invented very small drippy zeppelins that fail to cure cancer.
Madam Curie returns from the dead in radiant form, but no one can see her cure for cancer.
There is another secret ghost hiding behind the ghost of Madam Curie. We do not know his story.
Scientists are too poor to own chairs, so you should donate money to RPCI. To help them cure cancer.
Cacti are taking over the world, a new form of mega-cancer.
An African looking mask likes to leer at reclining nude women. Something something cancer. has updated their site.