He was working on Book 12 of 'The Wheel of Time'. A series that I started reading about a decade ago. This was supposed to be the last book and would've wrapped everything up. I am sorry he is dead. But mostly I am mad that I can't finish the series, and I'll tell you why.
The first few books of the series were really really good, but then it just started dragging on FOREVER. The last 5 books, nothing much happened. And I read them anyways just to work towards closure and find out what happens. But now I've invested so much time in the thing that the fact it's going to have over my head for the rest of my life is aggravating. If I knew the man I"d feel differently, but impersonally from a distance this is what I'm upset about.
James, as museumchick mentioned it looks like he dictacted the plot of the book to a tape recorder, so Kevin J Anderson may get his shot at patching it all up into a final product. I have mixed feelings about it, since I am desperate for closure.
I don't know if he had any children, but if he did (particularly a son) you can look forward to the last book co-written with Kevin J Anderson in a few years... and then a TON of crappy fan-fics written by the pair that keep the franchise going.
A friend was telling me that he dictated the ending to some of his friends- so they might be able to finish the 12th book for him.