My take on the Apple Rebate for the $200 drop in price on iPhones, in response to a question about how I could be happy to be partially refunded after being 'overcharged'.
Saying they overcharged me is wrong, it is just not an accurate description of the economic transaction that I participated in. They asked for $600 and I thought it was worth $600 *TO ME*, and so I paid. This is how a market works. What the price is two months later is completely irrelevant. Prices on electronics always drop or better models come out. I was charged exactly the agreed upon amount.
Apple is giving credit to make up for the price drop, yes. But they do not feel bad for overcharging me, because there was no overcharging. There is just a different charge now, that is lower, and they are doing partial credits to acknowledge that it was quicker then usually happens. That is good manners, in my book.
The rebate process was super easy, and I never expected a rebate or credit, so I am happy to get it.
Additionally: the price was high when initial demand was high, and now that they're heading into Christmas and have production ramped up, they dropped the price to gain market share. I'm glad I paid an extra $200 to Apple if it meant I could walk into an Apple store and buy an iPhone, instead of not being able to get a phone because they were going for an extra $1000 on eBay because the prices at launch were so low that demand was out of sync with supply causing scalper scum to snatch up every damn phone in the country.
That's what happened to the Wii and xBox and PS3, to buy one you had to spend a small fortune on eBay. Apple priced the iPhone high enough that they were selling them at the same rate they were making them, thus ensuring they were stocked in stores. Sure, they made more money, but what the hell? They are a business not a commune of hippies. I am happy with how everything has gone.
(this was originally a comment on
this post)
I can't believe the police department does not have a website. At all.
I think it is made by Algonquin (local web design company) using the same CMS that runs I believe.
ugh, yeah, as far as I can tell there is no useful BPD website. A month or so ago I had my first experience as a crotchety old lady- I was suddenly, rudely, awakened to the sound of full-on FIREWORKS being set off what sounded like in my backyard. At 3 am. Since I was getting up at 4:30 and had gone to bed at 1, this was not welcomed. I tried to ignore it, but it kept going. Finally I decided to call the cops. But it was not 911 worthy, so I figured I'd try to find the non-emergency number. After much googling without success I called a number, only to be scoffed at and told I'd reached the STATE PD, who wanted nothing to do with it. But, they transferred me to buffalo. i was very meek... said I didn't know if this warranted calling the cops, but that it appeared people were setting off like REAL fireworks (not sparklers and m-80s) in the middle of a residential neighborhood at 3am. They seemed unimpressed. I felt like a bitchy old lady, put the pillow over my head, and tried to go back to sleep.
So much for helpful, accessible civil services.
As i said in chat, it reminds me of the way i didn't vote last year b/c I didn't know where to go, and could not for the life of me, find it online.