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08/21/2007 13:55 #40657

Hopefully this works
I spent the better part of the morning trying to figure out how to convert an avi into an swf. I'm hoping my efforts weren't wasted. Anyway about the video, I took this at Englischer Garten in Munich in June of 06. I just happened to stumble upon these guys who rigged some sort of rope system to the bridge and river sidewall and made an artificial wave. It looked like fun. Sorry I have no sound because my camera isn't quite that sophisticated.

::Download Flash SWF::

lauren - 08/21/07 20:53
works for me, looks scary but fun
jenks - 08/21/07 20:06
Hmmm... for me (on a mac running safari) it's not a vid, just a still shot. But, it took a while to load- it's almost like there's video there I just can't start it?
lizabeth - 08/21/07 14:48
You should put this up on YouTube, too.

I love this vid.

08/20/2007 20:53 #40643

Man I'm a dork!
I went to Spot Coffee to check it out and have a big cup caffeine this evening. I had a mocha in one of those massive cups. On top was tons of whipped cream and chocolate sauce. I must have sat there for an hour sipping away and writing and didn't notice this till I got home.

I certainly put the ass in class!
lizabeth - 08/21/07 14:50
You need to tell your brother how to do that, 'cause that's hot.

I <3 Spot mochas.
carolinian - 08/21/07 09:08
You need to find yourself a good woman to lick it off. :)
janelle - 08/21/07 08:11
Should have had the Irish coffee like I suggested!
fellyconnelly - 08/21/07 00:37
well maybe somebody just thought you had a medical condition on your nose. like one that maybe turns the tip of your nose a delicious shade of mocha.
tinypliny - 08/20/07 21:18
and now everyone knows! ;-)

08/20/2007 13:20 #40637

I hate liars
Not to whine about former relationships, but when someone drops off the face of the earth so to speak, there is usually a reason for it. My former girlfriend who decided to dump me and then continue screwing with my head for several months after has finally showed her true motive for her disappearing act. Not that I'm hung up on her by any means but I always thought that it was strange that she was calling everyday and visiting me several times a week after the break up and then poof. What irritated me most about the whole situation was that she denied she was in fact ignoring me. Although it was more than evident that she was. I had always had a hunch that she was involved with someone but I left it alone because I suppose it really wasn't any of my business. She stated to me on more than one occasion that she was not with anyone. So today I found out that indeed there was some sort of love in her life and I guess I'm just bitter that I was lied to. I am having some serious trust issues with people that I consider(ed) to be close friends and this is just another example. I'm growing really tired of people lying and just being all around bad friends. I'm honestly well over her but for what its worth I think I wouldn't have been so fucked up for so long after if she had just told me to "fuck off I'm with this other guy now" or even just to say "I don't want to be your friend". So I suppose this goes along with what many others on this site have been saying lately. That it's really best to be honest with someone no matter how much it hurts.
jenks - 08/21/07 10:56
oh yeah, and jbeatty, I'm with you 100%.
jenks - 08/21/07 10:55
cmon jay... not to attack you, b/c I know you've been through some shit and have every right to feel what you want, but you've GOT to stop with the overgeneralizations. I'm really truly sorry you've been so hurt. But you just have to stop insisting that ALL girls are two faced gold-digging bitches, because it's not true and you know that. Just like not all guys are out to string me along and break my heart. Even when it feels that way, I know it's not true.

"The one thing you can bank on when a girl is dating someone is that they won't let go of one vine before finding another one to swing onto. "

this hyperbole is just not true! I, for one, am the absolute opposite. Not that that is necessarily better- I'd probably be less hurt if I could have a "backup" but I just think that's deceitful and wrong and I can't do it.
libertad - 08/20/07 17:57
I'm sorry you are hurting right now. It is shitty to be mind fucked.

you know what you say is controversial because you know what you say is wrong. There are LOTS of girls that are single because they choose to be. Maybe you attract some nasty bitches in your life, but that doesn't mean everyone is like that. Grow up! You don't have to be a victim all the time. Your generalizations are hurtful and your hate is not going to attract anyone.
jason - 08/20/07 17:01
Yikes! Sounds like a familiar story, minus the screwing with the head part. Time for me to once again get controversial and piss people off.

The one thing you can bank on when a girl is dating someone is that they won't let go of one vine before finding another one to swing onto. Very rare is the case where the girl just says, screw it, single life is better. No, for them, single life is not better. They're forced to live without a parent figure.

Of course, I'm only joking about that last part, but I've experienced enough of these situations to know that you can pretty much safely assume that if she isn't already involved, she has someone firmly in mind. Rather than batter someone's ego even further, they prefer to lie their ass off. They really don't want to have to come to terms with who they really are.

Many therapists say it's better to lie in this case, and cheaters/upgraders/window shoppers all across the world agree. It's good because they can fake appearances, pretending to be compassionate, and not feel like quite so much like the whores they are. They really are nice people, honest!

This topic has come up before, and many people here prefer to be lied to in this case. Again I can understand the motivation for that. Sometimes it's better to just forget it and let go. Even if she is a lying, dishonorable bitch, you cannot control that. Better to worry about the things you can control, like your reaction to it.

If you don't have that attachment, if she simply does not matter one way or the other, she no longer has any power over you. There are despicable people in this world, liars, opportunists, cheaters - and that is perfectly alright. Screw it.

Anyway, I'm filibustering again. In general I agree that I would rather hear the bad news than get my intelligence insulted, which I think is even worse, but I can deal with whatever now.
tinypliny - 08/20/07 14:15
Honesty is not always the best policy. Quite unfortunate, but true. I can't count the number of times being honest has brought me totally avoidable pain. The only people I can be totally honest with, without fearing consequences, is my family.

I encourage people to be honest but this does not guarantee that they would allow me to be honest too. More often than not, I find that they end up saying any damn thing that comes to their mind to me while I am walking on eggshells and rethinking every single thing I am about to say.

It's nice to be not lied to, but I sometimes wish I met people who would allow me to be who I am.

Yeah, that has never happened.

So that proverb is totally flawed.
fellyconnelly - 08/20/07 13:23
honesty is not something that many people can deal with. but it is true - if everybody on this planet was just completely honest with eachother - i think that eventually people would just get used to hearing the truth and it won't be as shocking...
like this morning when i told lauren that she smells. she loves honesty. :)

08/19/2007 19:25 #40626

&quot;Are you the pizza or the calzone?&quot;
In a lazy mood today I decided to get pizza and wings at the closest place to my apartment. I guess the place is called NY Pizza judging by its sign, but the name on the menu says NY Style Pizza. Its on Allen St. between Elmwood and Delaware. I figured since it was close I may as well try it. That's about as far as I will take it however.

I'll start with the wings. Man did they suck! They couldn't possibly have been any worse. I have never seen chickens hacked to bits in a more unloving way. I looked past the disturbing appearance and tried a couple. They were gamey chunks of nastiness swimming in a thin orange film that I'm guessing was mostly fryer grease and a dash of redhot. They had absolutely no spice whatsoever, I didn't realize medium meant not spicy. I think these were the worst wings I've ever had.



The pizza was edible. The crust was chewy and thin and pretty decent actually. The cheese was...well cheese. It's pretty hard to fuck cheese up, other than maybe putting too much on, not enough on, or god forbid putting it underneath the sauce. The sauce was bland. It actually tasted like nothing. This seems to be a recurring theme with them. My pizza maker was also less than pleasant but I didn't really expect much. The place was also grubby but this is not always an indication of bad food. One of my favorite Greek places could definitely use a good scrubbing. I would say this is not a place I would recommend to get food, especially wings.

metalpeter - 08/20/07 18:05
If you ever want to try some cheap Pizza and are very hungery and the amount is important then order from a place on elmwood called 241 pronouced two For one. In terms of the Chinesse food I guess the question is what do you consider good and what do you like, I've never really had bad Chinese but I always go with things I know I will like. Part of the thing with Chinese is even though those places do have seats most people take there food out. All the places that have signs that look the same and simalur sounding names are really the fast food version of there food. I'm not sure where there is a nice sit down place with fancy chop sticks if you want them. I know there used to be a place right on the other side of the border in Fort Erie near the peace bridge but not sure if it is still there.
tinypliny - 08/20/07 13:49
Try the simplest pizza at Panaros - also close to where you live (Delaware/Allen). Seriously, I like it even more that the pizza at Grimaldi's, NYC. It's thin-crust and out-of-this-world tasty! It's a pity they are only open from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm on weekdays.
lauren - 08/20/07 11:59
Seriously folks...I am more and more intrigued by these regional differences...I can get used to the whole "the 290" thing, but I don't think I can get used to no NY Pizza!
fellyconnelly - 08/20/07 11:13
i would suggest a day long pizza hunt. one slice of 'ny style' pizza at every pizza place within a 40 mile radius.

geez buffalo. just... geez.
james - 08/19/07 22:16
When I visited my folks (again, near NYC) we stopped at this tiny dump of a pizza place and each got a slice. This is a place, I recall from my childhood, that you went to because you didn't have enough money for delivery or couldn't get a ride to town. This pizza, was the crappiest pie in town.

Let me tell you. That pizza was a slice of heaven. It was like ordering a hot dog and getting lobster. It was like asking a hooker for a blow job and magicly getting a harem. It was like going to a kids birthday party at McDonalds and suddenly being crowned pope. Sweet empty heavens it was the best pizza EVAH.

So, the moral is. You get used to thick crust, bland sauce, and cheese separated into curd and fat. A week ago I thought Mr.Pizza's NY style was alright. Then you have the real stuff and you realize that this world is but a veil of tears.
jim - 08/19/07 21:46
Felly, (E:James) is also disappointed that he has not been able to find good thin crust pizza yet.
fellyconnelly - 08/19/07 20:53
okay if anybody finds really great NY style pizza, let me know. I require it.
jenks - 08/19/07 20:28
I didn't know that place was open before 2 am! That's the only time it's worth going- on your way home from the bars. ;) (but then- well it's pretty damn tasty and 2 am.)
james - 08/19/07 20:14
Growing up around NYC I really crave NY style pizza. And it just isn't to be had around here. Crust thickness aside, I don't get how so many Italians can live here and still not be able to make decent pizza sauce. It all tastes like reconstituted tomato paste.

And does any place make good chinese food either? These are two really easy foods to get right and.... oh, I am pirating your entry.
paul - 08/19/07 19:42
That reminds me of the sick wings I wrote baout from Casa di Pizza (e:paul,39560)
mrmike - 08/19/07 19:31
After you've been drinking, it tastes better. But if you just want good food call Mr Pizza, Just Pizza or Lanova or some of the other joints around the neighborhood.

08/16/2007 13:16 #40576

Substitution for reality tv
We really need to import this gameshow to the States

lizabeth - 08/16/07 17:47
No, no, not the thing with the nailing the guys in the nuts. The show we really need to import is Silent Library!!!!!

drew - 08/16/07 13:21
So bad.