So, the project that I've been working on the past couple weeks is up.
It's a site that sells one camping or climbing item per day at a really good price. Sort of like [link=""][/link] (woot is not my site)
Let me know if you check it out and it looks broken (an all too likely possibility)?
Jim's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/21/2007 00:15 #40648
My ProjectCategory: work
08/20/2007 19:54 #40642
Maybe a RepeatCategory: photo

jim - 08/21/07 09:05
Thanks Tinypliny & Libertad!
Thanks Tinypliny & Libertad!
libertad - 08/20/07 22:26
you know why this pic is so great? it is so interactive. you just really want to blow on it. it is so real.
you know why this pic is so great? it is so interactive. you just really want to blow on it. it is so real.
tinypliny - 08/20/07 21:28
Here's where it would have been perfect to add "and I know where you live", but that would be untrue. "I know where you work" would be a poor substitute. Wait, I really don't know exactly where you work. So I can't say that either. Oh well.
Here's where it would have been perfect to add "and I know where you live", but that would be untrue. "I know where you work" would be a poor substitute. Wait, I really don't know exactly where you work. So I can't say that either. Oh well.
tinypliny - 08/20/07 21:25
I (((<3LOVE<3))) this picture! I think you posted it on your photoblog before, but definitely not here. I know, because I stalked around your entire web presence some weeks back. Muaaahhaaaahahha *creepy stalkerish laugh, in case you didn't realize*
I (((<3LOVE<3))) this picture! I think you posted it on your photoblog before, but definitely not here. I know, because I stalked around your entire web presence some weeks back. Muaaahhaaaahahha *creepy stalkerish laugh, in case you didn't realize*
08/17/2007 21:19 #40601
Social GraphCategory: internet
Brad Fitzpatrick (of LiveJournal
and memcached
fame) is starting an intriguing attempt at freeing your social life from the clutches of MySpace and Facebook. White paper: 
He wants to take your network of friendships that you've defined on the web, and instead of tying that in to a particular website, make it open for any website to use. If you signed up to (for example), and plugged in your access token or whatever, it would tell you which of your friends from other sites are on this new one, and you could instantly get going.
Instead of being tied to just the huge social sites, you could participate in a world of targeted, rich, local and interest sites. Estrip would know about your friends (if you let it), and you could always count on not missing anyone or having to reenter all your info everywhere, or bugging your friends to sign up for every new thing.
It would all just happen, decentralized and under your control.
I love Flickr
but I hate that my photography network of contacts is bound up in it and I can't spill that over to other places. I love Estrip, but feel like it's maybe tucked away from the rest of my online life instead of being the center of my personal presence on the web.
Facebook (Flickr, MySpace, etc) right now is a walled off corner of the Internet, like AOL used to be. It's nice and clean and usable - but who wants to be living inside AOL 2.0? It is pulling everything in like a black hole.
The internet is meant to be messy and glorious. Why shouldn't you or I set the boundaries as we see fit?

He wants to take your network of friendships that you've defined on the web, and instead of tying that in to a particular website, make it open for any website to use. If you signed up to (for example), and plugged in your access token or whatever, it would tell you which of your friends from other sites are on this new one, and you could instantly get going.
Instead of being tied to just the huge social sites, you could participate in a world of targeted, rich, local and interest sites. Estrip would know about your friends (if you let it), and you could always count on not missing anyone or having to reenter all your info everywhere, or bugging your friends to sign up for every new thing.
It would all just happen, decentralized and under your control.
I love Flickr

Facebook (Flickr, MySpace, etc) right now is a walled off corner of the Internet, like AOL used to be. It's nice and clean and usable - but who wants to be living inside AOL 2.0? It is pulling everything in like a black hole.
The internet is meant to be messy and glorious. Why shouldn't you or I set the boundaries as we see fit?
fellyconnelly - 08/18/07 10:54
i cleared out much of the unsightly and disturbing photos on my flickr account and i'm going to be your flickr friend now.
but yes i agree with the above post!
i cleared out much of the unsightly and disturbing photos on my flickr account and i'm going to be your flickr friend now.
but yes i agree with the above post!
08/16/2007 23:57 #40587
Electric SixCategory: music
Oh man oh man I can't wait to go see these guys live some day.
Make sure to at least watch until the special effects start.
Too bad their tour doesn't come close to here:
Make sure to at least watch until the special effects start.
Too bad their tour doesn't come close to here:

tinypliny - 08/18/07 08:35
Disturbing. Yes, precisely. :)
Disturbing. Yes, precisely. :)
fellyconnelly - 08/17/07 13:57
there was something very disturbing about the special effects. but disturbing enough that i have finally decided on my halloween costume.
there was something very disturbing about the special effects. but disturbing enough that i have finally decided on my halloween costume.
lauren - 08/17/07 12:11
I was kinda hoping the paintings were going to come alive and jump off the wall, strangely attracted to the glowing penis and tits.
I was kinda hoping the paintings were going to come alive and jump off the wall, strangely attracted to the glowing penis and tits.
james - 08/17/07 00:21
Years ago, when I first saw this music video I said to myself "When I meet the man of my dreams this will be 'our song'"
A year or so ago I played this song for Jim and he didn't care for it. I am so glad their infectious awesomness wormed their way into Jim's brain.
This is the best video EVER!
Years ago, when I first saw this music video I said to myself "When I meet the man of my dreams this will be 'our song'"
A year or so ago I played this song for Jim and he didn't care for it. I am so glad their infectious awesomness wormed their way into Jim's brain.
This is the best video EVER!
08/15/2007 18:10 #40563
CompilingCategory: geek
Too bad we use dynamic languages at work now...

used by CC license, credit:

used by CC license, credit:

jenks - 08/17/07 07:46
jim - 08/16/07 22:23
Test comment.
Test comment.
fellyconnelly - 08/15/07 21:25
hehe i don't even know what this means and it is funny
hehe i don't even know what this means and it is funny
I am not sure what they are either...
I don't think that Trango MaxCams wear underwear in public either. but then i don't really know what a trango maxcam is.
You are most welcome! LMK if you need more omega testing. :)
Thanks, Tinypliny, I am fixing the links back to the store and touching up a few other places!
Gosh so many spelling mistakes and omissions! And that too on correction-fluid day! Appalling!
The email and rss links are fine too. But there is no way to click back to the home page of the from the checkout page. If a patron chacges their mind and wants to view the absobing Britney snippet again, the only option is to click the back button of the browser. How about adding a linkback to the homepage behind the title graphic of "Dailyclimber". Just a thought.
Okay, your first beta tester is here. I clicked on everything clickable on that page. It works fine.
- No dead/broken links
- Google checkout works fine
- The interface is clean and intuitive. If I had the faintest idea what Trango MaxCams were, I might be interested in checking them out at this dealer's simply because of the uncomplicated navigation. :)
- The company "about" page leads to the first page of a post in a product forum.
- The company link itself links to the forum. Nice touch.
- The ever-so-tempting Trango MaxCams advertised at $254.99 are actually $282.30 after taxes.
- Since I need to survive on the bottom of the hillock at Ellicott Street, I fake-ordered 5 of these awesome whatever-cams and the change registered correctly at checkout.
Anything else you need this beta tester to checkout? :)
SInce the site is up and running, we are celebrating with wine.
Vinos Sin-Ley is freakin delicious.