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08/16/2007 08:46 #40572

Weekend Guests
Category: mr/dd
I'm really excited for this weekend. We have four of my developmentally disabled friends and two of their staff visiting from Pittsburgh. They live/work at one of the many community homes that I used to run. The guys absolutely love wings, so I'm taking them to the Anchor Bar Friday night and then we'll chill out at the house afterwards with a movie I think.
Saturday we are going to the zoo for the day. We have free tickets for everyone thanks to a local foundation. If anyone works with/has relatives with disabilities and you want to go to the zoo, I'll get you the info! After the zoo we'll cook out sausages on the grill. Then off to the requisite visit to the Niagara falls to see them lit up at night. I'm a little leary of taking them into Canada, so we're sticking to the American side.
Sunday we'll go to church and have some lunch afterwards then they'll be off to Pittsburgh.

I'm hoping that I picked activities that they'll enjoy. I'm worried that I'll slip into my old role as the "Boss, Sir"** and run the show instead of just relaxing and having a good time. I'm a little scared that I'll screw up the logistics of hosting 6 people in the house and making sure they stay well fed and comfortable. And I'm really wary of 8 people in a house with one bathroom!

  • On a funny side note, a lot of the staff in my homes were immigrants from Africa and many of them refused to call me Janelle and instead called me "Boss, sir". I had to just give up on telling them to call me Janelle and just enjoyed the ego trip that came with being called, Boss, Sir!
mrmike - 08/16/07 09:17
Sounds good, Boss Sir.

For the trip at night at the falls, you actually see them a little better on the Canadian side, which you can walk to across the rainbow bridge. The strolling customs folks are actually pretty cool in that regard since you're not bringing a car into the country.

08/15/2007 08:25 #40552

Work Doldrums
Category: work
Less than six months ago, I had a job that was beating me into the ground. On call for staff and client emergences 24-7. Oh, yes, love the 2am run to the hospital when a client falls and breaks some bone. 60 hour weeks. Start my day with no clear ending point to the day. A hyperactive a supervisor who bounded into my office ten times a day with another 5 jobs all to be done ASAP. Took my frustration out on the husband when I got home.

I would have danced the happy dance (ask (e:drew) about the happy dance, I really do have one) if you had told me that in the future I would have a 9am to 5pm job with nothing substantial to do all day!


I need suggestions on how to pass the time, but still look like I"m doing something productive to those spying eyes that I know are watching me.....

Any suggestions?

janelle - 08/15/07 21:07
After attending a dazzling bible study on Daniel, I am well qualified to respond to your question!
The significance of eating the vegetables and drinking the water is that Daniel remained faithful to his religion. The Babylonians ate food that Jewish people believed was unclean and forbidden by God to eat. When Daniel requested vegetables and water, it was his way of adhering to his dietary restrictions for religious reasons. I am at your service to clear up any other confusions left over by your priest!
zobar - 08/15/07 19:43
Actually I am curious about this one. This is one of those readings I'd hear at church and I'd be like: this story has no point. They totally just put this here to get kids to eat their vegetables. Psychic powers? Are the vegetables 'shrooms? And then we'd get to the homily and the priest would totally skip it and talk about something else. And I'd be like: what is the point of the freaking vegetables?

Catholic school was rough man.

- Z
janelle - 08/15/07 10:00
Zobar, you rock! You go straight to the point; you should be a teacher for our vacation bible school =)
leetee - 08/15/07 09:47
a good book hidden on a messy desk?

start that novel that is in all of us and make it look like paperwork?

read all (e:strip) journals?

surf the web endlessly?

do Kegel exercises?
zobar - 08/15/07 09:39
1 Daniel: 'shut up and eat your vegetables.'

Now you can get to the slacking off: :::link:::

- Z
janelle - 08/15/07 08:46
Mmmh... okay
drew - 08/15/07 08:44
Do you want to come up with a Bible study on Daniel 1 to lead tonight?

08/14/2007 08:35 #40531

The straw that broke Elmwood's back
Category: work
I work for an agency that serves people with developmental disabilities (aka mental retardation for those unfamiliar with PC terms). I'm involved in starting a brand spanking new program that's going to have its own location. Elmwood ave in the Elmwood village area has been bantied around as a great location. I concur for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that it cuts my commute down to a short walk to work =)
I made the mistake of discussing this topic with friend of a friend who is an absolutely zealous city planner type and worked for a local neighborhood assocation years ago.
He heatedly declares to me that there are 400 different social service organizatons operating in Elmwood, Allentown and Lafayette and that's ENOUGH (I doubt the veracity of the number). No more social services need apply to reside in the area. So I quiz him as to the negative impact of the social services on the neighborhood to which his thoughtful reply is that it deprives suburb communities of social services. Okay, but what is the negative impact on the communities named. He can't name any, so stutters out, I'm a liberal type, I know these services help people, I want to seek the root causes for these problems, but I don't want all those organizations in my community.
What I heard was, I'm a liberal, but I don't want to have to see or interact with homeless people, alcoholics or retards. I want all the priveleges of suburban living (i.e. exclusivity) in the city. Arrgghh...he's the liberal that exemplifies why I don't identify as a liberal anymore!
So...what do you think, will one more social service agency in Elmwood be the beginning of the end?
janelle - 08/15/07 08:45
"Arms distance sense of compassion" that is such a terrific phrase! I think it really accurately describes liberal elites, a lot of christians (sadly) and a lot of other people, even me from time to time. I admit, I am occasionally annoyed at the drunk who bums around the house next door. I hope I can move away from "arms distance sense of compassion" to an honest and sincere compassion.
theecarey - 08/14/07 21:37
the idea is not only for people to have access to services, but also to allow for more community integration. Its amazing still how segregated "typical" people and DD population continue to be. Unless someone works with/knows someone with a 'disability', the attitude is much like what (e:mrmike) says, "not in my backyard"--or an arms distance sense of compassion.

Until recently, I worked in schools, community residences and service offices for youth with special needs, so yeh, I'm biased.
leetee - 08/14/07 11:55
Looking forward to the pics of your bad cat, fat cant and good dog!

The pic reminds me of a site Stuff On My Cat :::link:::
janelle - 08/14/07 11:00
Haha, no. It's a really common picture floating around the internet.
Maybe when I get computer saavy enough, I'll post pics of my bad cat, fat cat, and good dog.
leetee - 08/14/07 10:51
Totally not about your post, but i have to say it. I love your userpic. Is it your kitty?

mrmike - 08/14/07 09:41
No, it won't. Having a brother with the disabilities you outlined, I'm a little biased anyway. Your acquaintance sounds like he is suffering from a well spoken version of "Not in my backyard" syndrome. The less up tight nature of this area would actually be beneficial to the clients. No place is perfect or free from preconceived opinion, but I think a "401"st group would meld in just fine.

Welcome to (e:strip), by the way ;)

08/13/2007 08:38 #40508

Emerging from the shadows...
I'm emerging from the shadows of (e:drew) and have decided to post in my own right instead of living vicariously through his account and posting comments under his name. So hello, I'm Janelle. I'm married to the sexy, balding minister (e:drew).

tinypliny - 08/13/07 22:32
Post away!!
museumchick - 08/13/07 18:06
Hey, it's great to have you on here!
mike - 08/13/07 16:57
fellyconnelly - 08/13/07 10:40
drew - 08/13/07 09:15
It's about time!
jason - 08/13/07 09:11
Hi Janelle!
leetee - 08/13/07 09:09
Welcome to (e:strip)
paul - 08/13/07 09:04
Welcome to the site.