(e:James) came up with this brilliant plan. We are going to sneakily buy my copy of Harry Potter at Wegman's at midnight, instead of waiting in line until 3am at a book store.
boxerboi - 07/21/07 21:14 sweet. haha that is cool missed all of the screaming kids at barnes & noble. weird though, the text just showed up in the book post. before i thought it was just a picture of your book
jim - 07/21/07 21:08 Yup, we were in and out in 5 minutes after midnight: :::link:::
tinypliny - 07/21/07 00:03 I didn't know Wegmans sold Harry Potters. Wait is that supposed to be a misdirection so you could divert away some of the crowds from the regular bookstores?!
07/20/2007 13:37 #40177
Funeral Procession Potomac & Elmwood Category: buffalo
1. Cut a football in half, not lengthwise but fat side right down the middle (make sure its deflated).
2. Layer blueberries, layer of whipped cream, layer of Nilla Wafers or soft cookies, layer of whipped cream, layer of raspberries repeatedly into the halfed football until you reach the top, where you then top off with more whipped cream and some shaved chocolate.
3. Two spoons (you have to share something this special)
4. Eat!
tinypliny - 07/18/07 23:03 Is this a limited time sale?
i'm envious... Ben is adorable. And the pool looks inviting, too.
that's Ben :)
ben right?
he is absolutly adorable and i want to cuddle him.
He loves splashing around in his pool. Just wish it was a little larger, he barely fits in :)
awwww. super cute!