My shell might be tough. My eyes may be vacant. But there is still a soul in here. Push me out the door on a lonely road. My hands and knees aren't wounded. But my veins still run with blood. I'm not a fucking super hero. I don't always know the answer. But I do what I think is right. I fight to protect the genuine. You call me a monster.
Will the weak. Feed the fire. Propagate the pitiful. Clap for the crazy.
Why can't you SEE???
Ladycroft's Journal
My Podcast Link
06/16/2007 23:31 #39699
the vortex of youCategory: poetry
06/16/2007 12:11 #39691
son of a motherless goat!Category: potpourri
I just got an e-mail that says in fact they screwed up and I do have to take ALL of those medical exams before I leave!
I don't even have a doctor here. Supposedly the lady I saw in high school might still be around but I don't think a small town doctor can do all those tests. How do you even walk into an office and say "I'd like chest x-ray please". It's not like they give you a hypochondriacs menu to select your testing options.
I attended a bachelorette party at the Chocolate Bar last night. The place is a lot smaller and not as fancy as I imagined it. These two older guys were hitting on us and it was pretty gross. Seriously, they approached me and said, "We just want to put it out there that we both got waxed today. Our backs are clean". Who SAYS that???
I don't even have a doctor here. Supposedly the lady I saw in high school might still be around but I don't think a small town doctor can do all those tests. How do you even walk into an office and say "I'd like chest x-ray please". It's not like they give you a hypochondriacs menu to select your testing options.
I attended a bachelorette party at the Chocolate Bar last night. The place is a lot smaller and not as fancy as I imagined it. These two older guys were hitting on us and it was pretty gross. Seriously, they approached me and said, "We just want to put it out there that we both got waxed today. Our backs are clean". Who SAYS that???
06/15/2007 16:25 #39679
happy birthday larsons!Category: birthday
Happy 29 Joshua and Jason!
Thanks for the coffee Josh. I really enjoyed our conversation :)

Thanks for the coffee Josh. I really enjoyed our conversation :)

dimartiste - 06/17/07 13:15
Happy Birthday Boys! Have fun stormin' the castle! Remember the chocolate makes it go down easier! Sorry flashbacks to the Princess Bride. Do everything I wouldn't and you should have a great time! - Dimartiste
Happy Birthday Boys! Have fun stormin' the castle! Remember the chocolate makes it go down easier! Sorry flashbacks to the Princess Bride. Do everything I wouldn't and you should have a great time! - Dimartiste
joshua - 06/15/07 19:53
Thank you - we are going to enjoy ourselves and stay out of trouble =D
Thank you - we are going to enjoy ourselves and stay out of trouble =D
metalpeter - 06/15/07 18:58
I forgot to say I like this avatar. Also Happy Birthday Larsons!!
I forgot to say I like this avatar. Also Happy Birthday Larsons!!
paul - 06/15/07 18:42
happy birthday larsons!
happy birthday larsons!
06/14/2007 14:29 #39657
hallelujah!Category: potpourri
I got the loan I applied for, I don't have to do all those medical tests, and I have an official leave date! July 16.
Even better, the route they have me on sends me on British Airways! This means I get a full fledged Boeing 747 on a good airline. Not that puny crap Continental stuck me on for 9 hours from Berlin.
Now I can get back to concentrating on packing/storing my things and completing my visa paperwork/security check.
Oh, and carey, carbombs this weekend fo sho. I gots the Jameson and Baileys, you bring the Guinness!
Even better, the route they have me on sends me on British Airways! This means I get a full fledged Boeing 747 on a good airline. Not that puny crap Continental stuck me on for 9 hours from Berlin.
Now I can get back to concentrating on packing/storing my things and completing my visa paperwork/security check.
Oh, and carey, carbombs this weekend fo sho. I gots the Jameson and Baileys, you bring the Guinness!
metalpeter - 06/15/07 18:57
I'm glad to hear things are going your way again;glad you got the loan. Hope the entire weekend is great.
I'm glad to hear things are going your way again;glad you got the loan. Hope the entire weekend is great.
ladycroft - 06/15/07 10:39
no can do friday, i have a bachelorette (sp?) party to attend.
no can do friday, i have a bachelorette (sp?) party to attend.
mrmike - 06/14/07 19:29
That's insanely great. Very happy for you! The guinness with herself sounds like a fitting huzzah!!
That's insanely great. Very happy for you! The guinness with herself sounds like a fitting huzzah!!
theecarey - 06/14/07 17:03
Guinness is chillin' in the fridge- ready for mass consumption.
How about Friday car bombs on the pier? hehe
Guinness is chillin' in the fridge- ready for mass consumption.
How about Friday car bombs on the pier? hehe
fellyconnelly - 06/14/07 15:08
congrats! Carbombs!
congrats! Carbombs!
06/05/2007 17:35 #39536
call meCategory: potpourri
(e:theecarey), if you see this call me.
(e:chico), when are we going to lunch? call me.
(e:vincent), when you're finally free of that hell hole, call me.
(e:lilho), we have drinking to do. call me.
(e:terry), don't worry about the hookah! you don't have to call me.
(e:paul), sorry i left my bike behind. when is a good time to pick it up? call me.
(e:soma), are you going to rabbit in the moon? call me.
(e:joshua), just call me.
i'll get photos of the weekend up, likely tomorrow. ciao.
(e:chico), when are we going to lunch? call me.
(e:vincent), when you're finally free of that hell hole, call me.
(e:lilho), we have drinking to do. call me.
(e:terry), don't worry about the hookah! you don't have to call me.
(e:paul), sorry i left my bike behind. when is a good time to pick it up? call me.
(e:soma), are you going to rabbit in the moon? call me.
(e:joshua), just call me.
i'll get photos of the weekend up, likely tomorrow. ciao.
soma - 06/07/07 01:03
but of course i'm goin to Rabbit in the Moon.. u and any of your friends that are interested in electronic music should go...
PS big local news alert.. DHARMA LAB is 'the' only local s playing the main room during the event and they OPen for Rabbit IN the MOON fyi.. this is huge for Dharma Lab
but of course i'm goin to Rabbit in the Moon.. u and any of your friends that are interested in electronic music should go...
PS big local news alert.. DHARMA LAB is 'the' only local s playing the main room during the event and they OPen for Rabbit IN the MOON fyi.. this is huge for Dharma Lab
lilho - 06/05/07 20:12
i'm gonna call you tomorrow. i'm very serious about alcohol.
i'm gonna call you tomorrow. i'm very serious about alcohol.
jenks - 06/05/07 19:46
what about me? ;) I was actually about to call you for dinner one of these days. don't give up on me- I haven't forgotten you!
what about me? ;) I was actually about to call you for dinner one of these days. don't give up on me- I haven't forgotten you!
SOrry about all the difficulties. A freind of mine keeps telling me it is all in the stars, maybe I should take up astrology to chart when these types of crazy things will end. Oh Mercury was in rerograde from Friday to Saturday. Maybe monday will bring a better time of it!
I always get hit on by older men and they are old enough to be my father! SIGH I hear you. At least we both know when we are old and wrinkly we will still be attractive to the older generation. Remember to take the complement as well as the joke in stride. The older men have the courage and insanity to come up to you. I did not say they had any control over what came out of their mouths! Maybe they were just nervous. Maybe they thought is was funny. Maybe they just did not want to keep talking to the same person that they came into the bar with and that was the best they could do as the goddess of you passed them buy between the bar and your table. Did you have a good time?! Maybe we should celebrate being single instead of commiserating and thinking we should be with someone... what do you think? Stray thought popping out of no where! -Dimartiste
Hey, on another subject, thanks for the Tae Kwon Do advice. I followed what you wrote today. He did indeed get bopped in the face again, but instead took some pointers and got back in there, leaving class smiling.
I appreciate it.
I just thought of something. That is the difference between Guys and Gals. See if an older (not so older that she is old)lady came up and did that to a guy it would be so hot. But when us guys come up to some girl it comes off as creppy. I guess they thought the entire wax thing was funny, at least they added the back part cause if not then it would be even crepier. To give it a positive spin maybe they looked older then they where. To add a little bit more positive light you get hit on in one night more then I get hit on in like a year or two or maybe event 3 or 4. Granted I'm a guy but still. If a girl crashes into me its is allways "sorry". Being a guy I can't go something like "Oh no actully I liked that next time hit me a little Harder" If they are with someone that is how fist fights happen. In any event I hope you still had a good time, and I wish you luck with getting those tests.
yep. you're right peter. in 2 years time i was approached once by some older men. i guess now i can't say 'never' :)
Before we get to the serious stuff I just have to joke around a little bit (sorry) in your posts it seems you have no luck I can remember a little bit of a post from what seems like ages ago where you said something about how people don't come up to you in bars if you campaired this one to that one now the people who come up to you, you don't want very ironic, ah but what ya gonna do. Be happy that they at least came up to you, It is only creppy if they have a daughter your age.
Now in terms of seriousness I have no idea how you get all those tests done. If you have any paper work that states you need those tests done then if you can find someone to do them it might work. I have faith that you will find someone or someplace to get them done.