While I was eating my lunch in my office I was checking out Buffalo's entry in Wikipedia. There is a breakdown of the different neighborhoods in Buffalo - 32 in total. They also have a nice map of the breakdowns in the neighborhoods, which is nice because having lived here for over 10 years now I'm still not exactly sure what neighborhoods are where. Check it out - the map is a little too large to post here so link from here

Personally, I've always felt that the greater "Elmwood Village" area borders are Forest to the north, Allen to the south, Richmond to the west and Delaware to the east... but thats just me, and that outline also would gobble up most of what is considered Allentown. Also, for voting purposes I believe they file me into Delaware District, which according to this map I am not a resident of.
Anyway, what spurred this post was that some neighborhoods have Wiki pages and others don't... including ours. Why don't we have a Wikipedia page yet? It may be only a matter of time, but I'd prefer to have residents create the page rather than people like those from Buffalo Rising.
Anyway, since we have some new and future residents plugging into this neighborhood site, you might find Buffalo's Wiki entry

Dammit - that should have been me =( Jason was signed in still.
I know... I deserve it and I deserve to die!
And I always miss the best stuff, which is ridiculous. We should hang.
i think you two are rat bastards for missing both parties, and especially mine. you missed a fucking good time. and you both such, dick. 9you could possibly make amends by showing up to hang out with me sometime this weekend. i am free, tomorrow, sat, and sunday night. if you dont show, you are both losers forever, and i hate you. jk, but i really will be somewhat sad...
ummmm btw (e:larsonbros)- where the hell were you this weekend? TWO parties and you missed BOTH?
(I know. I missed them both too. But that's different!) :P
Nothing wrong with shameless plugs!
The concept of a Buffwiki would be very, very cool.
I don't know about Wikipedia, but Tribe does have an Elmwood Tribe (shameless plug, since I started it): :::link:::
That's a good idea. In fact, won't it be fun and useful to have a Bufwiki, in the lines of Rocwiki (http://rocwiki.org/)? The newcomers to Buffalo (and also the present residents) would find this immensely useful. I know, I am part of Rocwiki and that makes me biased towards the utility of such a wiki, but hey, it *is* useful. I know estrippers would make fabulous wiki authors. :)