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06/10/2007 16:38 #39598
Nerd Humor06/07/2007 13:21 #39567
Elmwood Village - no Wiki page?I'm struggling to focus today, which gets me nervous because there is a lot of stuff to do. I have a headache and a bit of a runny nose, which I've determined isn't from my brother (thankfully) but from the change in temperatures we've had the past week. This delicious and hot cup of Timmy Ho Ho (2 creams 1 sugar, thaaaanks) is helping me keep my shit together this afternoon.
While I was eating my lunch in my office I was checking out Buffalo's entry in Wikipedia. There is a breakdown of the different neighborhoods in Buffalo - 32 in total. They also have a nice map of the breakdowns in the neighborhoods, which is nice because having lived here for over 10 years now I'm still not exactly sure what neighborhoods are where. Check it out - the map is a little too large to post here so link from here
and zoom in. The strip is barely visible between what the map denotes as "west side" and "delaware district."
Personally, I've always felt that the greater "Elmwood Village" area borders are Forest to the north, Allen to the south, Richmond to the west and Delaware to the east... but thats just me, and that outline also would gobble up most of what is considered Allentown. Also, for voting purposes I believe they file me into Delaware District, which according to this map I am not a resident of.
Anyway, what spurred this post was that some neighborhoods have Wiki pages and others don't... including ours. Why don't we have a Wikipedia page yet? It may be only a matter of time, but I'd prefer to have residents create the page rather than people like those from Buffalo Rising.
Anyway, since we have some new and future residents plugging into this neighborhood site, you might find Buffalo's Wiki entry
interesting, if you haven't checked it out already. There were some interesting factoids about our city in there that I had never known, such as Buffalo's ranking in Reader's Diagest as the nation's third environmentally cleanest city (I am skeptical, but whatever).
While I was eating my lunch in my office I was checking out Buffalo's entry in Wikipedia. There is a breakdown of the different neighborhoods in Buffalo - 32 in total. They also have a nice map of the breakdowns in the neighborhoods, which is nice because having lived here for over 10 years now I'm still not exactly sure what neighborhoods are where. Check it out - the map is a little too large to post here so link from here

Personally, I've always felt that the greater "Elmwood Village" area borders are Forest to the north, Allen to the south, Richmond to the west and Delaware to the east... but thats just me, and that outline also would gobble up most of what is considered Allentown. Also, for voting purposes I believe they file me into Delaware District, which according to this map I am not a resident of.
Anyway, what spurred this post was that some neighborhoods have Wiki pages and others don't... including ours. Why don't we have a Wikipedia page yet? It may be only a matter of time, but I'd prefer to have residents create the page rather than people like those from Buffalo Rising.
Anyway, since we have some new and future residents plugging into this neighborhood site, you might find Buffalo's Wiki entry

05/30/2007 13:00 #39454
I DEMAND A RECOUNTThe new Reagan diary outsold the Goracle's book by a total of 5 copies in its first week! Man, that guy can't win squat, can he? I claim foul play and as a Buffalonian I sympathize with Mr. Gore's inability to win.
Seriously - with an "inconvenient" running start and worldwide popularity, his ideas couldn't outsell 25-year old private diary entries. Spin it however you like, but that is a pitiful state of affairs. Maybe over time Mr. Gore's book will eclipse the Reagan one. When it comes to book sales, I'm always rooting for the guy that is still alive to spend the proceeds.
Seriously - with an "inconvenient" running start and worldwide popularity, his ideas couldn't outsell 25-year old private diary entries. Spin it however you like, but that is a pitiful state of affairs. Maybe over time Mr. Gore's book will eclipse the Reagan one. When it comes to book sales, I'm always rooting for the guy that is still alive to spend the proceeds.
jason - 05/30/07 19:03
The Bills are the Bob Shrum of football.
The Bills are the Bob Shrum of football.
joshua - 05/30/07 15:52
Ha - I appreciate the mandate crack! That was choice.
Gore's book is primarily about the state of political and social discourse in our country and what is wrong with it and why, but during the course of the book takes typical liberal political assumptions as civic dogma. He's half right and half wrong. I could pick it apart but I won't bother - I'll just say that reading this book is like getting a great blowjob then at the last minute getting bit down on like you stuck your john in a blender.
Ha - I appreciate the mandate crack! That was choice.
Gore's book is primarily about the state of political and social discourse in our country and what is wrong with it and why, but during the course of the book takes typical liberal political assumptions as civic dogma. He's half right and half wrong. I could pick it apart but I won't bother - I'll just say that reading this book is like getting a great blowjob then at the last minute getting bit down on like you stuck your john in a blender.
mrmike - 05/30/07 14:53
That just means Reagan's book didn't have a mandate. The Gore book is just an "inconvient" reissue, no? That market is probably saturated. The bulk of the folks who wanted to read him did already. It's going to gestate until he makes in the inevitable run for Prez
That just means Reagan's book didn't have a mandate. The Gore book is just an "inconvient" reissue, no? That market is probably saturated. The bulk of the folks who wanted to read him did already. It's going to gestate until he makes in the inevitable run for Prez
05/29/2007 15:12 #39441
My new trail mixThe 750 house trail mix, although maybe (e:jason) thought I was stoned and not being serious when I said I wanted to make my own -
unsalted peanuts - 1/2 c
almonds - 1/2 c
yogurt covered raisins (or maybe regular ol' fashioned kind) - 1/2 c
dark chocolate chips - 1/4 c
dried pineapple - 1/4 c
dried cranberry - 1/4 c
yet to be determined (due to availability) 3rd dried fruit - 1/4 c
Any recommendations on the third dried fruit, or maybe a 1/4 c of a different item?
unsalted peanuts - 1/2 c
almonds - 1/2 c
yogurt covered raisins (or maybe regular ol' fashioned kind) - 1/2 c
dark chocolate chips - 1/4 c
dried pineapple - 1/4 c
dried cranberry - 1/4 c
yet to be determined (due to availability) 3rd dried fruit - 1/4 c
Any recommendations on the third dried fruit, or maybe a 1/4 c of a different item?
fellyconnelly - 05/30/07 10:52
i would prefer if fruits kept their nasty business off my tastebuds....
i would prefer if fruits kept their nasty business off my tastebuds....
james - 05/29/07 19:12
eating dried papaya is like delicious fruits having sex on your taste buds.
eating dried papaya is like delicious fruits having sex on your taste buds.
jenks - 05/29/07 16:10
banana chips!
banana chips!
kara - 05/29/07 15:58
peanut butter chips, dried mango, craisins, cashews, popcorn, walnuts
peanut butter chips, dried mango, craisins, cashews, popcorn, walnuts
joshua - 05/29/07 15:47
There we go - variety. Too bad that list is so small! Haha.
There we go - variety. Too bad that list is so small! Haha.
leetee - 05/29/07 15:26
dried apricots, dried apples, dried plantains, dried bananas, dried cherries, dates, pretzels, sesame sunflower seed thingies, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, coconut, cherios...
that's all i can think of at the moment.
dried apricots, dried apples, dried plantains, dried bananas, dried cherries, dates, pretzels, sesame sunflower seed thingies, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, coconut, cherios...
that's all i can think of at the moment.
05/24/2007 10:16 #39400
Software QuestionI need to manipulate PDF files (merge multiple PDFs into one, sort the pages, etc.) but my boss isn't about to pony up $300 for Acrobat for me. Any ideas on an open source alternative that works in XP? So far, the best candidate I've seen is PDFCreator.
jsl - 05/30/07 10:10
Lots of software built for linux will run on XP, using the API in [link=http://www.cygwin.com/]cygwin[/link]. The pdftk link mentioned in this page is good, I've used it. However I don't know if there is a graphical interface, if you need that. It should be easy to script, at any rate, if you need to automate pdf manipulation. Of course using Latex -> pdf is a good way to go if you need to program the creation of pdfs from the ground up.
Lots of software built for linux will run on XP, using the API in [link=http://www.cygwin.com/]cygwin[/link]. The pdftk link mentioned in this page is good, I've used it. However I don't know if there is a graphical interface, if you need that. It should be easy to script, at any rate, if you need to automate pdf manipulation. Of course using Latex -> pdf is a good way to go if you need to program the creation of pdfs from the ground up.
joshua - 05/26/07 15:47
My brother still has his UB card from his previous job - he was technically a member of staff (his company is/was affiliated with UB). It takes UB forever to flush their system and we were going to try and see if he could still get software for dirt prices.
Thanks for the tips with primopdf - I'll give it a shot!
My brother still has his UB card from his previous job - he was technically a member of staff (his company is/was affiliated with UB). It takes UB forever to flush their system and we were going to try and see if he could still get software for dirt prices.
Thanks for the tips with primopdf - I'll give it a shot!
jenks - 05/24/07 19:52
no help, just sympathy. i can't believe how expensive acrobat is! I had a fill-in form for work, and I figured maybe I'd just suck it up and buy the app. but not for $300!
BUT- do you still have any UB connections? I got the one-prior-to-current version (full, legal copy) from UB micro for like 10 bucks. But it's for mac...
no help, just sympathy. i can't believe how expensive acrobat is! I had a fill-in form for work, and I figured maybe I'd just suck it up and buy the app. but not for $300!
BUT- do you still have any UB connections? I got the one-prior-to-current version (full, legal copy) from UB micro for like 10 bucks. But it's for mac...
joshua - 05/24/07 15:05
He is cheap when it comes to software, but lavish when it comes to other things - for whatever reason if he doesn't perceive a $300 benefit then he isn't willing to extend the cash. Oh well.
He is cheap when it comes to software, but lavish when it comes to other things - for whatever reason if he doesn't perceive a $300 benefit then he isn't willing to extend the cash. Oh well.
carolinian - 05/24/07 14:04
Three things:
1) Your boss is a moron. Software doesn't cost money compared to the value of work done with the software. If you pay someone $10/hour to split out PDF's 365 days/year, $300 for adobe stuff is immaterial.
2) The best thing to do with morons is to let them hang themselves with their very own rope. If he's the one who needs the PDF split out (as opposed to your needs), and he's not willing to spend the $$$ for the relatively inexpensive tool to do the job well, let'em get his ass kicked (again, if this is something that he needs and not you).
3) Since #1 and #2 are just my own personal dogma and nothing useful to contribute, I'll say that I've heard of people having good success with :::link::: but this is hearing it third-hand.
Three things:
1) Your boss is a moron. Software doesn't cost money compared to the value of work done with the software. If you pay someone $10/hour to split out PDF's 365 days/year, $300 for adobe stuff is immaterial.
2) The best thing to do with morons is to let them hang themselves with their very own rope. If he's the one who needs the PDF split out (as opposed to your needs), and he's not willing to spend the $$$ for the relatively inexpensive tool to do the job well, let'em get his ass kicked (again, if this is something that he needs and not you).
3) Since #1 and #2 are just my own personal dogma and nothing useful to contribute, I'll say that I've heard of people having good success with :::link::: but this is hearing it third-hand.
mrmike - 05/24/07 10:22
PrimoPDF isn't too bad either.
PrimoPDF isn't too bad either.
Dammit - that should have been me =( Jason was signed in still.
I know... I deserve it and I deserve to die!
And I always miss the best stuff, which is ridiculous. We should hang.
i think you two are rat bastards for missing both parties, and especially mine. you missed a fucking good time. and you both such, dick. 9you could possibly make amends by showing up to hang out with me sometime this weekend. i am free, tomorrow, sat, and sunday night. if you dont show, you are both losers forever, and i hate you. jk, but i really will be somewhat sad...
ummmm btw (e:larsonbros)- where the hell were you this weekend? TWO parties and you missed BOTH?
(I know. I missed them both too. But that's different!) :P
Nothing wrong with shameless plugs!
The concept of a Buffwiki would be very, very cool.
I don't know about Wikipedia, but Tribe does have an Elmwood Tribe (shameless plug, since I started it): :::link:::
That's a good idea. In fact, won't it be fun and useful to have a Bufwiki, in the lines of Rocwiki (http://rocwiki.org/)? The newcomers to Buffalo (and also the present residents) would find this immensely useful. I know, I am part of Rocwiki and that makes me biased towards the utility of such a wiki, but hey, it *is* useful. I know estrippers would make fabulous wiki authors. :)