A SWEETHEART of a stray dog that wandered in while I was getting my hair cut. He was the sweetest thing ever. Fortunately when I went back later, his owner had come and found him. Apparently he cried tears of relief when he finally found him. :)

At work, lookin good!! haha. glasses and all. Ugh.

Cutest. things. ever.

I can't believe this tiny thing is 12GB. I remember my first powerbook, with it's blazing fast 33mhz processor, and after I filled up the 20mb hard drive, I got a little external 100mb hard drive, which I was sure was more space than I could EVER use. Oh, how times have changed.

Drinking beer at the Malamute at about 930am on a wednesday, after a long night at work. KLASSY! I had to 'borrow' my glass though. It was like the old-style Canadian 'double label', and said "I'd rather be partying. Oh wait. I am partying."

A wine tasting bar in the pittsburgh? philadelphia? (i forget) airport on my way to vacation. it was not open at 6am or whenever it was I was there. Good thinking.
haha, the owner. Apparently he'd been looking for the dog for 6hr or something, and was so relieved to finally find him [the dog], that he [the owner] burst into tears.
Was the dog crying, or the owner?
the dog on the couch kind of looks plastic. Like a plastic statue that somebody laid down on a couch. I think.