First off, the gliders. Unrelated, the male sugar glider escaped yesterday. I wasn't sure if he was coming back or not. This evening though - he showed up in the den, covered in soot and dust. He was all gray. The baby is so cute now. I also have a video but I have to wait to get it off my camera. It was so hard to get a pic of him because it was really low light (sensitive baby eyes) and he refused to stay still.
As for the journals, I am having a hard time deciding if I should post them all or just the "good" ones. I decided I would just post them all. These are the beginning of September 1985, including my first journal ever.
They get better, lots of reagan, school budgets, challenger explosion goodness to come. I preserved most of the spelling error and some are probably added because my M key isn't working right. It is hard to spell check with so many intention misspellings. Welcome to September 1985.
Yes, I really wrote it helps me think twice.
Friday, September 6th 1985
Dear Journal,
It is fun to write stories in this book. It helps me think. It helps me think. It helps me remember what is too special to forget. Today, Friday September 6, 1985 - Dear Mike, these are my exact word the the first day of school. I am Paul Visco. I like gymnastics and math.
I had so many bikes stolen over the year and damn I loved the muppets. There is even a postcard I got back from Muppet magazine after writing to Dr. Bunsen Honeydew and an autographed picture of Jim Hensen in my box of stuff. Wow I have a hard time concentrating one thing. Or is it just the lack of punctuation.
Today is Monday, September 9, 1985
Dear Mike, Great Name!
Over the weekend I woched muper babbies Drods, get alog gang out of all the tv shose I like muppet babies I like piggy kermit gonso skider sckdor anamle fozy bear and I went to the gymnastics. I named my journal mike because it is my brothers name. yesterday night some one stoled my bike sorry to hear about your bike! and I went to Dairy queen and to my friends house and church I went to the played at the playground.
You certainly were busy. Interesting fun weekend. Yummy!
I really liked this teacher, I was not just an ass kisser.
Today is Friday September 10th
It's been about a week since we've been in school. So far we did watermelon math, counting calistenics, finger writing exercises Reading tests, Math, our journal, spelling, study, launched out rockets. I have the best teacher in the school.
Thank you Paul! You are an excellent student! You did a super job with the Spelling Lessen! Thanks. I like you~
Man, I was born to blog.
Wednesday September 11th, 1985
Yesterday, we had a guest visitor. Let me tell you about him. He has lived in a glass house about six years. He eat worms and frogs yum - he sticks out his tongue, wiggles, and wears a camouflage suit. He is cool. Dany is his best friend. Myorm our gest is a ... snake. Tonight is open house where parents come to our school, and meet our teacher Mrs. Costello. Its at 7:30PM in the auditorium.
Thursday, September 12, 1985
Dear Mike,
We met the Minus Monster in Math class. He is green with greed. Minus monster wants the hole set first before subtracting. e.x. 8-5=3 The biggest number first. We saw a huge stuffed snake and real snake skin.
I just couldn't get over that poor people could be kind and generous.
Today is Friday 9/13/85
Dear Mike,
Mrs Costello is reading Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factery to us. Charlie's Parents are so poor they only have cabbage to eat yet Charly is kind and generous. He sure would like to win the golden ticket. This afternoon, someone in our class will find a golden ticket in their candybar and will become Leader of the Week.
What the hell is Amaican. Did I really mean America, and if so did I think Nonno and Nonna meant grandparents in American. What is a nasonail gagrfack.
Monday, September 16, 1985
Dear Mike,
Over the weekend I got a new bike. I wacht T/V. I wacht muppet babbies, well muppet babbies and monsters today. My nonno and nonna wich stands for grandparents in Amaican. It's a very good week end. I have 100 books I kood read some day. I even have the groanups set of nasonail gagrfack.
My teacher loved Kool and The Gang
Today is Tuesday, September 17, 1985
Dear Mike,
We are doing Science Experiments someone asked, "Are these magic tricks?" yes in a way, but there is a Scientific reason for each trick . Kool and the Gang says, "Cherish the love you have! Cherish the life you live!"
I think my grandparents were visiting relatives in Italy at the time. I don't think they ever got to go back. Looking back I wonder if they knew it was their last trip to their homeland. What would that feel like. I guess if I stay in Buffalo forever, I will not have to know, lol.
Random Date
I have bine sick in bed, my nonno and nonna came home. I bilt a castle - no further deatales.
Today is September 23rd
Dear Mike,
Over the weekend I went to my grandmothers house. I went to the buffelow sinese senter and herd about spase and earth and a lot more
It's a fascinating place!
The word precipitation ends up being in a lot of journals. Apparently, a lifetime obsession as my current journal here, reminds me to bring an umbrella when it is raining. I love how innocently I believed that the u.s.a helps other nations. The 80s were a good time to be young because there was no war fro the past that meant anything to me at that age, and we were not in the midst of any war.
Today is Tuesday September 24, 85
Dear Mike,
There was precipitation (rain) the morning. However, it will evaperate (go away into the air) it is expecdead to be cloudy with a chase of precipitation later too. We are sending help to Mexico after their tragic earthquake. The u.s.a helps other nations.
The poor Mexicans.
Today is Wednesday, September 25, 1985
Tomorrow, We will have our class pichers in school. Since wwe have gy at 10:50am, our pichers will be taken before gym. I must remember to smile. the Mexican government is worried that tourists may not want to come to Mexico to visit.
More precipitation, more smile propaganda - no wonder we all smile in pictures now.
Today is September 26th, 1985
Today is Picher Day. We were first! I smiled for the camera! We lind up according to hight first, second, third, forth, fifth, sizth, seventh, eight, ninth, tenth and so on. It iwll be mostly cloudy with a high chase of precipitation.
Little did I know that most of my life would consist of hit return twice for a new paragraph in a world of endless digital space. It makes e wonder if humans would have always preferred the extra line return but couldn't afford it in the paper world.
Today is Friday September 27th, 1985
We are studying paragraphs A paragraph is a group of setenses on a certain topic. To show a new parahraph, indent (go in 3 fingers of a spase)
There was precipitation and Gloria is expected. For school pichers .. the lady told me to smile and so did miss costelo and my mom and dad.
I guess we all had the same idea and you have such a super smile!
Over the weekend Monday, September 30th,
Dear Mike,
yesterday and the day before I was at my grandmothers with my brother mike I named my journal after my broth mike we made a tent we took cahres and blankets and suffed anaimals some chars were big and some were small we had tonals under the tabble and around the table fun fun fun !
I bet mike enjoyed that !! Does mike know (?) you named your journal after him?
Porch looks great, congratulations! And isn't Hilti a power tool company? Must be something I can't afford because I don't have any! :(