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05/16/2007 21:51 #39308
YaRD SALE FYI!!!!!!!!!it's on friday anD saturdAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
05/16/2007 09:39 #39303
garage sale yay!Category: sale!
ok, people, you better come!!!! it ain't free, but it's cheap! it;s gonna go down on saturday as well, same times, maybe longer, and earlier as well...


05/08/2007 23:52 #39206
swift!Category: moving
to all those who care and don't care...
I AM LEAVING BY JUNE 20th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
peace out peaches!
I AM LEAVING BY JUNE 20th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
peace out peaches!
mike - 05/09/07 16:19
05/06/2007 20:46 #39185
so patheticCategory: diet
im so void of any sort of romantic prospects that I've developed a crush that i have never/will never talk to.
like the crush i had on my 30 yr old hottie neighbor from age 18-20.
in other news, my going away party will be beach themed. i will be in a bathing suit of some sort. i will be thin, as i am on diet 2007.
give me inspiration to stay on it, please. need to move to hot place minus buffalo bod....
like the crush i had on my 30 yr old hottie neighbor from age 18-20.
in other news, my going away party will be beach themed. i will be in a bathing suit of some sort. i will be thin, as i am on diet 2007.
give me inspiration to stay on it, please. need to move to hot place minus buffalo bod....
deeglam - 05/07/07 23:26
spagini man! o shit, i remember spagini man!
spagini man! o shit, i remember spagini man!
metalpeter - 05/07/07 17:41
So a party that has the theme of a beach party. That sounds interesting I'm thin but sounds like I may have to get a little bit more in shape my self, not that, that will happen.
So a party that has the theme of a beach party. That sounds interesting I'm thin but sounds like I may have to get a little bit more in shape my self, not that, that will happen.
jenks - 05/07/07 05:26
Ok we can both be on a diet and make each other stick to it.
And I think you should go out with the facebook boy.
Ok we can both be on a diet and make each other stick to it.
And I think you should go out with the facebook boy.
mk - 05/06/07 21:02
woo hoo, a beach party sounds so fun, except for the fact that it means you're leaving :(
i think you have enough drive and motivation to stay on course for a diet. just don't do any crazy diet in which you deprive yourself completely of foods you like. i say just exercise a lot and then you don't have to worry about your diet as much, and you will also be hot and sexy (rather, hotTER and sexIER).
woo hoo, a beach party sounds so fun, except for the fact that it means you're leaving :(
i think you have enough drive and motivation to stay on course for a diet. just don't do any crazy diet in which you deprive yourself completely of foods you like. i say just exercise a lot and then you don't have to worry about your diet as much, and you will also be hot and sexy (rather, hotTER and sexIER).
05/05/2007 15:00 #39164
happy birthday e:jenks and paris in jailnot really sure when it is, but happy brithday (e:jenks) ! i think it is sooon and/or today????
and paris hilton is going to jail for 45 days. so crazy, never thought i would see the day. she is so ridiculous and crazy, rich and everything, and i kinds wish i could be her or live her life. in the very least, i would totally date her...
that's all.
and paris hilton is going to jail for 45 days. so crazy, never thought i would see the day. she is so ridiculous and crazy, rich and everything, and i kinds wish i could be her or live her life. in the very least, i would totally date her...
that's all.
mike - 05/06/07 10:22
can we visit her in jail where she can't leave?
can we visit her in jail where she can't leave?
jenks - 05/06/07 09:56
aww!! Thanks! (and yeah, what happened? I just saw Paris going to jail on tv in the airport, but the sound was off. What did she do? The copies of Us, InTouch, AND People that I read on the plane weren't current enough!)
aww!! Thanks! (and yeah, what happened? I just saw Paris going to jail on tv in the airport, but the sound was off. What did she do? The copies of Us, InTouch, AND People that I read on the plane weren't current enough!)
i don't really need items but i'm totally down with a hair date!!!
Awww there is a definete sadness to missing yardsales... I love them and need lots and lots of things...
I'll be in NYC, but I hope it's a clearance sale for you.
damn, this weekend is the weekend of the estate sale i have been working to help get ready!!