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05/15/2007 13:59 #39284

God just killed Jerry Falwell.
Category: life
That is all.
james - 05/15/07 20:46
I am planning a pilgrimage to Lynchburg, VA to piss on his grave?

Anyone else want to leave a steamt pile in memoram?
jim - 05/15/07 16:46
Very much totally dead.
jenks - 05/15/07 15:19
is he officially dead? last I heard he was in the hospital. All I can say is good riddance.
mrmike - 05/15/07 14:38
nice he/she got it on the first try.

05/14/2007 11:04 #39272

Years in the making.
Category: the internets
The photo group that I moderate on Flickr has 326 members, although of course only about two dozen regularly contribute photos and discussion.

Why oh why is there always a couple people who so have to dominate everything and always make trouble? Why does everything always have to be about them and their position and just ME ME ME. How can someone constantly manage to be at the root of all the trouble in a group, and still have so many arguments about how it's not possibly about them, and how they're just a good person that somehow always gets conspired against?

Do you hear that Mister Anderson?

And so: I got out my ban-hammer today. Ka-smash.

That is the sound of inevitability.

Felt sort of good. But my stomach is in knots because it's going to be a shitty week full of emails back and forth and fall out.

Ugh. [s]326[/s] 325

james - 05/14/07 12:13
Thankfully, some people are so stupid they would walk right into the greasy jowls of their own demise, as was the case. It was a long time coming, and he was a constant pain in the ass, always pushing the limits of your tolerance, stretching group rules to near the breaking point, and now he has flamed out and banished himself from the kingdom. Good riddance. Negative people who like to tempt moderators into kicking them out deserve the thor like smash of the ban-hammer.

And now I must remove anything incriminating I have ever posted or said to the group. I may have called for the beheading of all eskimos. But I swear, I only meant I wanted them in beehive hairdos!
jenks - 05/14/07 11:45
lol... oh boy.... i went through some forum drama myself last year. I feel for you.

05/13/2007 14:43 #39258

Mother's Day


My Mom
fellyconnelly - 05/14/07 00:43
awww thats cute!

05/12/2007 19:24 #39255

Category: photos
Does anyone know what sort of flowers these are?

jim - 05/13/07 14:44
Thanks Terry!
terry - 05/13/07 10:40
and here, even...
terry - 05/13/07 10:39
The answer is...Phlox. Like, what the phlox, those flowers are pretty!

I actually just bought some for our garden yesterday. They also have a long-stalked variety that is very nice looking and blooms later in the year.
james - 05/13/07 10:30

05/07/2007 18:44 #39195

I Like Sticks.
Category: photos
