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04/24/2007 18:29 #39030

Real World Tryouts
So i went to the interview for the Real World today. I am so not as crazy as the other people so I am sure I didn't make it but we'll see. You find out at 9pm today I think he said if you make it to the next round. Even if I don't, at least I can say I tried!
jenks - 04/25/07 12:12
I hope the fact that you haven't posted again yet is b/c you are still recovering from the wild party you had when you found out you made it to round two.

I so want you to be on Real World. You NEED to be.
james - 04/24/07 20:33
(e:Jim) tried out in his wild and crazy youth. You two should rehash the tryout next party.
chico - 04/24/07 19:47
Atta boy, (e:mike) ! I for one am damn proud of you. They'd be crazy not to sign you up.

04/22/2007 23:56 #39011

Don't Walk A Mile in his Flip-Flops
So this afternoon I wasn't in a great mood as Sundays sometimes get me down. I really wanted to go out for lunch or for a walk but everyone was busy so I decided to go for a walk by myself which is fine and fun sometimes. I parked on Bidwell kinda near elmwood and then walked down elmwood to allen, then down allen to like the Days Park and Kleinhan's area and walked around there, and then back up Allen til Pearl, then down Pearl and down towards downtown more. And then back up Franklin/Linwood and back to my car. It was quite a long walk , maybe like 2, 2/5 hours which would have been fine because sometimes you just need that when you want to clear your head. Here's the glitch, I was stupidly wearing a new pair of flip flops. By the time I realized the pain I was as far as I possibly could have been from my car. My feet were sooo torn up and full of blisters and in pain now. It really really hurts. Thankfully I got a little respite when I stopped at the 44 and (e:carey) was on the porch and so I was able to sit for a bit and go in and get a glass of water (and my wallett which I left the night before). The wallet actually became an issue and I had to carry it instead of putting it in my pocket, because as some of you may know, My wallet has about 1.2 million cards in it, and my pants are a little big on me which equals pants falling down every two seconds when wallet is in pocket. So I had to carry it. Did I mention my feet hurt so bad?

Then spent some quality sun catching time lying at Delware park with (e:beast) and (e:maureen). I relaly realized I need glasses when (e:beast) pointed out a cute dog and I was like oh he is so cute, and then she was like um you aren't looking in the right direction. As it turns out what I saw as a cute dog was actually a little kid. happens.

Then me and (e:jill) went to see Vacancy tonight. It was really scary though my threshold for really scary is really low. Reeally I waould classify even a jack in the box as really scary. Anywho we were completely curled up in our seats just from the preview. We don't know why we always go to scary movies as we always get terrified and keep our eyes closed for the majority of it.

It got us thinking about why cell phones never work around scary remote places. And then we were tlaking about how how they have things that block cell phone signals and some theaters and churhces have them. And then we thought what if killers started carrying those around and so you couldn't use your cell phone to call for help. Terrifying isn't i?

And i'll leave you with this pearl....on Nick at Nite right now they have a spoof called Ugly Betty White...and I love it!
lilho - 04/23/07 10:46
you thought a little kid was a dog, that is so funny and so wrong!
mk - 04/23/07 09:28
theecarey - 04/23/07 00:36
how did we not pass each other in our cross city trek wearing feet hurting flip flops? I had returned to the 24 (not 44, haha) from the same path, not long before you arrived.

04/21/2007 11:54 #38987

Puff the Magic Dragon and Weirdness
How random? As you all know I do not partake in the 4/20 activities as I was the DARE poster child at one point in my life. But randomly my mom bought me the book Puff the Magic Dragon yesterday at a book sale. She was like I remember you used to have this book and loved it and so she bought it yesterdray. And isn't it all about smoking pot. Do you think it is a secret signal that she thinks I am a pot smoker because I am not!

Anywho, Why do I always have to take a situation that I have made super weird over the years and then take it to that next weird level. just the other day I was talking to someone about how I don't think I could make it any weirder but guess what...I FOUND A WAY. A few of you might know what I am talking about....why do I hav to get so creepy sometimes....
james - 04/21/07 22:34
The ability to make a weird situation weirder is a gift. Use it wisely, for you can creep the shit out of the lord himself.
metalpeter - 04/21/07 15:59
Here is where I get Confussed there was the Book, song and movie Puff The Magic Dragon. The Book and The Movie where aimed at kids, but not sure about the song. Was the song first and it inspired the book or was it for the movie that was based on the book. Or was the song first and about spoking up and someone turned it into a kids book? Oh yeah dragons fucking rule and the fact that a dragon could have a little boy as a friend is a little different but still kinda cool.
paul - 04/21/07 13:21
YA, what the heck are you talking about.
mk - 04/21/07 12:30
I don't think I know what you're talking about...and I'm intrigued...

Remember when you wrote a journal about how you joined a club that lots of people have been a part of for years, and I totally figured that you meant like, a fan club or book club? Remember what you were actually talking about? hahahha

04/18/2007 00:05 #38935

Real World Auditions
They are having an open casting call in Buffalo for the Real World. They are looking for people who want to live in a big city and work in the entertainment industry such as fashion, television, movies etc. OMG i think i have to go. I have always wanted to be on the Real World. I am sure I won' tget on cuz I am not interesting nor exciting or crazy but how can I let this opportunity pass me by. What will I say? I'm sure I will come across as really boring but maybe not. Maybe I shouldn't have posted it here cuz now my competetion might increase.
ladycroft - 04/18/07 18:16
i did that once, way back when...only because it was for the london one. i had to fill out a 15 page application, then wait in line for 2 hours to sit in a giant red chair next to a mickey mouse phone, look into a blinding light with a giant camera behind it and tell them why to pick me.

i think you'd be a fun character. make sure you tell them how you take your clothes off the more drunk you get...they like that!
metalpeter - 04/18/07 17:50
I think (e:Mike) and (e:lilho) would be perfect but I'm not a casting director. I could also see (e:ladycroft) and (e:theecarey) being on the show. I wouldn't want to be on reality TV. But I do want to look into more and find out all the details. I know one of the guys with MTV is from Buffalo. That is why they did the Frat and Soriety house shows in Buffalo. But I wonder if they are going every where for auditions instead of people sending in tapes or if they will film it here and want one local person. I think what they have allways done before is pick a city to film and then select people to send to that location and none of them are from that city. Oh anyone who's name I didn't mention it isn't a put down or anything. It is just that those 4 (e:peeps) stick out as being good for the show or people I think would realy like the experiance.
museumchick - 04/18/07 08:52
You should go for it! It's worth trying out for.
mrmike - 04/18/07 08:04
Go for it. You are definitely not boring. I can see it now: "This is the true story.....when an (e:peep) stops being polite."
jenks - 04/18/07 02:15
of course you have to go! nothing to lose! You would totally be my favorite charactor on the Real World. And I think you are definitely interesting, exciting, and crazy. And you don't come across as really boring. go for it!
chico - 04/18/07 01:15
(e:mike), you MUST audition. Do it! DO IT!
lilho - 04/18/07 00:14
i have to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

04/11/2007 00:25 #38848

Really? I'm the first?
I can't believe that no one has mentioned that LARRY IS ANNA NICOLE'S BABY DADDY! Not Howard. Now not that I didn' tdoubt this for a second because if Howard really knew it was his why wouldn't he of had the DNA test a while ago as he would have had nothing to lose. HOw crazy though! That is like winning the lottery all wrapped up in a diaper for Larry! I hope the poor baby has a good life and he doesn't waste all its money. Like will it be in a trust fund or what? I had heard in her will she said all her fortune could only go to her son and no future spouses or children. That would leave the baby broke. But I also heard no judge would hold that up since her son was dead and that the baby gets it all. All I know is I wish I could have got a little Anna Nicole while she was giving it out for free, who knows I could be carrying home a million dollar bundle this weekend!