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03/22/2007 16:04 #38560

my new plan....
Well folks. I have a new plan. i thought about me just splitting las vegas after this semester, and initially it was a good plan, but then the more i thought about, the more i realized i would regret is so bad. I mean, i am one year away from my MPH, and that could be a huge difference in pay.

so, i came up with a new plan....

i thought i would be okay here for a year and a half....that was while my sister was here. then i took her to the airport the other night, and suddenly i realized i was going to be alone again. in sets depressive state. i called my mom, and she tried to convince me to move home, pronto. she is worried because i am so sad here, and she thinks that another year and i will end up insane.

so, i decided to try a new route. i looked into summer classes, and if i take 3 summer classes, i can graduate in december. the only catch is that one of my core classes, chronic disease epidemiology, is only offered in the spring and i haven't taken it yet. so, i am trying to work out an independant study in exchange for the chronic disease credit. i think it may work. but this means then, that fall semester will be my thesis. fuck. i don't even know what my thesis is going to be on...., with that said, i am going to try to stick this shit out and have the best of both worlds. move home soooner, but with my degree.

i just hope there will be an amazing job for me at home when i am finally done. fingers crossed.

as for what danny is doing, who knows. he isn't happy with my decision to leave in december, and he certainly doesn't want to move to buffalo, so i don't know what he is going to do....stay here for another year? move home and quite? move to buffalo? albany? who knows....

all i know is that having a plan that makes me happy makes me happy.

my happiness maybe overshadowed by the fact that i get my transmissions of infectious disease midterm back tonight. i know i did horribly and i really don't want to know my grade. as awful as that sounds.....booooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
lilho - 03/23/07 21:11
thanx for ingoring me. love sarah.

03/18/2007 15:07 #38510

st. patty's day was insane. we went to fremont street and you could barely move there were so many people. fun times....

a point of clarifcation:

(e:metalpeter) brought up a good point pertaining to my last 2 or 3 posts....and how i hate las vegas and how i am not happy here. He left a comment saying he was confused because if i am here with my fiance and things are going well between us, woudln't that be enough to make me i thought i would mention that, because i don't want the wrong idea to come across peoples minds when i say that stuff. danny and i are great for eachother, but when you live in a city where you only have one person who can truely be there for you, it puts a lot of pressure on that one person to be your entire social network. I have made some great friends here, but I still am not in a place where I can confide in anyone else or seek support from anyone here other than danny....and same for him. maybe that is my own fault because i bottle so much inside and don't talk to anyone about my problems....

but anyway, so, our entire lives are pretty much eachother, and that is a lot for one person to be. Its not fair for him, nor I, to have that kind of expectation on eachother.... not that he isn't good enough, but I hate having these crazy expectations for him, and him not being able to meet them, and then me get sad about it because he couldn't do it...its hard to explain, but it's just a huge role for one person to fill: being friends, family, fiance, care taker, comedian, etc all in one person.....if that makes sense?

i don't know....i have thought a lot about what the next few months hold for me. i don't know what i am going to do, but i know if i don't' finish here, i will later regret it. i don't want to have any regrets. I should just stop being a baby about it and suck it up. Once it's done, i will be so proud and happy....and will be satisfied with my career and can go wherever i want....

so can i suck it up? we will see.

for the moment. i think it is time to go shopping.
metalpeter - 03/19/07 17:43
First of all thanks for the clarifaction. Secondly now I understand what you mean and see why you arn't happy. Thirdly I wonder if there is any social networking out there you could find. I don't know if it would be the same as having someone to talk to who is a good friend. Along with that don't be affraid to keep journaling or maybe if you don't allready start a private one. I know that isn't as good as a really good friend but it still might help some. I should really say a good friend you can confide in. Sometimes the oposite is true that good friends are hard to confide in and that it is eaiser to tell people you don't know personal stuff, this is true for people like myself that have trust issues.

In anyevnt I wish you luck working things out and hope you are able to stick it out in Vegas, assuming that is what would really be the best for you.
vincent - 03/18/07 23:56
I love Vegas, but only for a week or 10 days at a time.

Everyone is out for themselves; I remember hearing George Maloof saying the only person he trusts out there is his brother.

Although the weird thing is I meet a couple of good people out there through LJ but there were transplants from other places.

03/16/2007 15:43 #38489

i thank you all for the support and cute messages, but it just makes me want to move home even all i have to do is get on a plane, and walk into roswell and be happy forever.

I am kinda on the fence about it...i mean, if i moved home and got a job, i would be making about $15,000 less than if I stayed here for one more year....and i would walk away with a masters.

but on the flip side, i am so sad and depressed here. i hate it here. i am not happy. i want to be home so badly....and it makes it worse knowing that i could have a great job there.

well. i applied. i sent my resume in. i guess if it is meant for me to work with breast cancer patients, then i will at least get an interview. but if not, than maybe its just not meant to be.....maybe that means then, then i am supposed to stay here and carry out my shitty life here in las vegas. depressing thought, but huge possibility.

i mean, what is another year?

well, either way, i have to stay here till my lawsuit is finalized. that could be a few months anyway. we will see.....
metalpeter - 03/16/07 17:51
Sorry you arn't happy in Vegas. I admit this post has me a little bit confussed. I thought that you had plans to get merried and that you finacee lives and works out there. Am I missing something? Reason being is that i would think that, that would be enough to keep you happy. Again if I'm missing something sorry about that.
imk2 - 03/16/07 16:16
OHHHH, looks like I'll be interviewing you!!!!!

03/16/2007 00:11 #38479

I miss home. i miss my family. i miss my neighborhood. i miss normalcy. i miss frizb's. i miss my friends. i miss ny in general.

i hate school. i hate las vegas. i hate my life here. i hate my program. i hate that i am wasting so much fucking time in this shitty fucking city. fuck.

i bought 3 shirts today. one of which is this cute hello kitty shirt that is pink and super cute and girly. usually i don't wear hello kitty gear... despite how i am a huge hello kitty fan, but i saw the shirt and it was saying "jess, you can do this's cute!" so i bought it.

my sister is here this week. i feel bad because i am just so under the weather....and the weather here is insane may i add. it's only supposed to be around 70, and it is 90. too hot for me. fuck this shit.

i hate heat.

70 is perfect....springtime like. i think that is the general consesus. comfortable weather is key...

....but back to my sister. i am just kinda bummed about where i am in life right now, and i feel bad because she is here and wants to do all the vegas shit, but i just want to puke every time i see a casino or flashing lights or whores walking down the street. for real.

i hate to complain, i am just really home sick. i miss home. not that home is anything special or great; its just home. it's where ma famille is. j'adore ma famille. i am sick of being so far away from the life where i want to be. it's going on 5 years away from home, and i am just sick of having to make so much hoopla to get there....more so now that i am 3000 miles away than when i was only 400.

i need to find a job as close to home as possible. that is what i need to do. anyone hiring a project coordinator for a public health position? anyone need a epidemiologist? anyone need an environmental health specialist? anything! i will take anything....

actually, there is this job that i really want at roswell park. i hate to tease myself, but it would be a great job for me. i hate looking at that site and seeing jobs that i am qualified for. ugh!!!!!!!!!!

maybe i will just fuck school and fly home and get a job and be happy. yay!
enknot - 03/17/07 17:21
Yeah, we need new gossipers! Our old "the devil" is getting stale... (Yvonne, you know I'm kidding... Telly loves ya baby).

But I have to say, sticking it out in a crumby situation for something that's bigger and better is usually worth it. Still it's not like you don't have options.

If you could get a sweet job here, hang out with us peeps, be close to home, viva con la familia, meet someone nice, start a band, raise a puppy, have a candy apple, win a game of scrabble, have a fat pile of chicken wings, and finish your degree in any of the the fine educational institutions in western New York all at once why wouldn't you?

I'm not saying you should move. I'm just saying..
paul - 03/16/07 09:55
You could join the gossip table for lunch, lol.
imk2 - 03/16/07 09:05
actually, we are looking for a project coordinator at roswell.

take a look. :::link:::
chico - 03/16/07 01:00
Hey why not apply for that job at RPCI? From what I hear it's a great place to work. If you can picture yourself working there and being happy, what's the harm in sending in your resume?
carolinian - 03/16/07 01:00
I can relate. I'm living here in Buffalo for a job, but I miss everyone in North Carolina. I see jobs that I'm technically qualified that sound wonderful, but I know that I'm better off economically here because HR people down there would let me get my foot in the door.

I've heard people native to Buffalo say "People move away from Buffalo to build a career but find they want to move back when they have families." As my life up here is the twisted inverse of the lives of Buffalonians, I'm sure I'll end up doing the exact same thing eventually, just in reverse.

03/12/2007 13:32 #38431

all the fun stuff....
this weekend was my trip to reno/carson city for the women's grassroots lobby days weekend. it sucked so bad for various reasons, so i left early. i am probably going to get a lot of shit for it, but im sorry, i thought it was going to be informative and insightful....well, i guess it was insightful for the sheer fact that I know realize why this state (Nevada) is so fucked up. I met the women that have power and mold education and healthcare here....they are all old, mean, rich and crabby ladies that are just straight up bitches. Its sickening to me....but everything now makes perfect sense.

i got a personal injury attorney and am now going to PT 3 times a week. It's insane....and scary at the same time. All of this legal stuff really scares me.

My sister comes in tomorrow. i am SO excited!

I love my dogs. really. they are awesome.