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04/27/2007 13:29 #39061

new development
my favorite professor in the department offered me some work doing lead level lab work. I am so excited....for various reasons.

1. the lead project he is doing is monumental for the UNLV school of public health. He basically uncovered all of these mexican candies that contained toxic levels of lead, and now is working along side the health department to make sure other products we are consuming in clark county do not contain lead....american made products most think don't contain lead, but they do....but the real problem is the amount of foreign made products....because the standards aren't as strict in mexico and beyond.

2. I lack experience in a lab. This would give me that additional point of hiring interest.

3. Dr. G is the coolest professor ever. i think he would be a great boss.

4. obviously, it is a job. and it is a job in my field. i can't complain about that.

So danny puts in the word today at his school that he is quitting as of the end of this school year. He is shitting his pants, but I am sure he will be ok....and once it's over, he can concentrate on what he wants to do next. He is seriously considering law school. quite ambitous, but i know he is a perfect candidate to get in that field...

I have an MRI today. I am so scared. I know there is really nothing to be afraid of, but i work myself up....but hopefully it will show that I can stop treatment (from my neck injury in my car accident), my lawsuit will end, and I will get a settlement to trade in my car. My car is bad karma. funny.. but real.

lilho - 04/28/07 11:13
i knew all that mexican candy i've bene eating tasted weird. NO MORE MEXICAN CANDIES!!!!!! umm, i miss you... and sophia!

04/26/2007 23:34 #39059

So, my longing for long hair has gone to new heights. I spent over $100 on a "weave" as danny calls it. It's so pretty and makes my hair really long....and the best part is, it is clip-in. Long hair today, shorter hair tomorrow. Not that my hair is short, it's actually getting really long, but not long enough fast enough.

But my spending needs to stop. As of 4 weeks like today, I don't have a job. I am screwed. I make good money where I am at, but my contract is up on May 31. My boss doesn't know whether she has enough funding to keep me on, but she is still waiting.... in the meantime, i have looked for jobs. I am not willing to work 2x's more for less money. Sorry...not happening. I mean, what is the deal? I have 2 bacholor's degrees and i am almost done with my master's. Why are these employers not snapping at me. ugh. I know its the end of the funding year for many non-profit organizations, so it is a bad time to be looking for a job.

I have started work on my thesis. I am very excited about it. I wll eventually give more details on my research project, but I promise, it is wonderful.

And I know i shouldn't complain since most of the readers of this blog live in buffalo, but it's sooooooooooooooooooo hot in vegas. It's always hot. I hate this shit. I was outside for 10 minutes today and my freckles already started to come out. I hate that shit. I can't wait to go home in may and have normal weather for this time of year. Well, I guess "normal" is relative.

And, i have buckled down and am going to back to a dermatologist. Maybe new treatments have came out in the last 2 years I haven't seen one. Maybe this will be the time that will change my skin forever! I need medical assistance with my skin. Murad is not helping me out at all. man o man.

I hope everyone is doing well.
lilho - 04/27/07 02:18
i think you are a stupid peach.
vincent - 04/27/07 00:32
Funny you're dying to get back here, I'm craving to get out there.

If we don't switch cities in May, I'd would like to take You and Dan out some night. I have to show some love to the (e:strip) franchise on the West Coast, you know!

04/04/2007 23:44 #38752

it's official....
i am crazy. i spent $200 on jeans. that is messed up. man. messed up.
museumchick - 04/05/07 10:25
Maybe they fit really, really well?

03/28/2007 23:21 #38674

i'm usual....
so, i have been sick with some kind of norovirus for like 5 days. I have never had an upset tummy this long. it really sucks.

but it's okay, because my birthday is saturday. friday i am doing spa day....facial, hair, nails, the works....then going to the chiropracter (i have to go 3 days a week anyway...), then to the mall for a new outfit, then home b/c people are coming over! then to hofbraehouse for some great german food and beer, and then to this new bar in downtown las vegas called downtown. it's the coolest place i have been here yet (in terms of night life). Saturday, my birthday, danny and i are leaving for san diego, the most beautiful place in the whole wide world. i am so excited....our first trip with all three puppies. are we nuts?!?!?! but i am way excited becasue there is an outlet mall with a JUICY COUTURE OUTLET. i mean, that would make my birthday! i can't wait.

i love juicy. and my birthday.

but i have a birthday problem. well, i have had one since i was a child. i get super weird about my birthday. really. like sad becasue nothing ever spectacular happens. i hate to sound bratty, but i feel that everyone should feel special on their birthday, but it seems that other than my mom, no one really cares. I know it's jsut another day to other people, but i have this dumb complex about it. so most of the time i just try to think it's just another day so that way I won't get disappointed. so awful to think. i know.
museumchick - 03/29/07 10:58
I hope you will end up having a great birthday:).
jenks - 03/29/07 01:35
yeah i agree- I'm always a little stunned when the world doesn't stop on my birthday.

(I'm not being sarcastic or making fun of you. I totally agree.)

03/22/2007 16:04 #38560

my new plan....
Well folks. I have a new plan. i thought about me just splitting las vegas after this semester, and initially it was a good plan, but then the more i thought about, the more i realized i would regret is so bad. I mean, i am one year away from my MPH, and that could be a huge difference in pay.

so, i came up with a new plan....

i thought i would be okay here for a year and a half....that was while my sister was here. then i took her to the airport the other night, and suddenly i realized i was going to be alone again. in sets depressive state. i called my mom, and she tried to convince me to move home, pronto. she is worried because i am so sad here, and she thinks that another year and i will end up insane.

so, i decided to try a new route. i looked into summer classes, and if i take 3 summer classes, i can graduate in december. the only catch is that one of my core classes, chronic disease epidemiology, is only offered in the spring and i haven't taken it yet. so, i am trying to work out an independant study in exchange for the chronic disease credit. i think it may work. but this means then, that fall semester will be my thesis. fuck. i don't even know what my thesis is going to be on...., with that said, i am going to try to stick this shit out and have the best of both worlds. move home soooner, but with my degree.

i just hope there will be an amazing job for me at home when i am finally done. fingers crossed.

as for what danny is doing, who knows. he isn't happy with my decision to leave in december, and he certainly doesn't want to move to buffalo, so i don't know what he is going to do....stay here for another year? move home and quite? move to buffalo? albany? who knows....

all i know is that having a plan that makes me happy makes me happy.

my happiness maybe overshadowed by the fact that i get my transmissions of infectious disease midterm back tonight. i know i did horribly and i really don't want to know my grade. as awful as that sounds.....booooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
lilho - 03/23/07 21:11
thanx for ingoring me. love sarah.