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03/15/2007 17:44 #38474

Oh What A Weekend
So as I've mention my life has been lacking in party times the last few weeks but this weekend seems to mor ethan make up for it. I'm going out iwth some people from work tonight one of whom I haven't seen in a while which will be fun! Then tomorrow the St. matty's day party of course which be a rockin! And then Saturday is Jill's bday which the plans aren't really set yet but I'm sure they will be fun and then Sunday the ST. Patty's Day Parade with hopeful drinking starting in the AM!!! This should be a weekend to remember!
mk - 03/15/07 18:07
or a weekend to not remember at all, if all goes right!

03/13/2007 22:23 #38448

When Life Was Easy
I found my report card from kindergarden the other day. It had things like "knows full name" "can tie shoes". I did not pass a few areas that I still have not passed namely holding a pen/pencil correctly (years of being yelled at by my teachers never worked, I still don't hold it right for some reason) Also I guess I was not good at adapting in new situations. Still not good at that either. I wish life was still as simple as just needing to know your full name. I don't even think kindergardeners these days have it that easy. I bet they already have real tests and crap like that.
It was fun to just be a kid. I hope kids now adays still get that!

And now a picture from last year's St. Matty's Day. Hopefully this year is just as fun....
lilho - 03/16/07 12:30
i dont remember st patty's day last year! not even one little bit. i guess we had fun though?

03/12/2007 11:42 #38428

Ladies who Lunch
So I love going out to lunch. I wish I could do it everyday. Anywho, I am going out to lunch with (e:amanda) at the Juicery downtown today cuz I don't have to work until 5. I thought maybe I'd take a walk around downtown after or something because it is nice out and I like to do that. But alas, even though I am on spring break and thus my reduced hours (I am still working like 22 hours cuz everyone else is going on a real vacation) they called me to see if I would go in at 3 because one lady went home upset or something ridiculous like that. I am soooo sick of that place. I think thye may not realize how on the edge of like totally calling it quits there I am. I just want to be a man who lunches without having to run off to work!

I love this picture from Toronto. I love the building in the back. I think it kinda looks like an ad with subpar models/

hodown - 03/12/07 13:03
Stop trying to steal my dream! Ive ALWAYS wanted to be a lady who lunches. You have to come to NYC and lunch w me at Bergdorfs. Last time I was there I saw Kathy Hilton- I kept trying not to stare, but it was so hard.

03/10/2007 18:08 #38414

Shovel your walkway
Last night on the way out of 24 Linwood I slipped on the ice buildup outside their house and fell to the hard cement. Unfortunately it is my brother , otherwise I would sue for all their worth now that my basketball career is over!!!!!!!!!!!

random picture time: One time in highschool, (e:mk) actually asked me "what flavor are the BANANA SHAPED runts"

mrmike - 03/10/07 21:31
Hurt near your brother's car, call William Mattar
mike - 03/10/07 21:22
I will always remember that you came to rescue me! ALWAYS! i was so afraid of being accosted by a crazy while I was crippled lying in the puddle
lilho - 03/10/07 19:23
always remember: i came out to rescue you!
hodown - 03/10/07 19:20
Family or no I say sue anyways!!
paul - 03/10/07 18:21
It is shoveled. Everything was just covered in ice last night.

03/08/2007 23:42 #38404

So Freakin Lucky
OMG so I was doing my physics homework. I wasn't doing the best ever but not the worst ever either. I totally hit a rut and didn't know how to do anymore questions (we get four tries per question, and just submit the answers online so you get no credit for work) Anywho on one question that had three parts I just looked at the question and tried to guess the answer like pretty randomly with a little thought and guesstimatino based ona similar probklem in the book. I GOT TWO PARTS RIGHT!!! BY JUST GUESSING A NUMBER!!! A NUMBER THAT IS LIKE 2.34 and you can only be like 8% off in the last digit. It was the luckiest ever I've been! Too bad I still only got like an 88 on the homeowrk but that isn't too bad. I am content to never be a superstar like (e:terry). At least not in physics

and the random pic of the day: I call it "oh the advertures we've had (at target)

lilho - 03/09/07 13:25
luv that pic!
hodown - 03/09/07 09:50
You crazy kids never fail to make me chuckle.
mk - 03/09/07 08:24
i love target. let's go at least 5 times this weekend, okay?