Then google earth

The hospital is just a big chunky block thing. It seems that you can build better texturized models with google sketchup and then upload them to google earth. HSBC has one, I wonder if Roswell Park will ever want one.

Here is how I walk home.

I bought a tiny microchip a while ago that can remember everywhere it went for two weeks and saves the data in KML the format that google earth reads to plot maps. It seems like I just need a fun project for it now.
I spent the evening electronically walking down millionaire row, the name for the fanciest part of Delaware, where all the mega mansions are. The Buffalo As An Architectural Museum site

This is the first mansion at that corner.

It was replace by this amazing one. Why couldn't I have been a rich industrialist. I guess I would have missed computers.

The people that built these mansion were the least responsible preservationists. They knocked down the giant beautiful mansion that were there before to built the ones there now.
Here is the pre-knox mansion, mansion on the same plot

Here is the mansion they built.

They caught a very giant squid near Austalia. Look at its giant body trial out the back. It is just screaming lemon, garlic.

Someone beat us to cancer fundraising in SecondLife.

Look (e:terry), it is the old hotel we used to live in jena.

Now that ACS has one, all we need to do is pipe up to Marketing and we'll be commissioned to put together an RPCI SL presence within the week. ;)
> My house has now been added as a 3D model, even if it just is a giant cube.
You should tell people that your mansion actually is a cube and that you were going for the star trek "borg" look.
I think second life is better than WOW but I haven't played WOW. Secondlife is kind of like a giant art space.
Nick wrote to say he forgot his password and wanted to get it to log in.
It's called the Butler Mansion now it used to be the Williams Manson. The company that bought t and fxed t up was Called Delaware North. Named after the corner. They are now a giant internatonal copmpany. Here is some history from their site :::link:::
what favor did Nick ask you for?
Wow! Nick asked you for a favor!! What Chutzpah!! It's like someone murdering his parents and asking mercy because he is an orphan.
Perhaps he should ask his friends at the Erie County Sheriff's Dept. for help. :-)
Huh - looking up at the HSBC Center from the ground, you can't even see that house on the roof.
Your house, on the other hand, looks much better in person.
Cephalopods freak my shit right out, because if a squid or an octopus decides it's going to fight you - what are you going to do, punch it? No! You can't punch a squid, because they're mushy. Stay the Hell away from them because if they decide they want to go mano a mano [a mano a mano a mano a mano a mano a mano] with you, you're fucked!
- Z
that mansion on the corner of north and delaware is called the butler mansion. how hard is it to get into playing second life? is WOW better?