02/22/2007 11:49 #38241
Who are these guys?02/21/2007 10:35 #38228
Happy Birthday!Happy birthday to the new daughter one of my best friends and his wife just gave life to!
Emma Rose Sanfilippo - what a cutie!
02/16/2007 10:34 #38176
Taking the PissTaking the piss is what I am best at - but seriously.
Good day people!
Lonely feeling deep inside
Find a corner where I can hide
Silent footsteps crowding me
Sudden darkness but I can see
No sugar tonight in my coffee
No sugar tonight in my tea
No sugar to stand beside me
No sugar to run with me
In the silence of her mind
Quiet movements where I can find
Grabbing for me with her eyes
Now I'm falling from her skies
No sugar tonight in my coffee
No sugar tonight in my tea
No sugar to stand beside me
No sugar to run with me
There's something happening here
What it is ain't exactly clear
There's a man with a gun over there
Telling me I got to beware
I think it's time we stop, children, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
There's battle lines being drawn
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong
Young people speaking their minds
Getting so much resistance from behind
I think it's time we stop, hey, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
What a field-day for the heat
A thousand people in the street
Singing songs and carrying signs
Mostly say, hooray for our side
It's time we stop, hey, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you're always afraid
You step out of line, the man come and take you away
We better stop, hey, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
Stop, hey, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
Stop, now, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
Stop, children, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
02/15/2007 16:12 #38167
Al Franken - D.O.A.Category: politics
The rooster in the henhouse, the vodka in the punch, the coke in the booger, Mr. Al Franken, is running for United States Senate in the state of Minnesota. Now Air America has lost its biggest draw in an otherwise bankrupt, unethical, completely shabby and mismanaged experiment.
Sam Seder - now is the time, brother! As you know, Sam, it doesn't take a great deal of effort to outshine Randi Rhodes and now that the "big dog" has been euthanized the doors have swung open! Not only have the doors swung open, my friend in liberalhood, but the doors have been practically been - *snicker* - UNHINGED! You can definitely do this - and in a cruel ironic twist, if you play your cards right my man, you can get the "Wal-Mart" rollback on the price of the station very, very soon. Sam Seder Radio Network - think of it!
I say D.O.A. obviously because he doesn't have a burning chance in hell of actually being elected. Not only does he not represent in any way, shape or form the political landscape of his 'home state' (he's spent 90% of his life in either Hollywood or Manhattan) but he has absolutely no traits that are required of an effective politician. Make no mistake - this is a vanity project.
I can't help but wonder what was on his mind when he decided to run, and one part of me would absolutely love to watch a characteristic Franken implosion live on C-SPAN. Further, I think it would be interesting to see Al Franken get gangbanged and checked by the Italian Grandmother From Hell, Mrs. Pelosi when he inevitably would drool out the following -
"GODDAMMIT - they aren't yelling at the Republicans enough!"
"BUSH LIED 4 REAL - and the Democrats refuse to impeach!"
"We need to cut the funding - NOW!"
"Rush Limbaugh is successful and I am not - therefore we need to enact legislation that would FORCE an otherwise unwilling radio audience to listen to unpopular, unmarketable content that was a proven failure when I tried it!"
Prepare for the next election cycle to get incredibly amusing, and not because they will be laughing WITH Mr. Franken. Minnesota is known for Jesse "The Mind" Ventura's escapades, but I assure you, friends, he'll never be a Senator.
02/14/2007 10:26 #38140
V-Day PoetryYou all know how I abhor Valentine's Day, but yesterday while working I was inspired to write some things decribing love in various ways.
So, I'll share with you the haikus I wrote as well as a poem while I was "working" yesterday.
A note - haikus are traditionally 5/7/5 format but modern rules are essentially very loose. For fun I used 4/5/4, 5/6/5 and 7/7/7 - as I said in my MySpace blog, 7 is a lucky number and I need all the luck I can get!
For those of you who are in love and will hopefully do right by your lovers today - enjoy your day. To the rest of us who aren't attached - remember that love gives us the greatest human experiences... the highest highs, the lowest lows, hope and optimism. So for my sentimental side, and for those who I loved and who loved me, and for those who feel lonely on days like this - here are my thoughts.
The last haiku is my dedication to the brunettes out there - I have never dated a blonde, so to all the brunettes who have been charitable enough to like me more than blondes do - I love you!
Through My Eyes
only this thing
can make still waters
and dry the sea
as the water sings
hope eternally springs -
love is not yet lost
earthbound oceans of starlight
sunbeams on dark hair shimmer
water for a dying world
A Simple Answer
What makes the walking gaze
a breath that moves away
the wintry, anchored haze?
What gives and takes away
from souls and saintly dreams
as sunset steals the day?
What sweeps the sullen earth
and casts all fears aside
to show what life is worth?
Stay warm!
- Josh
haha! Let's blow this popsicle stand... My dad always says that and I have never heard it anywhere else. Love the pix. I too was bathed in the sink, and had a laundry basket for a car seat. The seatbelt held the basket in place, and then I just laid in the basket- totally un-strapped-in.
Ahh... the non excessively-safe 70's. Gotta love it.
In the third picture it looks more like using a lighter that isn't there.
The one trying to blow that popsicle stand is me.
awww. i wish there was place where you could go and just cuddle and kiss babies until they starting cry and then leave...
We were born premature, and being runts they used to bathe us in the kitchen sink. True story!
"nobody puts baby in the.." sink. Great pic- so many captions could be made up for it.
Why do I have a feeling it is you that's peering over the edge of the sink, checking out the world below?
Any stories? precious!
childhood pictures are fun :)