I like grilling for my friends.
I like hanging out on my porch and watching the people, then wondering "where were all these hot girls when the snow was out?"
I like cruising the aisles at the Co-Op.
I used to like walking to Lexington to go to the Co-Op, but now I like walking to Lexington to get Kuni's.
I like to inject people with optimism when it seems like there is none.
I like classic rock - it hasn't been the same since.
I like trying to cook a completely new recipe, even if it turns out like an F minus.
I like arguing with people with whom I have disagreements - this is fairly obvious.
I like sticking up for people when nobody seemingly will.
I like to drink coffee and watch football (in the global sense) during the weekend.
I like getting up early on nice days to sit on my porch and read the paper or a new book.
I like politics, although if you think about it too
I like meeting new people and trying to figure out what makes them tick.
I like sex WAY too much for somebody who is practically celibate.
I like shopping for stuff online.
I like nostalgia.
I like speaking my mind.
I like looking at pictures from my travels, but I miss certain places so bad it hurts.
I like our nation a great deal, although by no means is it perfect.
I like blunt honesty.
I like reading short fiction and Kerouac.
I like the art festivals, especially the one directly in front of my house every year.
I like sleeping in.
I like to be mischievous.
I like the idiosyncracies of the neighborhood I live in - I know all the merchants and they know me, plus my neighbors are generally cool, thoughtful people.
I like playing my guitar, although my abilities are limited due to the fact that I haven't practiced seriously in 8 years. So I just strum along, make stuff up and enjoy myself.
I like taking my grandma out for lunch, just me and her.
I like to help people, which is why I keep my job and believe in the philosophy of the industry despite the obscenely low pay.
I like autumn the most of all seasons.
I like visiting my grandpa's grave and talking to him, although I can only hope that he's listening to me somewhere.
I like the fact that I'll miss Buffalo whenever I leave - this place has heart and has imprinted itself on me permanently.
I like laughing and making people laugh.
I like drinking with strangers at airport bars - the truth is that you never know who you'll run into in an airport bar.
I like hanging out with old friends in far away cities.
I like saying thank you, holding doors open and being polite - I'm old school like that.
I like barbecue sauce - A LOT.
EDIT: I almost forgot - I like my brother!

i have to comment on that third question up there. i've come to the realization that no one is hot during winter. we are all pasty, pale, chubby and cranky cuz we're cold. so, i think that's where all the hot girls go. they lose their tan. therefore, summer is great, because we all look and feel much hotter than we do during the other 49 weeks out of the year.
I think your unspirations are great though IMK, so as long as you don't stop those I think you are okay.
Thanks Ingrid - thats a sweet thing to say! Yeah, the pictures are of my brother and I - we got a lot of attention being light blonde, blue-eyed twins. At least thats what my grandma told me! I think I'll edit this entry and put up another one... I found a bunch of old pictures and scanned them. Seriously - some of these pictures are a little embarrassing.
i only could do one of these with my dislikes (the list would be neverending), but way to go josh!
I like your likes and you seem very insightful. And those pictures that you posted of the children (i'm assuming that they're you) are SOOOO cute. :)
Haha! Well, nobody really come as advertised, but I can only say that everything there is true.
I think you are ok too =D
is this a personal's ad? if so, you make yourself sound really good. i think you are ok.