I was cleaning my room this morning and came across the ripped sheets from an old journal. I had meant to insert the writings into another journal and never did. Then I realized my trip to Egypt was exactly 3 years ago. So I'm going to share my journal with you.
Egypt: Day 1
How do I begin to tell the tale of Lady Croft and her Egyptian adventures!? Slightly smelly, yet enthusiastic, I tote my canvas backpack through Charles de Gaulle airport to make my connecting flight. I find Laura and Eric waiting with open arms. I do wish more Americans would greet with hugs and kisses.
We board our plane, destination Cairo. Immediately I get a crash course in Arabic from Eric. I daze in and out of consciousness, as I've been awake 30 hours already. Probably not the best time to learn a new language but I'm a trooper. We touch down in Cairo after a sunny glide over the Greek islands and the Mediterranean Sea.
I drop my $15 USD for my visa, 2 postage looking stamps, lick em and stick em in my passport and head through immigration. Oh my I have to pee so badly! I spot a tiny bathroom in the corner; I think it's for women? A short and plump older woman greets me at the door. Welcome to Egypt, here is your one square of one ply toilet paper, that will be $1. Eric and I discussed the culture of 'baksheesh', share the wealth, but I hadn't had time to change any money. I give her a quarter. Perhaps another souvenir from the inconsiderate American girl with bubble gum and super fly sun shades.
My eyes are so heavy but if I sleep now it will take me a week to adjust. That is remedied quickly when we climb into a Mercedes and head to Eric's apartment. Traffic is insane. Drivers are insane. I practically hold my breath the entire 30-minute ride. I drop my gear and head out to dinner. I thought the car ride was bad, until I cross my first street. Holy fucking human Frogger Batman!!! I'm clinging to Eric's arm as he tells me to try to relax, don't run, and just go as he goes. I honestly don't know if I've ever been more fearful in my life.
Dinner is amazing. I love this dish called kosheri. Lentils, vermicelli, tomato base, garlic, onion, pasta, rice....vegetarian heaven. We walk back to the apartment, this time I simply hold Eric's arm and close my eyes to cross the road. I round the night off with a powerful rum and seltzer and pass out. Sunlight awakens me at 1 in the afternoon. I'm ready for the day.
Ladycroft's Journal
My Podcast Link
02/11/2007 13:43 #38112
egypt: day 1Category: travel
02/09/2007 17:13 #38089
motivationCategory: potpourri
My brother got married in August 2005. I shared my sister's camera as I did not yet own a digital. It took her a year to send me a disc with the pics on them. Then I lost the discs during my move and have just recently discovered their location. As I was going through them, adjusting sizes and whatnot, I came to a realization. I was in such better shape than I am now. The difference jumps out at you.
I know I have an excuse for the most recent 20 pounds, my medication. I have since switched medications and that excess weight is slowly melting away. Yet, I will still be about 20 pounds heavier than in these photos. It's crazy I tell you, crazy! What a difference 20 pounds makes in a person. What's even more disturbing is that at the time these photos were taken, I was already 20 pounds heavier than I always have been!!!
According to my simple calculations, that means I am actually 60 pounds heavier than my body traditional rests at. WAKE UP CALL. Of course being depressed you don't really care about your appearance. The inside was, and always will be, much more important. Now that the meds have been kicking for quite some time, I feel I'm in a place where I am ready to start making the effort to change my outward appearance.
So, I'm posting a few of these shots not for narcissistic gratification but for motivation. Plus, there's that funny one of (e:lilho) and I when we first met. She babysat my brother's wedding. Ciao.

at the falls

i broke my shades with my big strong butt

with lil sis (apparently i like this stance)

my date bernard

putting my bike away before rehersal dinner....look how freaking white my legs are!

with lilho
I know I have an excuse for the most recent 20 pounds, my medication. I have since switched medications and that excess weight is slowly melting away. Yet, I will still be about 20 pounds heavier than in these photos. It's crazy I tell you, crazy! What a difference 20 pounds makes in a person. What's even more disturbing is that at the time these photos were taken, I was already 20 pounds heavier than I always have been!!!
According to my simple calculations, that means I am actually 60 pounds heavier than my body traditional rests at. WAKE UP CALL. Of course being depressed you don't really care about your appearance. The inside was, and always will be, much more important. Now that the meds have been kicking for quite some time, I feel I'm in a place where I am ready to start making the effort to change my outward appearance.
So, I'm posting a few of these shots not for narcissistic gratification but for motivation. Plus, there's that funny one of (e:lilho) and I when we first met. She babysat my brother's wedding. Ciao.

at the falls

i broke my shades with my big strong butt

with lil sis (apparently i like this stance)

my date bernard

putting my bike away before rehersal dinner....look how freaking white my legs are!

with lilho
museumchick - 02/10/07 13:37
Those look really nice! I like the one of you with your bicycle a lot.
Those look really nice! I like the one of you with your bicycle a lot.
theecarey - 02/10/07 00:05
Awesome pics! I hear ya, and I know you--It will all roll off. Lets start training for Muddy Buddy :)
It is motivating to see pictures. I, um, just found my 'wake up call' pictures. Was half tempted to post them, but decided against it. Not ready to unleash Skinny-Carey pics to the world. First i'll post them around my apartment.
Can you print from work? I could print a pic or two of yours if I have enough ink in my printer (if you'd like). I like that you have these, I remember all that wedding craziness! All your helpful hard work!
oh, hehe, Bernard! at *your* family wedding.
memories.. that was a fun summer.
Awesome pics! I hear ya, and I know you--It will all roll off. Lets start training for Muddy Buddy :)
It is motivating to see pictures. I, um, just found my 'wake up call' pictures. Was half tempted to post them, but decided against it. Not ready to unleash Skinny-Carey pics to the world. First i'll post them around my apartment.
Can you print from work? I could print a pic or two of yours if I have enough ink in my printer (if you'd like). I like that you have these, I remember all that wedding craziness! All your helpful hard work!
oh, hehe, Bernard! at *your* family wedding.
memories.. that was a fun summer.
libertad - 02/09/07 22:20
I love those pictures...all of them! The first one you look like a movie star. The second one has an expression on you that I would never have imagined you making. You have really cute short hair. The fourth picture I thought you were wearing white stockings. That is lilho?!
I love those pictures...all of them! The first one you look like a movie star. The second one has an expression on you that I would never have imagined you making. You have really cute short hair. The fourth picture I thought you were wearing white stockings. That is lilho?!
imk2 - 02/09/07 21:40
you look so cute in those photos. you can join yoga classes with us. we go on wednesday nights at the trimain building on main.
you look so cute in those photos. you can join yoga classes with us. we go on wednesday nights at the trimain building on main.
imk2 - 02/09/07 21:39
metalpeter - 02/09/07 19:13
Nice pictures. Maybe it is just me but in the last one with the simalur facial expresions you two almost look related. I do agree that what is on the inside is more important then the outside. But I'm sure if you wana drop weight you can do it in a healthy way and get it done.
Nice pictures. Maybe it is just me but in the last one with the simalur facial expresions you two almost look related. I do agree that what is on the inside is more important then the outside. But I'm sure if you wana drop weight you can do it in a healthy way and get it done.
lilho - 02/09/07 19:06
oooh. i look bad in the pic. why do i look like a 30+ mom?
oooh. i look bad in the pic. why do i look like a 30+ mom?
02/08/2007 16:47 #38071
bad dreamCategory: dream
I had a bad dream last night. Apparently I was on a job interview at a large school in North Carolina. They wanted me to watch a video about the school however they had me sitting inside a stadium and the video was playing on a TV outside. Oh, let me also mention there was a pep rally going on! There was a marching band, screaming fans, bull horns, pom-poms - the whole nine yards. Girls kept coming up to me and saying weird things like, "you're hair ain't big nuf for this state" and "your eye shadow is perfectly layered". It was so chaotic and anxiety provoking.
I leave the 'interview' to check my e-mail and I had a disturbing message. It read, "You................will not hear from me or see me ever again, Timka." I didn't like it, at all.
I leave the 'interview' to check my e-mail and I had a disturbing message. It read, "You................will not hear from me or see me ever again, Timka." I didn't like it, at all.
02/06/2007 17:44 #38040
mashed lyricsCategory: potpourri
Mashed song lyrics as an expression of how I'm feeling today:
what is this?
are you some kind of hypnotist?
maybe i just look detached
i feel the social glare
i have to speculate
that God himself did
make us into corresponding shapes
like puzzle pieces from the tray
you don't believe me
i take a breath
hold the air until there is nothing left
wash away the thoughts inside
in the darkness i remain
there is no fucking you
there is only me
what is this?
are you some kind of hypnotist?
maybe i just look detached
i feel the social glare
i have to speculate
that God himself did
make us into corresponding shapes
like puzzle pieces from the tray
you don't believe me
i take a breath
hold the air until there is nothing left
wash away the thoughts inside
in the darkness i remain
there is no fucking you
there is only me
libertad - 02/06/07 20:47
that's an amazing talent you have ladycroft. Hope tomorrow brings a better day because that is a pretty painful expression of feelings.
that's an amazing talent you have ladycroft. Hope tomorrow brings a better day because that is a pretty painful expression of feelings.
metalpeter - 02/06/07 19:17
well that last line is from a NIN also known as Nine Inch Nails song I belive but can't remember if that is the tittle or not so I got the guesses started.
well that last line is from a NIN also known as Nine Inch Nails song I belive but can't remember if that is the tittle or not so I got the guesses started.
02/05/2007 13:20 #38027
two simple wordsCategory: potpourri
If someone does something nice for you, the least you SHOULD do is express your gratitude with a 'thank you'. Two simple words that can make such a difference. If you're too cool for school and can't utter those words, you should at least fucking acknowledge what was done for you!
For example, "I got your card", or "wow you cleaned".
Something - Anything to let that person know they haven't gone unnoticed on this planet, regardless if you're a fucker who can't say thanks. That is all.
For example, "I got your card", or "wow you cleaned".
Something - Anything to let that person know they haven't gone unnoticed on this planet, regardless if you're a fucker who can't say thanks. That is all.
ladycroft - 02/05/07 19:59
you're spot on leetee. some days are just harder to see through than others.
and yes peter, i suppose i'd rather get nothing than a totally fake thank you. but i don't like to make assumptions that anyone is grateful for anything i do for them. i've been proven wrong far too many times.
you're spot on leetee. some days are just harder to see through than others.
and yes peter, i suppose i'd rather get nothing than a totally fake thank you. but i don't like to make assumptions that anyone is grateful for anything i do for them. i've been proven wrong far too many times.
metalpeter - 02/05/07 19:59
Wait What I typed wasn't what I meant to say. I kinda said it wrong. I do think that when you do something nice it would be nice to get a thank you. But if you are doing something nice then you are doing something to be nice not for a thank you. The problem is how do you know if the person really is thankfull unless they tell you. I do think that some people do assume that you know that they are thankfull so they don't say anything. What I was trying to speak about how our Polite society has some aspects to it that inforce fake Sinsarity (how ever it is spelled). I great example of this is at the conrner store where the person says thanks for shoping here (most times they could careless and if you warn't there they could talk to there friends about the good or bad time they had last night.) The Joke I was talking about is that sometimes does something for you that also benifits them so you both give out a thank you. Can't think of a good example but say someone says thank you to you than you say thanks for the thanks then they could go it was my pleasure and it could go on forever. I hope this is more clear then the first one. What I think is the real issue is not knowing if the person was really thankfull or not. But they might say thanks but be thinking it would have been better off with out the help.
Wait What I typed wasn't what I meant to say. I kinda said it wrong. I do think that when you do something nice it would be nice to get a thank you. But if you are doing something nice then you are doing something to be nice not for a thank you. The problem is how do you know if the person really is thankfull unless they tell you. I do think that some people do assume that you know that they are thankfull so they don't say anything. What I was trying to speak about how our Polite society has some aspects to it that inforce fake Sinsarity (how ever it is spelled). I great example of this is at the conrner store where the person says thanks for shoping here (most times they could careless and if you warn't there they could talk to there friends about the good or bad time they had last night.) The Joke I was talking about is that sometimes does something for you that also benifits them so you both give out a thank you. Can't think of a good example but say someone says thank you to you than you say thanks for the thanks then they could go it was my pleasure and it could go on forever. I hope this is more clear then the first one. What I think is the real issue is not knowing if the person was really thankfull or not. But they might say thanks but be thinking it would have been better off with out the help.
metalpeter - 02/05/07 19:08
I understand what you mean, but sometimes take for granted that you know they are thankfull. What gets me more upset is the system of thank yous. For example a wedding you give a gift then they send you a thank you card. There is a lot of thank you that I don't want to say are fake but are insicre that are just words. Sometimes I joke around to much when people say or no thank you. So i'll say so thank you for the thank you.
I understand what you mean, but sometimes take for granted that you know they are thankfull. What gets me more upset is the system of thank yous. For example a wedding you give a gift then they send you a thank you card. There is a lot of thank you that I don't want to say are fake but are insicre that are just words. Sometimes I joke around to much when people say or no thank you. So i'll say so thank you for the thank you.
leetee - 02/05/07 17:20
I can understand your frustration... i've been on the giving end of a small token and gotten stoney silence. And yeah, it upset me.
Then, i realized part of the reason i was upset was my expectations. Yeah, ok, i totally agree, people should say thank you or notice.
But is that why you do it? Merely for the recognition? Nope, you don't. You do it because you are a kind, giving person.
Happy venting, and don't let the inconsiderate leave you feeling like you are less than you are!!
I can understand your frustration... i've been on the giving end of a small token and gotten stoney silence. And yeah, it upset me.
Then, i realized part of the reason i was upset was my expectations. Yeah, ok, i totally agree, people should say thank you or notice.
But is that why you do it? Merely for the recognition? Nope, you don't. You do it because you are a kind, giving person.
Happy venting, and don't let the inconsiderate leave you feeling like you are less than you are!!
i love your journal entry. i find it fascinating reading other peoples travel journals/logs, probably because i have not really done any travling myself. my first big trip will be puerto rico in november for my friends wedding. its a pig roast on the beach. something you would probably appreciate, a beachy chill wedding outside of rincon. my friends are total surfer bums, they got engaged in new zealand. cool peeps. anyways. post more travel stuff!!! love it. oh and i do have ONE solitary pic from the polar bear. i will get some from my friends for you and post them.