Everyone needs to pick up the new Gucci Teleporter....
Chris's Journal
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01/21/2007 16:11 #37803
Gucci Teleporter02/07/2006 19:34 #21292
Dame Edna?Anyone a fan of Dame Edna?? I have tickets for Friday, and I don't think I will be doing. Let me know.. email me ChrisGarcia716@aol.com.. the tickets are for Friday.
12/04/2005 17:47 #21291
ar the MET12/04/2005 09:53 #21290
Susan Lucci and Pee Weeso while in NYC seeing The Color Purple musical on broadway.... here are some pictures. The face in the back of the car is Susan Lucci and the other one of people in the lobby is Paul Rueban (Pee Wee Herman)... others just of the city.

paul - 12/04/05 13:36
The pics look great.
The pics look great.
09/28/2005 19:10 #21289
new baby..lets see.. this is the 3rd cell phone in 2005... :) maybe one more by the end of the year.. lol..
the new baby is an AUDIOVOX 5600.. Audiovox is just the name branded for USA. Its made by a company called HTC.

Probably the smallest phone I have owned in some time, but yet still lots 'o features as it runs on Windows Smartphone 2003 SE. Lets hope this one doesn't run away also.
the new baby is an AUDIOVOX 5600.. Audiovox is just the name branded for USA. Its made by a company called HTC.

Probably the smallest phone I have owned in some time, but yet still lots 'o features as it runs on Windows Smartphone 2003 SE. Lets hope this one doesn't run away also.
haha I love the Gucci teleporter. Are you posting videos?