clip of Mike from his birthday at la Luna at 12:48am....
Chris's Journal
My Podcast Link
09/03/2005 14:36 #21287
mike09/03/2005 01:42 #21286
Same as last year.4th Annual Maggie Lee Memorial 5K Run/Walk
The 4th Annual Maggie Lee 5K Run/Walk is Saturday, September 10, 2005. Again this year the event will be held at Delaware Park-Parkside Lodge. Registration starts at 8:30 am. The race/walk begins at 10 AM. Refreshments, entertainment, and prizes will follow the race.
We need sponsors, donors, and volunteers for a successful event. If you can help, please call Renay at 883-5396
... Once again.. I will be singing the national anthem at the start of the run/walk. I know its pretty early but ya'll should come :)
Who was Maggie Lee?
Maggie Lee had Epilepsy. She was a counselor at the Epilepsy Association, a community activist and a friend. In June 2001, she died suddenly as a result of injuries sustained during a seizure. We hold the run/fun walk to remember Maggie's commitment to those with Epilepsy, to fund services for those that share her disorder and to increase awareness of the needs of persons with Epilepsy that affects one out of every 100 persons in Western New York.
Please check back for upcoming details regarding the Maggie Lee 5K Memorial Run/Fun Walk!
here to find out more..
The 4th Annual Maggie Lee 5K Run/Walk is Saturday, September 10, 2005. Again this year the event will be held at Delaware Park-Parkside Lodge. Registration starts at 8:30 am. The race/walk begins at 10 AM. Refreshments, entertainment, and prizes will follow the race.
We need sponsors, donors, and volunteers for a successful event. If you can help, please call Renay at 883-5396
... Once again.. I will be singing the national anthem at the start of the run/walk. I know its pretty early but ya'll should come :)
Who was Maggie Lee?
Maggie Lee had Epilepsy. She was a counselor at the Epilepsy Association, a community activist and a friend. In June 2001, she died suddenly as a result of injuries sustained during a seizure. We hold the run/fun walk to remember Maggie's commitment to those with Epilepsy, to fund services for those that share her disorder and to increase awareness of the needs of persons with Epilepsy that affects one out of every 100 persons in Western New York.
Please check back for upcoming details regarding the Maggie Lee 5K Memorial Run/Fun Walk!

07/26/2005 14:13 #21285
treo test.A test from posting with the Treo.
03/26/2005 00:11 #21284
my new after being tired of T-Mobile and Danger Inc.. I have moved from the Sidekick II to the palmOne Treo 650 and Cingular service. It has only been alittle more then a week, and had some problems.. but all is running well now.. a great little device. I do give the Sidekick II props for a few things though.. Even though what it does is limited, what it can do is top notch, such as EMAIL, and AIM.. but the Treo 650 has so much more.. full web browsing (w/javascript) and on Cingular's EDGE network speeds up to 135kps.. very nice. although the keyboard may seem small, its very user friendly. built in mp3 player, Palm OS 5.4 and so much more.. sweet little device, and a cell phone to boot. if ya want more info visit

02/28/2005 23:17 #21283
happy birthday...happy birthday to me... happy birthday to me.. blah blah blah. 28.. blah..