Chris's Journal
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03/26/2005 00:11 #21284
my new toy...so after being tired of T-Mobile and Danger Inc.. I have moved from the Sidekick II to the palmOne Treo 650 and Cingular service. It has only been alittle more then a week, and had some problems.. but all is running well now.. a great little device. I do give the Sidekick II props for a few things though.. Even though what it does is limited, what it can do is top notch, such as EMAIL, and AIM.. but the Treo 650 has so much more.. full web browsing (w/javascript) and on Cingular's EDGE network speeds up to 135kps.. very nice. although the keyboard may seem small, its very user friendly. built in mp3 player, Palm OS 5.4 and so much more.. sweet little device, and a cell phone to boot. if ya want more info visit www.palmOne.com..

02/28/2005 23:17 #21283
happy birthday...happy birthday to me... happy birthday to me.. blah blah blah. 28.. blah..
01/14/2005 23:25 #21282
Lilho and driving...I always seem to end up driving behind Lilho.. I hope she doesn't think I am stalking her, because I see her on the road atleast 2 times a week.. and not just on elmwood, although mostly.. she probably hasn't even noticed me.. HA HA HA HA.
12/24/2004 22:23 #21281
Happy Holidays...I haven't posted in forever and a day.. Just want to wish everyone a happy holiday... hope you'll get what you u wanted :-)....