It's afternoon on an arctic, though sunny Saturday. I finally got to catch up on a sleep deficit from the previous night's all-nighter, although I'm not quite there yet. I got up this morning only to return to bed for more sleep until about 8:30, but I was still groggy. Even now I can feel my body seeking more rest. Fortunately, the weather is looking to cooperate as the snow off the lakes has dissipated with the remainder mainly well south in ski country. I could really use another full night's sleep to recover. It's amazing how much one disrupted night affects my rhythm. Thank God we didn't have to go out again last night.
The weather on the ride to Rochester last night made for moderately hazardous driving conditions. Tara and I enjoyed some wonderful conversation on the way to meet up with friends for dinner, as well as on the return trip home. It wasn't until about halfway there that we discovered neither one of us had directions to our destination. She had set up a massage with Christopher to precede dinner, but assumed I knew how to get to he and Julie's home. I had never been there before and since we we're meeting up there rather than at the restaurant I didn't even bother to bring directions. It was funny. It might have been a nuisance back in the days before cell phones had become as common as, if not moreso, than a wristwatch. We got our directions and after some difficulty following them we required further guidance from a local gas station attendant who provided us the final steps on the route.
Christopher and Julie have created quite a lovely mulit-purpose living space, including running a holistic center out of it, The Balance Point, where they offer massage, energy work, tai chi and group functions pertaining to spirituality and wellness. Julie's father was in the midst of receiving a massage as we visited over tea. I was feeling the exhaustion creep up on me and considered migrating to the spare bedroom for a nap. However, I hung around and felt invigorated after the mint tea. We made merry with laughter and innuendo, par for the course when I'm in the mix, and set the foundation for a truly delightful evening. I even went so far as to make a perverted comment when her father came out from the massage asking Kate, the massage therapist, if she found a handkerchief among the sheets following the session. I said, "I didn't know you guys offer happy endings here?" Her father didn't appear to catch the joke and it also went over Kate's head until Julie reiterated later after her father exited. So she slapped twice, once for her and once for Kate. You just never know what might come out of my mouth, or appear in my blog.
Christopher had excused himself for a bath before his massage and once ready he and Tara relocated to the back room. Julie took a shower while I checked my email on her iMac. Upon emerging zestfully clean she and I enjoyed intimate conversation while Christopher was getting his massage. I shared with her details of what's been going on for me in recent months, the profound transformation and shift into higher energy states and consciousness. She seemed attentive taking sufficient interest to google my astrological chart on-line and provide for me a brief report. I had sent her a friend request earlier from myspace and noticed on her profile that she's a Leo. I remarked to her that Leos are my favorite and that I nearly married one many years ago. Had it been a different period in my life where I was in a space to do so I would have most certainly closed the deal. Megan was a great woman and we enjoyed a deep connection, including communication and sexuality. But alas, that was then and this now. I haven't so much as heard a word from her in years, and while I think nothing but fondly of her, I've no lingering regret. It went the way it was supposed to and now that I am coming into my own I'm in a much better space to enter into a long-term union with my Queen of Queens. In the meantime, I've never more enjoyed the bachelor life than I am now.
Everything proceeded in a timely fashion and we we're on our way to dinner on schedule. Our friend Michele called as were en route inquiring of our whereabouts and wondering if dinner had been cancelled. Julie reassured her directing her to a clock noting that it was not yet 7 PM, the agreed upon time to meet. Setting appointments and being on time is one of my strongest points. I am rarely late and when I am it is typically a situation where there was a loosely agreed upon time frame between me and another party. I much prefer establishing set times for all my engagments and honoring my word by being on time. In such a way I enable the Universe to conspire even more in my favor, which was palpable for the duration of the evening's flow.
Upon arrival it was obvious that Michele was a bit wound up. Once we were seated in the rear corner of the restaurant she proceeded to ramble on with enthusiasm about her adventures in Spain with a physical therapist. She noted the striking beauty of Barcelona going on at length about her new found love, the pros and cons. I was admiring the mural scene spread out over an entire wall depicting perhaps a native Ethiopian village with thatched roof abodes set in the jungle habitat. Michele asked how I'd been doing and to make a long story short I explained that I'm in a really great relationship with myself. I went on to assert that things are coming together as I set intention without any doubt of it manifesting. I mentioned that it's imminent and she asked, "What's that?" I responded with the dictionary definition, "About to happen," which was met with laughter and a high five from Julie as Michele looked perplexed. She wanted to know what specifically, "it" was and I explained that I'm staying open to whatever "it" will be within the stated intention of living effortlessly. The tone of the conversation had been set for the remainder of the evening with many tales shared amongst the five beautiful mirrors in attendance.
If you're ever in Rochester do yourself a favor and pay a visit to Abyssinia. It was my first experience with authentic Ethiopian cuisine- and it won't be my last I might add- so I've nothing to compare it to. Rest assured, we were absolutely treated to a five star meal and hospitality with two platters the size of a large pizza covered in an array of tangy delights. Our mouths burst with flavor as we each made it plenty known the degree of ectasy with giggles and moans. It didn't take long for us to scarf down the contents scooping it up with our hands in tightly rolled thin slices of pastry-like bread resulting in satisfied palettes and appetites. Christopher and I each enjoyed a strong cup of fresh brewed Ethiopian coffee flavored with cinammon and cloves. It was a potent and peculiar flavor, though splendid indeed. We made sure to inform our server of our gratitude and intention to return once again. He seemed pleased and honored as we departed.
Tara had suggested that we go somewhere for dessert, which was more a gesture expressing interest to continue enjoying one another's company than it was an interest in further sustenance. Julie directed us to Java's, a hip, eclectic coffee house in the city proper, replete with funky artwork on the walls, dimly lit ambiance and a crowd of upstate New Yorkers heartily gathered on a winter's eve. We ordered drinks and confections before taking up space in another corner location adjacent a piano and picture window. The conversation revolved around consciousness as we took turns sharing what it is we are intending for our lives as we ponder the possibilities for bright futures. We also shared some of our struggles and misgivings, in so doing offering a space of support and compassion with feedback. I joked how I felt like we we're a secret society meeting to commiserate and pontificate, noting how we had created a sphere with no other patrons immediately seated nearby despite a full house. I was in such a sense of gratitude in the moment realizing how blessed I am to have attracted such amazing people into my life. Michele offered me her services with a "reiki attunement" and so we made plans to meet again in a couple weeks with perhaps another trip to Abyssinia. I was grateful that the wintry weather had dissipated for the drive home as Tara and I continued the insightful nature of the evening's interaction in tandem. Upon arriving home I hugged her good night and went straight to bed out like a Christmas light.
I could actually go for a power nap right about now. I really don't sleep during the day, but I do manage to sit in my soul chair, close my eyes and rejuvenate periodically during this introspective season of setting intention we know as winter. I made plans to meet up with (e:theecarey) at Spot to reconvene for our vision board project. She's without a car at the present moment pleasantly stranded in Buffalo. My brother is due in later this afternoon and we'll be dining together with my parents. I also have tentative plans to meet up with Andrea later in the evening for a "date." I'm not sure where we shall meet or what we shall do, but I'm mainly curious to see if there's any chemistry. It would be nice to have a "girlfriend" but I'm not attached to an outcome. At this point it really doesn't matter. I'm so in love with Sean that everything else is a bonus. So long as I stay out of my own way and resist the urge to micro-manage the Universe my life is effortless. And I've got a hunch that many "bonuses" are on the way to be received.
One Love
January 20, 2007
New Realms of Thought
Libra Daily Horoscope
Feelings of youthful abandon can lift your spirits today, inspiring you to seek out opportunities to enjoy yourself. As your day's agenda may not allow you to toss aside your obligations, you may find yourself facing a unique situation in which you are desperate for fun yet anchored to a long list of mature responsibilities. Thus, this can be the perfect time to integrate play into your daily life through creative thought. If you cannot play games, you can turn your work into a game by challenging yourself to outdo your previous performance or engage in showdowns with amiable colleagues. You may discover today that your focus on play allows you to explore new ideas without feeling restricted by notions of correctness.
Play can be a wonderfully potent antidote to the hardening of the heart that often accompanies maturity because it gives us a means of exploring new ideas in a safe and non-threatening fashion. When we engage in playful behaviors, our imaginations are pressed into service as a matter of course and we can fully investigate concepts that initially strike us as unrealistic or bizarre. Because we are not subject to our usual limitations during games and imaginative play, our minds are free to wander into realms where notions both beautiful and fanciful dwell. Oftentimes, these creative and strange ideas become the seeds of refined, workable plans that enable us to approach our personal and professional objectives with flair. As you play today, you will find that your musings transport you to new worlds of creativity and focused thoughtfulness.
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01/20/2007 14:01 #37791
Secret SocietyCategory: finger food
01/17/2007 19:23 #37748
Sweat LodgeCategory: ekwh
Hope this post doesn't make the natives restless, no pun intended:)
Buffalotribe Lodge at Ehk-wheh-heh- weh
Sunday January 21st at 9am, fire starts around 6:30 / 7am.
Your presense is always appreciated when you show up early whether you're helping out with the fire or not. It's nice to have people around.
This is my last scheduled lodge to pour at Ekwh for the Buffalotribe lodges. The one year commitment that we made with Tahwehdahqui will be up next month, Feb. 2007. Christopher Sierzchula is scheduled to pour that lodge (Feb. 18th). I was going to do that one but I'm going on vacation for 3 weeks in February so I switched with Christopher. Thanks Chris!
I would love to share this sweat with you if you feel called to come. You don't have to sweat in order to participate in the experience. If you're wanting to come check it out, but not ready to do a lodge, you're welcome to come hang out by the fire (help or not help with the fire and the door to the lodge), or keep warm in the kitchen / classroom building where we will be having a potluck after the lodge.
Suggested donation is $10. However, all are welcome, with or without a financial contribution. In case you're wondering what happens to the money, most of it goes to Tahwehdahqui to pay for resources to use the lodge, and the building, as well as to add to a fund that has been going for the new bathroom we're in the process of building.
Please bring a dish to pass for after the lodge. Please take home everything that you bring (except the food that we eat, that might be a little difficult to get back. ) Bring drinking water, warm clothes that you don't mind getting dirty, a towel or two is a good idea, a plastic bag to put your wet clothes in after the lodge, loose light clothes to wear in the lodge - shorts, tank tops, etc.. Feel free to call me if you have any questions.
A sweat lodge is a traditional native american purification ceremony. It is done outside, next to a fire that heats up the rocks which are brought into the lodge before each round. There are four rounds sybolizing the four directions, or four stages of life. You are welcome to leave the lodge anytime you need to but once you leave you have to wait until the next round to re-enter, unless you are a dog (we have a sweat lodge dog, Jack, who comes and goes as he pleases, no kidding). Look forward to seeing you!
Peace and Blessings,
Laura Jean
716 465-7408
p.s. - I hope to lead more lodges at Ekwh after this one, but I can not promise anything at this point as it depends on more than just me. You will be notified if there are more buffalotribe lodges scheduled after Feb. Either way, Tahwehdahqui pours lodges near or on the Full Moon every month, as well as during gatherings in the summer, and on New Years eve every year at Midnight after the fireworks. He has been an amazing teacher in my life and a good friend as well.
From the 90, take 290 west to Niagara Falls Blvd.
Turn Right on NFB, heading North on 62
Continue on NFB, and then turn Right on 425
Turn Left on 31 (Saunders Settlement Rd., also called Witmer Rd off of the 190)
Take 31 West and turn Right just before Smokin Joes
This road is called Chew Rd, but may not be marked. If you get to Smokin Joes you wen to far, it's the road just before Smokin Joes on the Right.
Then Take your First Right onto Printup Rd. (also may not be marked, but it's the First Right), as you turn Right onto Printup you'll see a driveway on your left. That is where you turn. Ekwh is on the corner of Printup and Chew. Turn Right on Printup, and Left into the Driveway and you are there.
2323 Printup Rd. Sanborn NY 14132
(I also sent a yahoo map to buffalotribe. )
Give yourself a gift & call Laura Jean for a massage! 716 465-7408
www.geocities. com/earthloveljc
Buffalotribe Lodge at Ehk-wheh-heh- weh
Sunday January 21st at 9am, fire starts around 6:30 / 7am.
Your presense is always appreciated when you show up early whether you're helping out with the fire or not. It's nice to have people around.
This is my last scheduled lodge to pour at Ekwh for the Buffalotribe lodges. The one year commitment that we made with Tahwehdahqui will be up next month, Feb. 2007. Christopher Sierzchula is scheduled to pour that lodge (Feb. 18th). I was going to do that one but I'm going on vacation for 3 weeks in February so I switched with Christopher. Thanks Chris!
I would love to share this sweat with you if you feel called to come. You don't have to sweat in order to participate in the experience. If you're wanting to come check it out, but not ready to do a lodge, you're welcome to come hang out by the fire (help or not help with the fire and the door to the lodge), or keep warm in the kitchen / classroom building where we will be having a potluck after the lodge.
Suggested donation is $10. However, all are welcome, with or without a financial contribution. In case you're wondering what happens to the money, most of it goes to Tahwehdahqui to pay for resources to use the lodge, and the building, as well as to add to a fund that has been going for the new bathroom we're in the process of building.
Please bring a dish to pass for after the lodge. Please take home everything that you bring (except the food that we eat, that might be a little difficult to get back. ) Bring drinking water, warm clothes that you don't mind getting dirty, a towel or two is a good idea, a plastic bag to put your wet clothes in after the lodge, loose light clothes to wear in the lodge - shorts, tank tops, etc.. Feel free to call me if you have any questions.
A sweat lodge is a traditional native american purification ceremony. It is done outside, next to a fire that heats up the rocks which are brought into the lodge before each round. There are four rounds sybolizing the four directions, or four stages of life. You are welcome to leave the lodge anytime you need to but once you leave you have to wait until the next round to re-enter, unless you are a dog (we have a sweat lodge dog, Jack, who comes and goes as he pleases, no kidding). Look forward to seeing you!
Peace and Blessings,
Laura Jean
716 465-7408
p.s. - I hope to lead more lodges at Ekwh after this one, but I can not promise anything at this point as it depends on more than just me. You will be notified if there are more buffalotribe lodges scheduled after Feb. Either way, Tahwehdahqui pours lodges near or on the Full Moon every month, as well as during gatherings in the summer, and on New Years eve every year at Midnight after the fireworks. He has been an amazing teacher in my life and a good friend as well.
From the 90, take 290 west to Niagara Falls Blvd.
Turn Right on NFB, heading North on 62
Continue on NFB, and then turn Right on 425
Turn Left on 31 (Saunders Settlement Rd., also called Witmer Rd off of the 190)
Take 31 West and turn Right just before Smokin Joes
This road is called Chew Rd, but may not be marked. If you get to Smokin Joes you wen to far, it's the road just before Smokin Joes on the Right.
Then Take your First Right onto Printup Rd. (also may not be marked, but it's the First Right), as you turn Right onto Printup you'll see a driveway on your left. That is where you turn. Ekwh is on the corner of Printup and Chew. Turn Right on Printup, and Left into the Driveway and you are there.
2323 Printup Rd. Sanborn NY 14132
(I also sent a yahoo map to buffalotribe. )
Give yourself a gift & call Laura Jean for a massage! 716 465-7408
www.geocities. com/earthloveljc
01/16/2007 18:58 #37725
new thread on the spam issueCategory: nasa
Yes, I have copied and spliced into my journals excerpts from various on-line sources, mainly DailyOM and And yes, I blog primarily at myspace and often transfer what I've posted there to (e:strip). I got an email from (e:strip) new year's day inviting me to journal here after signing up early last year. I had forgotten all about it and when I went to my journal there was but one brief post with a comment from (e:theecarey) whom I've come to befriend thanks to this site.
Please understand that what I post is with nothing but the best of intentions. I am an extremely passionate individual with wisdom that I so love to share with the world. If I in any way, shape or form offend or annoy anyone that's their business, for it is not in accord with my purpose. There's a saying I really like that serves to keep me navigating sometimes controversial waters of self-realization and actualization, "If you want inner peace you say 'Om!' and if you want outer peace you say 'Fuck Om!'"
One Love
Please understand that what I post is with nothing but the best of intentions. I am an extremely passionate individual with wisdom that I so love to share with the world. If I in any way, shape or form offend or annoy anyone that's their business, for it is not in accord with my purpose. There's a saying I really like that serves to keep me navigating sometimes controversial waters of self-realization and actualization, "If you want inner peace you say 'Om!' and if you want outer peace you say 'Fuck Om!'"
One Love
01/17/2007 10:24 #37739
I'll Follow The SunCategory: hot sauce
We're finally experiencing a true Buffalo winter with ice-coated trees making for splendid photo opps, particularly when the sunlight illuminates creating a sparkling effect, like something out of a storybook. So the temps have turned cold and so have our beloved Buffalo Sabres who hope to eclipse a three game winless streak with a visit tonight by the Beantown Bruins. I really do love hockey and long for a return to the days of playing on the pond after school. But that was then and this is now. It just doesn't get any better than right here right now. I could really feel it this morning during my meditation. I was visualizing a golden stream of "exotic matter" entering into me through the crown chakra, bathing my aura and cleansing any impurities. When I came out of it I felt so incredibly high, an all-natural high to be sure.
I flipped on my laptop and was challenged shortly thereafter to remain above the line upon reading a response to one of my posts at (e:strip), just one of many social networking sites where I'm active. I could feel my ego craving to go down below the line with this individual, which I did for a brief period. Once the truck warmed up I headed out for my morning coffee and newspaper ceremony at Wegman's on Sheridan Dr. I was pondering how I might respond to this "criticism", which I found to be destructive, rather than constructive in nature. My mind ran the gamut from an all-out personal attack to something much more appropriate and in harmony with my purpose. Upon returning home I settled on the latter and posted accordingly. Part of the lesson for me is really not giving a fuck what people think about how I choose to live and believe. Another part of the lesson is to convey my beliefs in such a way as to open peoples' hearts and minds for I really believe it to be of infinite value. And like any lesson, whether it be piano, voice or life lessons, it requires practice.
This is cool:
One Love
"One day you'll find that I'll be gone, for tomorrow may rain, but I'll follow the sun..." The Beatles
Do you know what most people wish for, SEAN, when it comes to improving their own life?
More stuff. Especially abundance.
Because they think having more stuff will contribute to their overall happiness.
But do you know what most people wish for when it comes to the lives of the ones they most love and cherish?
Happiness, peace, creative work, fulfilling relationships.
Because they understand that once these things are in order, stuff, especially abundance, will automatically take care of itself.
One of these two things doesn't belong with the other...
The Universe
January 17, 2007
Blessings Called to Mind
Libra Daily Horoscope
An introspective slant to your thoughts and feelings can inspire you to seek a comfortable, quiet, and private place in which to be alone with your reflections today. As you settle in to your meditations, you will likely find that the mainstay of your musings revolves around home, family, and other delicate concerns. You may find that this one-dimensional focus offers you a splendid opportunity to search for insights into the soul of your personal life. Try to remember that your thoughts are neither right nor wrong, no matter what their composition. If you simply let your introspective journey unfold naturally, you may discover that aspects of your relationships and circumstances that were once hidden are now revealing themselves to you in great detail.
The more we muse upon all of the breathtaking blessings we have been given in this life, the greater our appreciation for the bounty we enjoy in our everyday existence becomes. The deep sense of gratitude we feel when contemplating our material resources and emotional connections grows stronger when we bring these gifts to mind because they are thus ever-present in our thoughts. As a result, we are less apt to take the most precious aspects of our lives for granted. We become thoughtful where our spiritual and worldly abundance is concerned, and always ready to articulate our thankfulness and acknowledge the good fortune we enjoy. The richness of your life will become evident to you today as you reflect upon the blessings you have received.
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I flipped on my laptop and was challenged shortly thereafter to remain above the line upon reading a response to one of my posts at (e:strip), just one of many social networking sites where I'm active. I could feel my ego craving to go down below the line with this individual, which I did for a brief period. Once the truck warmed up I headed out for my morning coffee and newspaper ceremony at Wegman's on Sheridan Dr. I was pondering how I might respond to this "criticism", which I found to be destructive, rather than constructive in nature. My mind ran the gamut from an all-out personal attack to something much more appropriate and in harmony with my purpose. Upon returning home I settled on the latter and posted accordingly. Part of the lesson for me is really not giving a fuck what people think about how I choose to live and believe. Another part of the lesson is to convey my beliefs in such a way as to open peoples' hearts and minds for I really believe it to be of infinite value. And like any lesson, whether it be piano, voice or life lessons, it requires practice.
This is cool:

One Love
"One day you'll find that I'll be gone, for tomorrow may rain, but I'll follow the sun..." The Beatles
Do you know what most people wish for, SEAN, when it comes to improving their own life?
More stuff. Especially abundance.
Because they think having more stuff will contribute to their overall happiness.
But do you know what most people wish for when it comes to the lives of the ones they most love and cherish?
Happiness, peace, creative work, fulfilling relationships.
Because they understand that once these things are in order, stuff, especially abundance, will automatically take care of itself.
One of these two things doesn't belong with the other...
The Universe
January 17, 2007
Blessings Called to Mind
Libra Daily Horoscope
An introspective slant to your thoughts and feelings can inspire you to seek a comfortable, quiet, and private place in which to be alone with your reflections today. As you settle in to your meditations, you will likely find that the mainstay of your musings revolves around home, family, and other delicate concerns. You may find that this one-dimensional focus offers you a splendid opportunity to search for insights into the soul of your personal life. Try to remember that your thoughts are neither right nor wrong, no matter what their composition. If you simply let your introspective journey unfold naturally, you may discover that aspects of your relationships and circumstances that were once hidden are now revealing themselves to you in great detail.
The more we muse upon all of the breathtaking blessings we have been given in this life, the greater our appreciation for the bounty we enjoy in our everyday existence becomes. The deep sense of gratitude we feel when contemplating our material resources and emotional connections grows stronger when we bring these gifts to mind because they are thus ever-present in our thoughts. As a result, we are less apt to take the most precious aspects of our lives for granted. We become thoughtful where our spiritual and worldly abundance is concerned, and always ready to articulate our thankfulness and acknowledge the good fortune we enjoy. The richness of your life will become evident to you today as you reflect upon the blessings you have received.
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jason - 01/17/07 12:22
You're keeping me honest Sean, it is true that nothing is truly free. Even if you go to a Temple and get the Buddhist literature, which is given away freely, they do take donations. I would not in good conscience take something without giving something. I feel better about donating than I do about being handed a bill.
Got some work to do, but I'll be back later to continue the discussion.
You're keeping me honest Sean, it is true that nothing is truly free. Even if you go to a Temple and get the Buddhist literature, which is given away freely, they do take donations. I would not in good conscience take something without giving something. I feel better about donating than I do about being handed a bill.
Got some work to do, but I'll be back later to continue the discussion.
inspiraysean - 01/17/07 12:20
I appreciate that (e:jenks) and (e:jason), the call Thursday night is *FREE so I hope you can join us:)
I appreciate that (e:jenks) and (e:jason), the call Thursday night is *FREE so I hope you can join us:)
jenks - 01/17/07 12:15
Nice comments, both of you. (really).
Nice comments, both of you. (really).
inspiraysean - 01/17/07 12:04
hey (e:jason) thanks for the comment and you touch upon an important subject ripe for debate and what better place to open the floor than an on-line community full of "opinionated" peeps...I too have shared your opinion on the subject of "snake oil salesman" and to be honest, anyone who is selling a product pitching it's life-changing quality is to some degree no different than those first shady snake oil pushers atop horse-drawn wagons. However, when it comes to consciousness the line becomes blurred and such snake oil is not readily sent to the recycle bin. I believe that we create our reality based on our predominant thoughts, whether these are conscious (within our field of awareness) or subconscious (not yet aware). Sustained thoughts create feelings and sustained feelings create realities, or an experience of material reality. Thoughts and feelings hold a vibration, and this has been proved in scientific studies with Dr. Emoto's research on the effect of thought energy upon the molecular structure of water. Thoughts of peace, joy, love for example (above the line) sustain a high vibration and put us in resonance with the resulting material reality, while thoughts of fear, spite, shame, etc. (below the line) hold a lower vibration and put is in resonance with the resulting material reality.
I have been blessed to have worked with a local wisdom teacher on the Tuscarora Reservation for nearly 6 years now in both group and private sessions. I became conscious of thoughts (belief systems) that I would have never come to realize on my own, although I do take some credit for having attracted this individual into my life. I have paid cash and worked in barter in exchange for this priceless life-changing service. One of the dogmas that holds us back in life is that things like spiritual information/ services should be free. Nothing is free for there has to be a balance according to Universal law, otherwise it is stealing, or simply taken for granted (in one ear and out the other). I have also been blessed to have attracted another amazing teacher in Bijan (notice I do not use the term "guru" for to me that is for someone seeking followers or devotees, neither of which Tahwehdahqui or Bijan are after). For the record, all the money Bijan collects from his books, seminars and website is donated to various foundations of a humanitarian purpose. Tahwehdahqui uses his fees toward growing the learning center known as Eh-Khweh-Heh-Weh, which means "all the people." I consider myself a humanitarian and have in mind co-creating something of a Human Potential Institute one day. I'm taking donations:) LOL
hey (e:jason) thanks for the comment and you touch upon an important subject ripe for debate and what better place to open the floor than an on-line community full of "opinionated" peeps...I too have shared your opinion on the subject of "snake oil salesman" and to be honest, anyone who is selling a product pitching it's life-changing quality is to some degree no different than those first shady snake oil pushers atop horse-drawn wagons. However, when it comes to consciousness the line becomes blurred and such snake oil is not readily sent to the recycle bin. I believe that we create our reality based on our predominant thoughts, whether these are conscious (within our field of awareness) or subconscious (not yet aware). Sustained thoughts create feelings and sustained feelings create realities, or an experience of material reality. Thoughts and feelings hold a vibration, and this has been proved in scientific studies with Dr. Emoto's research on the effect of thought energy upon the molecular structure of water. Thoughts of peace, joy, love for example (above the line) sustain a high vibration and put us in resonance with the resulting material reality, while thoughts of fear, spite, shame, etc. (below the line) hold a lower vibration and put is in resonance with the resulting material reality.
I have been blessed to have worked with a local wisdom teacher on the Tuscarora Reservation for nearly 6 years now in both group and private sessions. I became conscious of thoughts (belief systems) that I would have never come to realize on my own, although I do take some credit for having attracted this individual into my life. I have paid cash and worked in barter in exchange for this priceless life-changing service. One of the dogmas that holds us back in life is that things like spiritual information/ services should be free. Nothing is free for there has to be a balance according to Universal law, otherwise it is stealing, or simply taken for granted (in one ear and out the other). I have also been blessed to have attracted another amazing teacher in Bijan (notice I do not use the term "guru" for to me that is for someone seeking followers or devotees, neither of which Tahwehdahqui or Bijan are after). For the record, all the money Bijan collects from his books, seminars and website is donated to various foundations of a humanitarian purpose. Tahwehdahqui uses his fees toward growing the learning center known as Eh-Khweh-Heh-Weh, which means "all the people." I consider myself a humanitarian and have in mind co-creating something of a Human Potential Institute one day. I'm taking donations:) LOL
jason - 01/17/07 11:45
Sean, I think you're right to re-evaluate and take the criticism in stride. I think there was a good point made about the one post seeming like an advert, but you did take the time to clarify, which in my view should be good enough.
One thing you should know about our particular online community is that we are all very opinionated, and aren't afraid to bounce ideas (or barbs for that matter) off each other. I don't ever feel like it is personal or is meant to hurt someone, so I don't think you should take the criticism as a personal jab.
Especially, ESPECIALLY when it comes to things like philosophy, religion, politics, things of that nature you are going to get varying responses, some of which you aren't going to like. Short of disabling comments (what fun is that?) there isn't much you can do. The only choice is to reach out and communicate.
I believe a wide majority of folks look at the "gurus" out there as snake oil salesmen. I think the Buddhists have it right - information that is so vital and important and worth sharing should be always given away for free. It's not my choice to make, but I don't believe someone should forge a money making "Career" out of helping people in this way. That's just my taste. I'll listen to almost any of them but I don't believe in paying them for whatever knowledge or insight they can impart on me.
Sean, I think you're right to re-evaluate and take the criticism in stride. I think there was a good point made about the one post seeming like an advert, but you did take the time to clarify, which in my view should be good enough.
One thing you should know about our particular online community is that we are all very opinionated, and aren't afraid to bounce ideas (or barbs for that matter) off each other. I don't ever feel like it is personal or is meant to hurt someone, so I don't think you should take the criticism as a personal jab.
Especially, ESPECIALLY when it comes to things like philosophy, religion, politics, things of that nature you are going to get varying responses, some of which you aren't going to like. Short of disabling comments (what fun is that?) there isn't much you can do. The only choice is to reach out and communicate.
I believe a wide majority of folks look at the "gurus" out there as snake oil salesmen. I think the Buddhists have it right - information that is so vital and important and worth sharing should be always given away for free. It's not my choice to make, but I don't believe someone should forge a money making "Career" out of helping people in this way. That's just my taste. I'll listen to almost any of them but I don't believe in paying them for whatever knowledge or insight they can impart on me.
01/16/2007 14:06 #37719
Effortless Prosperity in 2007Category: one love
Join us this Thursday Jan 18th 2007 at 6:00 pm (pdt) 9:00 pm (edt)
Mastery Effortless Prosperity
Learn to easily transform your life in 5 days!
Mastering Effortless Prosperity The truth is within you and the one that knows exactly what you need to stay prosperous is your own higher self. Bijan became aware of this profound truth in 1989 and since then has taught many people to master effortless prosperity. This February he will be sharing once again the foundations of flawless wealth and abundance. Please join us and share in the upcoming 5 day seminar, MASTERING EFFORTLESS PROSPERITY. This seminar will open you up to your Unlimited Potential and to Flawless Wealth! This powerful five day seminar will take place from Monday, February 26th through Friday, March 2nd, 2007 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Special Pricing: At this time your investment for this five day seminar with Bijan is only $500 per person. Take advantage of this early bird pricing and plan now to attend. Space is limited, so please register early. Don't miss this wonderful opportunity to open up your heart and your mind to the possibilities of MASTERING EFFORTLESS PROSPERITY. Samia
Greetings Everyone!
Unconditional love VS conditional love Most love on this planet is conditional love. Unconditional love does not judge nor have any boundary and is unlimited. Once you feel the unconditional love for someone, there is nothing they or anyone can do to change that feeling. We even love ourselves with condition. The most important unconditional love one must have is for themselves. Then, and only then, they are able to love others unconditionally. God only has and is unconditional love. This love extends to us so we can shine like him on this planet. On this coming Thursday Bijan is going to describe to us, in an easy and loving way, what unconditional love is and how it can empower us at every moment when we open ourselves to it. Please do not miss this Teleseminar since the next one will be on Feb 8th when Bijan comes back to Las Vegas from Toronto's seminars. We would like to invite you and all your friends to be part of this life changing Teleseminar. Please join us on Thursday, Jan 18th when Bijan will explain to us about "Unconditional love VS conditional love" Please call 646-519-5800 / pin 6559# and Enjoy!
Mastery Effortless Prosperity
Learn to easily transform your life in 5 days!
Mastering Effortless Prosperity The truth is within you and the one that knows exactly what you need to stay prosperous is your own higher self. Bijan became aware of this profound truth in 1989 and since then has taught many people to master effortless prosperity. This February he will be sharing once again the foundations of flawless wealth and abundance. Please join us and share in the upcoming 5 day seminar, MASTERING EFFORTLESS PROSPERITY. This seminar will open you up to your Unlimited Potential and to Flawless Wealth! This powerful five day seminar will take place from Monday, February 26th through Friday, March 2nd, 2007 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Special Pricing: At this time your investment for this five day seminar with Bijan is only $500 per person. Take advantage of this early bird pricing and plan now to attend. Space is limited, so please register early. Don't miss this wonderful opportunity to open up your heart and your mind to the possibilities of MASTERING EFFORTLESS PROSPERITY. Samia
Greetings Everyone!
Unconditional love VS conditional love Most love on this planet is conditional love. Unconditional love does not judge nor have any boundary and is unlimited. Once you feel the unconditional love for someone, there is nothing they or anyone can do to change that feeling. We even love ourselves with condition. The most important unconditional love one must have is for themselves. Then, and only then, they are able to love others unconditionally. God only has and is unconditional love. This love extends to us so we can shine like him on this planet. On this coming Thursday Bijan is going to describe to us, in an easy and loving way, what unconditional love is and how it can empower us at every moment when we open ourselves to it. Please do not miss this Teleseminar since the next one will be on Feb 8th when Bijan comes back to Las Vegas from Toronto's seminars. We would like to invite you and all your friends to be part of this life changing Teleseminar. Please join us on Thursday, Jan 18th when Bijan will explain to us about "Unconditional love VS conditional love" Please call 646-519-5800 / pin 6559# and Enjoy!
pyrcedgrrl - 01/16/07 19:19
I enjoy reading peoples blogs as a way to see a bit into their lives and hear about their interests/goings on. Seeing as this is Sean's personal journal and he was trying to share something with us he was interested in, I don't think this could be considered "SPAM" in any way, shape or form.
If he had put it in a post it and sent it to every user on the strip, I could see your point. However, this is not "unwanted or unsolicited advertising", it is someone posting something that he either finds interesting or thinks that someone else on here would. Just because he didn't say that directly doesn't mean he's phishing for your credit card numbers.
Thanks Sean! :)
I enjoy reading peoples blogs as a way to see a bit into their lives and hear about their interests/goings on. Seeing as this is Sean's personal journal and he was trying to share something with us he was interested in, I don't think this could be considered "SPAM" in any way, shape or form.
If he had put it in a post it and sent it to every user on the strip, I could see your point. However, this is not "unwanted or unsolicited advertising", it is someone posting something that he either finds interesting or thinks that someone else on here would. Just because he didn't say that directly doesn't mean he's phishing for your credit card numbers.
Thanks Sean! :)
inspiraysean - 01/16/07 18:34
like my diet I prefer a healthy balance of copy/ paste with original content:)
like my diet I prefer a healthy balance of copy/ paste with original content:)
jenks - 01/16/07 18:34
I was trying to hold my tongue, but I feel I must respond.
First: Ouch Jason!!
I am not "averse to spiritual talk"- in fact I've written a few posts on the subject myself.
But I am averse to posts that are little more than advertisements. (perhaps spam was the wrong word; sorry. [and yes, I've eaten spam.])
It would be different (to me) if it said something like "hey peeps... just heard about this talk I might go to. It sounds really interesting, on "effortless prosperity"- here's some info if you're interested." Instead it's just some cut and pasted blurb that at first you think Sean wrote, and they you realize he didn't.
I also have a bit of an issue with often not being able to tell which posts, or parts of posts, Sean actually wrote, and which are copied off the web, myspace double-posts, etc, since I rarely see any attribution. And I know I'm not alone in this.
I also take issue with this request: "please refrain from offering what's on your mind unless you can verify your statements."
But hell. Who am I to tell people what to write. I don't have to read it if I don't like it.
(Spam, to me, is unsolicited/unwanted advertising. Doesn't have much to do with previous post track record, etc. And uncut, I find you, likewise, to be intelligent and articulate, and I agree that a great thing about estrip is that we can disagree and still be mature adults.)
I was trying to hold my tongue, but I feel I must respond.
First: Ouch Jason!!
I am not "averse to spiritual talk"- in fact I've written a few posts on the subject myself.
But I am averse to posts that are little more than advertisements. (perhaps spam was the wrong word; sorry. [and yes, I've eaten spam.])
It would be different (to me) if it said something like "hey peeps... just heard about this talk I might go to. It sounds really interesting, on "effortless prosperity"- here's some info if you're interested." Instead it's just some cut and pasted blurb that at first you think Sean wrote, and they you realize he didn't.
I also have a bit of an issue with often not being able to tell which posts, or parts of posts, Sean actually wrote, and which are copied off the web, myspace double-posts, etc, since I rarely see any attribution. And I know I'm not alone in this.
I also take issue with this request: "please refrain from offering what's on your mind unless you can verify your statements."
But hell. Who am I to tell people what to write. I don't have to read it if I don't like it.
(Spam, to me, is unsolicited/unwanted advertising. Doesn't have much to do with previous post track record, etc. And uncut, I find you, likewise, to be intelligent and articulate, and I agree that a great thing about estrip is that we can disagree and still be mature adults.)
matthew - 01/16/07 18:32
haha, spam! YUM! I think (e:jenks) called this entry spam beacuse it reads like it was copied and pasted from a daily affirmation e-mail. If this was sent to my e-mail i'd consider it spam. (e:inspiraysean), do you write most of your own journals or do you get them from other sources?
haha, spam! YUM! I think (e:jenks) called this entry spam beacuse it reads like it was copied and pasted from a daily affirmation e-mail. If this was sent to my e-mail i'd consider it spam. (e:inspiraysean), do you write most of your own journals or do you get them from other sources?
uncutsaniflush - 01/16/07 18:10
Golly!! Perhaps (e:jason) do you think that (e:jenks) thinks that spam is an acronym for SPirituAlity Mail? <a nod and a wink>
fwiw, I don't associate spam with spirituality. Though I reckon there is no reason why there couldn't be spirituality spam - it might more interesting than the spam that promises to increase the penis size of everyone even females without reconstructive surgery.
I think that (e:jenks) is smart and articulate and if she wants to consider this journal entry to be spam that is her right.
I just don't happen to agree with her.
One of the most wonderful things about (e:strip) is that everyone doesn't have to agree with everyone else.
Golly!! Perhaps (e:jason) do you think that (e:jenks) thinks that spam is an acronym for SPirituAlity Mail? <a nod and a wink>
fwiw, I don't associate spam with spirituality. Though I reckon there is no reason why there couldn't be spirituality spam - it might more interesting than the spam that promises to increase the penis size of everyone even females without reconstructive surgery.
I think that (e:jenks) is smart and articulate and if she wants to consider this journal entry to be spam that is her right.
I just don't happen to agree with her.
One of the most wonderful things about (e:strip) is that everyone doesn't have to agree with everyone else.
inspiraysean - 01/16/07 17:47
I never said I did not "like" ur comments (e:libertad), rather I found them to be heavy on criticism without substantive value; however, I admit a mistake in my response to your original "spammy" comment as there is reference to a $500 admission charge for Bijan's 5 day seminar in Vegas. I meant to post only the *FREE teleseminar info.
Okay, to answer your question, "effortless prosperity" is a state of consciousness whereby the "user" so to speak maintains a mindset and subsequent vibration of calm, joy and gratitude to attract not only prosperity, but also health and harmonious relationships. Bijan would call this "above the line" and others might call it simply love. It does not mean that you sit on ur ass and do nothing, although it could for some peeps, but rather that in this state of consciousness everything you do is effortless. (e:jenks) may pursue a career as a Dr. and find it effortless if done in the spirit of peace, joy and gratitude. I practice this in my current profession of snowplowing and landscape design. It used to be effortFULL, but since I've been practicing and mastering my mental and emotional state for so many years, I now find it increasingly effortless. Hope you can join us for the call Thursday:)
I never said I did not "like" ur comments (e:libertad), rather I found them to be heavy on criticism without substantive value; however, I admit a mistake in my response to your original "spammy" comment as there is reference to a $500 admission charge for Bijan's 5 day seminar in Vegas. I meant to post only the *FREE teleseminar info.
Okay, to answer your question, "effortless prosperity" is a state of consciousness whereby the "user" so to speak maintains a mindset and subsequent vibration of calm, joy and gratitude to attract not only prosperity, but also health and harmonious relationships. Bijan would call this "above the line" and others might call it simply love. It does not mean that you sit on ur ass and do nothing, although it could for some peeps, but rather that in this state of consciousness everything you do is effortless. (e:jenks) may pursue a career as a Dr. and find it effortless if done in the spirit of peace, joy and gratitude. I practice this in my current profession of snowplowing and landscape design. It used to be effortFULL, but since I've been practicing and mastering my mental and emotional state for so many years, I now find it increasingly effortless. Hope you can join us for the call Thursday:)
libertad - 01/16/07 17:39
I didn't mean to imply that you were getting a cut out of the tracking code. Clearly entering a pin number after dialing the number is a marketing device.
Bijan. This isn't a name that demands instant recognition such as Oprah, OJ, Madonna etc.
All of us have to deal with comments we don't like unless we choose to turn them off. That is your choice.
What does effortless prosperity "really mean"?
I didn't mean to imply that you were getting a cut out of the tracking code. Clearly entering a pin number after dialing the number is a marketing device.
Bijan. This isn't a name that demands instant recognition such as Oprah, OJ, Madonna etc.
All of us have to deal with comments we don't like unless we choose to turn them off. That is your choice.
What does effortless prosperity "really mean"?
inspiraysean - 01/16/07 17:02
not to beat an already beat horse, but we do know who is hosting, his name is Bijan, and we do know what it is about "unconditional love vs. conditional love"
not to beat an already beat horse, but we do know who is hosting, his name is Bijan, and we do know what it is about "unconditional love vs. conditional love"
jason - 01/16/07 17:00
Jenks is in general averse to spiritual talk.
Jenks is in general averse to spiritual talk.
inspiraysean - 01/16/07 16:59
(e:libertad) I appreciate your comments, but please refrain from offering what's on ur mind unless you can verify your statements:
1. where did you get the $500 promise for effortless prosperity from this post?
2. do you know what "effortless prosperity" really means?
3. where did you get the idea that the PIN code is used to track anyone's information? I receive zero compensation in any form by posting this information, other than the good vibes it will spread to (e:peeps) and beyond:)
One Love
(e:libertad) I appreciate your comments, but please refrain from offering what's on ur mind unless you can verify your statements:
1. where did you get the $500 promise for effortless prosperity from this post?
2. do you know what "effortless prosperity" really means?
3. where did you get the idea that the PIN code is used to track anyone's information? I receive zero compensation in any form by posting this information, other than the good vibes it will spread to (e:peeps) and beyond:)
One Love
libertad - 01/16/07 16:58
correction--we don't know what it is about and who is hosting.
correction--we don't know what it is about and who is hosting.
libertad - 01/16/07 16:55
I think that (e:jenks) may consider this spammy because it promises effortless prosperity for $500. Nothing of value comes without effort. For example (e:jenks) worked really hard and now she is a Dr. Another spammy aspect of the post is the pin number you have to enter so they can track where the person heard of the seminar. One other thing is that you really can't figure out who these people are by anything that is said. Like who are these people? Is this a religion or what? This is different from what I have seen in previous event posting in that we know exactly what it is about and who is hosting.
I think that (e:jenks) may consider this spammy because it promises effortless prosperity for $500. Nothing of value comes without effort. For example (e:jenks) worked really hard and now she is a Dr. Another spammy aspect of the post is the pin number you have to enter so they can track where the person heard of the seminar. One other thing is that you really can't figure out who these people are by anything that is said. Like who are these people? Is this a religion or what? This is different from what I have seen in previous event posting in that we know exactly what it is about and who is hosting.
inspiraysean - 01/16/07 16:47
has anyone ever eaten spam, you know the stuff they invented during the meat crisis in wwII?
has anyone ever eaten spam, you know the stuff they invented during the meat crisis in wwII?
theecarey - 01/16/07 16:42
I must have been double-checking on that PIN ;)
- Everyone who believes in telekenisis, raise my hand!
- Everyone who can read minds, what is my last comment?! :) I have no idea how I posted a 'non comment'. Seriously, there arent any words.hmmm..
I must have been double-checking on that PIN ;)
theecarey - 01/16/07 16:27
uncutsaniflush - 01/16/07 16:15
hmmm (e:jenks) I wonder is this really spam?
(e:peeps) regularly journal about events that they find interesting such as birthday parties and concerts and sporting events. And some of those events even have been known to charge admission, although to be fair I don't think that any event ever listed on (e:strip) before actually had an admission charge of $500 before. But I could be wrong. I don't know how much Rolling Stone tickets were in Toronto.
personally, I think that (e:inspiraysean) isn't spamming (e:strip) since he's been journaling about other stuff and this isn't his first post.
But that is just me. As always, I could be wrong.
hmmm (e:jenks) I wonder is this really spam?
(e:peeps) regularly journal about events that they find interesting such as birthday parties and concerts and sporting events. And some of those events even have been known to charge admission, although to be fair I don't think that any event ever listed on (e:strip) before actually had an admission charge of $500 before. But I could be wrong. I don't know how much Rolling Stone tickets were in Toronto.
personally, I think that (e:inspiraysean) isn't spamming (e:strip) since he's been journaling about other stuff and this isn't his first post.
But that is just me. As always, I could be wrong.
jenks - 01/16/07 15:36
please don't spam us.
please don't spam us.
From your samurai parable:
You're dirty. you smell, your blade is rusty, you're a disgrace, an embarrassment to the samurai class...and later this monk submits to his oppressor by allowing him to raise his sword and just sit there, which is powerful, though still submissive.
I didn't say anything about "dirty, stinky and submissive", did I? Unless you think that's what quiet and humble means.
I do not consider myself a Buddhist (e:libertad) nor do I even consider myself Catholic though I was raised in the tradition. I consider myself a spiritual being having a human experience, which can and often does incorporate teachings/principles from many if not all the organized spiritual doctrines. However, I've found that religion has done more to separate humanity than unify.
As for (e:jenks) comments, if you wish to hang on to the notion that to be so-called "spiritual" requires one to be dirty, stinky and submissive you are entitled to do so. There are plenty of "monks" hiding from the world whereas I choose to be a "monk in society", though again, not the grungy/neo-hippie variety, but rather a shining example of living the Truth of health, peace, power and wealth. And I do not simply desire this for myself, but I seek it for all sentient beings on this planet, hence my original post advertising an event that I believe will assist souls in their evolution; regardless of age, race, gender, class, doctrine or profession. If this garners for me much attention then so be it. Call me arrogant if you must, I've been called worse.
One Love
thats funny imk! Sorry inspiraysean if it seemed that I was attacking you. Its obvious you only want to share something in your life that makes you happy with others. I wouldn't have said anything but after uncutsaniflush said it wasn't spam and jenks said it was, I just wanted to add my take. Really I do think that you should come forth with exactly what it is you'r practicing if you are promoting it. Is it Buddhism and if so what sect of? I saw a link that you offered to (e:lilho) that had lotus flowers which is often symbolic in Buddhism. I may have missed something in one of your journals somewhere. BTW I am a Buddhist (Nichiren Daishonin Buddist practicing with the Soka Gakkai International) I have written a few journals about it, but of course I didn't categorize the entries.
Sigh... I should just take a lesson from my friend and 'have compassion' and let this all go, but it's gotten under my skin.
From some recent personal experience, I have learned that those truly seeking enlightenment, to stay "above the line", whatever you want to call it- and who are committed to the path- have to recognize external motivators (sex, money, ego for example) and put them aside. I could never do this, and I know it, and I'm ok with it. But I certainly respect those who can.
But to truly go down this path, you must realize that happiness is having no preference. Everything is the same. The "I" doesn't matter.
Those who I have met that are truly spiritual and at peace are humble and quiet, not arrogant and attention-seeking.
Here's a little story:
A big, tough samurai once went to see a little monk. "Monk" he said, in a voice accoustomed to instant obedience, "teach me about heaven and hell!"
The monk looked up at this mighty warrior and replied with utter disdain, "Teach you about heaven and hell? I couldn't teach you about anything. You're dirty. you smell, your blade is rusty, you're a disgrace, an embarrassment to the samurai class. Get out of my sight. I can't stand you!"
The samurai was furious, he shook, got all red in the face, was speechless with rage. He pulled out his sword and raised it above him, preparing to slay the monk.
"That's hell" said the monk softly.
The samurai was overwhelmed. The compassion and surrender of this little man who had offered his life to give this teaching to show him hell! He slowly put down his sword, filled with gratitude, and suddenly peaceful.
"And that's heaven" said the monk softly.
If only we could all be as wise as the little monk. I know I never will be, and thus I don't pretend to be.
no doubt (e:joshua) you make an excellent point, there's a lot of BS out there in the "self-help" dept. and to be honest I despise that label, I prefer human potential...I've studied a lot in this area and some information has really helped me in my journey while other stuff is worthless...the main thing is to have personal access, to meet someone in person who purports to hold valuable knowledge/ wisdom, look them in the eye, shake their hand or better still hug them. I've met Bijan and I guarantee he is someone of upmost integrity, not like many of our so-called "do as I say not as I do" leaders.
I wasn't particularly offended by any of it man, and I definitely don't consider it spam. But then again, I am not getting the same message from multiple sources! Hah.
(e:brit) has a crude way of putting it, but yeah, the "self-help" category is one of these things where I feel that people are being taken advantage of or harmed. Scientologists are fucking shady, 100%, and the worst part about it is the fact that it is packaged, marketed and sold to people like a product. At times these "self-help" guys are selling false hope, and that is wrong.
like i said, one can only hope. spread your inner juice...err...peace, sean!
hey (e:imk2) I've actually only done that once and it was by accident, just the way she was laying on the floor as she jerked me off, hit her on the cheek but she didn't mind:)
oh the good ole "fuck em", well at least you didnt ejaculate on anyone's face. once can only hope, huh?
that's the one Tom Cruise and John Travolta are into correct? I like their detox methods but I can pass on the doctrine, thanks for your opinion:)
We have scientologists on campus at UB who sound exactly like your journals....and not to piss on your parade son but those who actually possess wisdom never talk about having it or selling it.