You stay awake for nearly 24 hours straight and you're going to get grumpy, if not delusional. Last night's outing did not conclude until I hit the pillow around 2 AM this morning after arising the previous day around 3. But thanks to my responsible and devoted nature people awoke this morning to cleared drives and parking lots. I fought heavy eyes for the last 2-3 hours while finishing up my route. The cup of coffee I had around midnight gave me ups for about 30 minutes max as I was clearing my uncle's car wash lot. I also took care of my parents and sister's place. It's just one of many ways that I express my love. It really would be nice if more peeps would appreciate the plowman, rather than get ticked off as he tirelessly toils. On my way to Wegman's this morning for coffee this chick in a Jeep was right on my tailgate and then darted in front of me at the next traffic light. Like I said, you don't get enough sleep and you're on edge. This is perhaps the most important foundation to my overall wellness. I got my button pushed and thrust open the truck door met with a honk by the driver next to me who may have been concerned that I was going to snap. Well I did, but not to the point of anything regrettable. As she sped away from the light I made a turn into the parking lot and noticed that she too was headed for the same destination. I watched as she parked across the lot from me and wanted to pay her visit just to share of piece of my exhausted mind, but she had quickly scurried inside the store. My vibration is down and I need to be careful of what I attract right now. Today is a day of down time and rest, a mental health day if not physical.
I hope the ups from the cup of French Press rain forest coffee I just consumed persists for the duration of this post. I can already feel it wearing off as I type. But as I can not sleep during the day I must carry on in sleep deprivation until the evening hours. Before my afternoon's repast of pancakes I was enjoying a wonderful IM with my dear friend Jerog, one of many amazing peeps I've met here on myspace. No, we didn't get naughty today as she wasn't feeling sexual, nor was I much "up" to the task in my current state of exhaustion. Besides, all I need right now is another myspace romance. Instead we enjoyed a dynamic and uplifting exchange including talk of planning a Contiki tour in Europe before October 2008. The outfit is geared for peeps ages 18-35 and so the cut off for me is my 36th birthday in about 21 months. That's plenty of time for the Universe to line it up. In the meantime, we've talked about perhaps going into business together. She's quite the savvy and sophisticated entrepreneur with real estate investments, on-line marketing credentials, massage therapy and a full-time gig selling insurance. Oh and did I mention she's fuckin hot? I also received a very important message through her when she shared with me a consultation she had with a holistic practioner. She was told that sex and food will help to ground her. Immediately a bell rung for me as just last night I was contemplating why all of a sudden such intense sexual energy for me. And it made sense. I've been going through such intense vibrational tranformation of late that my body is in need of balancing, hence the increase of release of late. I've also been eating heavier foods, including a visit to my parents' house last night for some beef stew, and lots of pancakes, tacos and subs have been the staple of my diet in recent weeks. Of course being that these are the winter months I am adding a noticeable layer to my mid-riff; however, it's nothing that landscaping won't melt away come spring.
Yesterday I got word from a friend that an old friend had crossed over. I hadn't heard my phone ring and so upon listening to the voice mail I could feel my heart sink as I remembered back years ago when Chris and I would hang out amongst friends. I was never real close to him, but there was a period in my life where he was present during some of my first major changes as a young adult. I remember smoking a lot of weed in our circle of friends, which included my cousin. We also went out to the woods a few times and tripped on LSD wandering like fools for hours with giggles at every comment or visual distortion. Yes, it was a time in my life when my future was wide open and with it the field of possibilities endless. It wasn't long thereafter I had gone off to school and endured the most arduous period of my life, both mentally and emotionally. Indeed, Chris' passing is very symbolic of yet another metaphysical layer from my past sloughing off. I'm not one who chooses to peer into the past for any length or depth, but as a tribute to my friend I have this to offer. R.I.P.
One Love
PS- if ur feelin me here why not subscribe to my blog and get notified every time I make a new post? I promise it will be effortless...and please if you feel so inclined drop some love in a comment:)
You really don't have to try so hard, SEAN.
That's why there's magic and miracles.
The Universe
January 23, 2007
Your Comfort Zone
Create A Soft Place To Land
Our day-to-day demands can quickly take their toll on our well-being if we are not vigilant about caring for ourselves as best we can. One way we can ensure that we have an opportunity to relax and recuperate each day is to create a soft place to land when we arrive home. This landing pad, whether it is an entire room or merely a small corner of a larger area, can provide us with a safe and comforting refuge in which we can decompress and recover from the day's stresses. There, we are enveloped in feelings of security that transcend other issues that may be unfolding in our homes. Our landing pads also act as way stations that enable us to shift our attention away from our outer-world concerns and back to our inner-world needs.
To create a soft place to land in your home, begin by scouting potential locations. Or perhaps your entire home is your landing pad in which case you may only need to declutter. Your habits can often provide you with insight into the perfect spot, as there may be an area of your home you gravitate to naturally when you are in need of comfort. Any space in which you find it easy to let go of stress and anxiety can become your landing pad. A basement or attic, spare room, or unused storage area, furnished with items that soothe you, can give you the privacy you need to unwind. If you appreciate the elements, you may find that spending time in a section of your garden or outdoor patio helps you release the day's tensions. Preparing these spaces can be as easy as replacing clutter with a small selection of beautiful objects that put you in a relaxed frame of mind. Remember to consider noise and activity levels while choosing the site of your landing pad. If you know that ordinar! y human commotion will distract you from your purpose, look for a secluded spot.
The soft place to land that you create should inspire within you the mantra, "I can breath here. I can relax here. I know I am safe here." When you return to your home after braving worldly rigors, you will feel a subtle yet tranquil shift occur inside of you as you settle in to this most personal of retreats and feel centered once again.
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Inspiraysean's Journal
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01/24/2007 14:21 #37849
He Who Tells AllCategory: chakra
01/23/2007 09:19 #37831
HolyCategory: quantum surf
It didn't help that I kept laughing my ass off when I went to bed last night. I kept thinking about what I had posted in my blog and also a couple of email exchanges with some myspacers on the subject of irrational fear vs rational fear. In my opinion there is no such distinction. Fear is fear and carries with it a vibration that attracts people and events to match the beholder's vibrational resonance. I think I finally got to sleep around midnight perhaps and when the alarm on my cell phone went off at 3 AM I was like, "Fuck!" So I took my probiotic/ wheatgrass cocktail, gathered a few items to prepare myself to head out and instead plunked down in my soul chair. When I got up over an hour had passed, no kidding. Fortunately, I only needed a little better than 3 hours to clean up and detail the 6 commercial properties on my route. They're calling for lake effect snow with another 2-4 inches today and by the looks of it out my window the bands have already organized with winds out of the WSW. As I've stated in previous blogs I am completely diurnal in nature and can not sleep during daylight hours. Hopefully the snow comes and goes by sunset so I can get an early start on my route this evening. I heard on the radio that meteorologists are predicting the advance of a Siberian air mass beginning next week that will put is in a deep freeze through February on into March. Seems El Nino has retired. Better batten down the hatches.
So I've scared off another prospect in the lady department. I got a message from this girl I had met at a local business networking group a couple weeks ago. She asked if I was single and expressed an interest. I replied that I do not have a girlfriend, although it would appear otherwise with my profile status set to "in a relationship." We made plans to meet for coffee today, however this morning there was a message saying, "Glad I read this...ha, ha...wrong impression lol...nevermind...maybe we'll meet again..." Obviously she read my blog. For the record, I've established "in a relationship" status to indicate that I am in a relationship with myself. So if you're reading this ladies, don't hesitate to inquire. I'm a hot commodity these days looking eventually to settle down with my Queen of Queens. You think you got what it takes to match your King of Kings then holla. Otherwise, don't hate!
I've had nearly 400 hits to my blog in less than 3 days. My previous record for a one week period is a little over 500 hits. Hmm, I have to wonder if recent content is stirring up a ruckus? I wonder if peeps are promoting my blog all like, "You gotta read what this kat is writing, 'slipped a finger in my ass' lmao!" Let's face it, sex sells and I love it, sex that is. And I'm not even selling anything, at least not ostensibly. I am sort of promoting a belief system, in short, "Life is what you make of it so why not make it effortless?" I'd probably be quite a Casanova had I the inclination to pursue a piece of ass at the exclusion of other passions. But I know it's just a phase I'm going through as I continue to raise my vibration and self-actualize. I really do want to be in a long-term monogamous relationship and I have a feeling this recent sexual frenzy is a last hoorah of sorts. So to all my female fans out there if you want some of this now's ur chance, hit me up at yahoo IM "inspiraysean." Speak now or forever hold ur peace!
One LOve
"The people who mind don't matter and the people who matter won't mind."
Dr. Suess
OK, can you keep a secret, SEAN?
Let me tell you what happens...
There'll be trumpets, fanfare, and parades. Happy tears, giggles, and hugs. Shrieks of joy, fits of laughter, and reunions with best friends.
There will be quiet, reflection, and revelations. Ah-ha's! No-way's! And, of course, You-have-to-be-kidding's!
Eventually followed by a deep, often surprising, longing for what will by then be viewed as the dream-life you led.
You could plot it on a chart.
The point, SEAN, of course, is that you are now living that dream-life.
The Universe
So I've scared off another prospect in the lady department. I got a message from this girl I had met at a local business networking group a couple weeks ago. She asked if I was single and expressed an interest. I replied that I do not have a girlfriend, although it would appear otherwise with my profile status set to "in a relationship." We made plans to meet for coffee today, however this morning there was a message saying, "Glad I read this...ha, ha...wrong impression lol...nevermind...maybe we'll meet again..." Obviously she read my blog. For the record, I've established "in a relationship" status to indicate that I am in a relationship with myself. So if you're reading this ladies, don't hesitate to inquire. I'm a hot commodity these days looking eventually to settle down with my Queen of Queens. You think you got what it takes to match your King of Kings then holla. Otherwise, don't hate!
I've had nearly 400 hits to my blog in less than 3 days. My previous record for a one week period is a little over 500 hits. Hmm, I have to wonder if recent content is stirring up a ruckus? I wonder if peeps are promoting my blog all like, "You gotta read what this kat is writing, 'slipped a finger in my ass' lmao!" Let's face it, sex sells and I love it, sex that is. And I'm not even selling anything, at least not ostensibly. I am sort of promoting a belief system, in short, "Life is what you make of it so why not make it effortless?" I'd probably be quite a Casanova had I the inclination to pursue a piece of ass at the exclusion of other passions. But I know it's just a phase I'm going through as I continue to raise my vibration and self-actualize. I really do want to be in a long-term monogamous relationship and I have a feeling this recent sexual frenzy is a last hoorah of sorts. So to all my female fans out there if you want some of this now's ur chance, hit me up at yahoo IM "inspiraysean." Speak now or forever hold ur peace!
One LOve
"The people who mind don't matter and the people who matter won't mind."
Dr. Suess
OK, can you keep a secret, SEAN?
Let me tell you what happens...
There'll be trumpets, fanfare, and parades. Happy tears, giggles, and hugs. Shrieks of joy, fits of laughter, and reunions with best friends.
There will be quiet, reflection, and revelations. Ah-ha's! No-way's! And, of course, You-have-to-be-kidding's!
Eventually followed by a deep, often surprising, longing for what will by then be viewed as the dream-life you led.
You could plot it on a chart.
The point, SEAN, of course, is that you are now living that dream-life.
The Universe
mrmike - 01/25/07 07:40
Despite the enlightenment offered to you by the Universe, the one thing that stuck with me from this post is that I should never cut off a plow driver in traffic. :)
I admire your outlook
Despite the enlightenment offered to you by the Universe, the one thing that stuck with me from this post is that I should never cut off a plow driver in traffic. :)
I admire your outlook
jenks - 01/24/07 14:45
Josh, I agree with you, to a point. People should feel free to post whatever they want. Of course they should. And if we are scaring off new users, yes, that is a bad thing. But they/we need to realize not everyone will love everything they/we say. (except my journal of course, which is ALWAYS fascinating. haha.) And they/we need to be willing to accept criticism. Just as we can ignore/not read posts we don't like, we can ignore comments we don't like too.
Is saying "no negative comments" any less stifling than saying "no stupid posts"?
And how is calling someone a hater (for not liking a post) any better than saying 'that post was boring'? I'd argue that calling someone a hater is worse.
You guys know I love you. And I love estrip. I love the free and open exchange of opinions, even when we disagree. I love that we can and do disagree, and (generally) keep it civil. We're not all going to get along 100% and be best friends. Which is ok. That would be boring anyway. I love when people get all riled up about this or that post or this or that writer.
So don't hate on the haters, ok?
Josh, I agree with you, to a point. People should feel free to post whatever they want. Of course they should. And if we are scaring off new users, yes, that is a bad thing. But they/we need to realize not everyone will love everything they/we say. (except my journal of course, which is ALWAYS fascinating. haha.) And they/we need to be willing to accept criticism. Just as we can ignore/not read posts we don't like, we can ignore comments we don't like too.
Is saying "no negative comments" any less stifling than saying "no stupid posts"?
And how is calling someone a hater (for not liking a post) any better than saying 'that post was boring'? I'd argue that calling someone a hater is worse.
You guys know I love you. And I love estrip. I love the free and open exchange of opinions, even when we disagree. I love that we can and do disagree, and (generally) keep it civil. We're not all going to get along 100% and be best friends. Which is ok. That would be boring anyway. I love when people get all riled up about this or that post or this or that writer.
So don't hate on the haters, ok?
joshua - 01/24/07 14:40
Ha - please don't be offended - I insulted everybody's blog, including my own!
People think you are a dreamer. So what? Go ahead and dream.
Have a good week.
Ha - please don't be offended - I insulted everybody's blog, including my own!
People think you are a dreamer. So what? Go ahead and dream.
Have a good week.
inspiraysean - 01/24/07 14:29
hey (e:joshua) not sure if I should thank you for helping a brotha out or be upset that you think my blog is boring LOL
hey (e:joshua) not sure if I should thank you for helping a brotha out or be upset that you think my blog is boring LOL
joshua - 01/24/07 14:24
Most content on blogs are incredibly, incredibly boring at times. Sean's blog is no different than ALL of the journals on (e:strip) in this regard, so could somebody explain to me why it is that a handful of people have felt the need to single Sean out? There are a litany of things that people write about here that I don't give a fuck about. That doesn't mean that I feel the need or feel duty bound to let someone know about it. Who are you, who am I, who are we to be judge and jury? Its inappropriate.
The point is to have a place to vent. People do not need to do it here but choose to out of the fact that this is supposedly a community site.
The worst and saddest part of all of this is the habitual beratement of new users to the site. Its trashy and its going to ensure that hardly any additional users will be encouraged to participate in any meaningful way. (e:paul) always asks for ideas on how to expand the user base - a good start would be for the users around here to stop treating the site as if its a massive clique that must be safeguarded from outsiders.
Had I joined now instead of when I did, I likely would never participate because every few months people here irrationally decide, "Hey, I don't like this guy or what he says" and then proceed to alienate and personally attack the new person. In all seriousness, periodically the e-behavior around here is utterly shocking... which is a shame because I think everybody here has great qualities that end up getting stifled because of stupidity. Who really are being the assholes around here, Sean or the user base that attack him?
(e:lilho) - I like you a lot and I am really disappointed right now - I know for a fact that you're a better person than that.
Most content on blogs are incredibly, incredibly boring at times. Sean's blog is no different than ALL of the journals on (e:strip) in this regard, so could somebody explain to me why it is that a handful of people have felt the need to single Sean out? There are a litany of things that people write about here that I don't give a fuck about. That doesn't mean that I feel the need or feel duty bound to let someone know about it. Who are you, who am I, who are we to be judge and jury? Its inappropriate.
The point is to have a place to vent. People do not need to do it here but choose to out of the fact that this is supposedly a community site.
The worst and saddest part of all of this is the habitual beratement of new users to the site. Its trashy and its going to ensure that hardly any additional users will be encouraged to participate in any meaningful way. (e:paul) always asks for ideas on how to expand the user base - a good start would be for the users around here to stop treating the site as if its a massive clique that must be safeguarded from outsiders.
Had I joined now instead of when I did, I likely would never participate because every few months people here irrationally decide, "Hey, I don't like this guy or what he says" and then proceed to alienate and personally attack the new person. In all seriousness, periodically the e-behavior around here is utterly shocking... which is a shame because I think everybody here has great qualities that end up getting stifled because of stupidity. Who really are being the assholes around here, Sean or the user base that attack him?
(e:lilho) - I like you a lot and I am really disappointed right now - I know for a fact that you're a better person than that.
jenks - 01/24/07 13:40
Whoa jason... Gotta say I'm with sarah on this one.
Whoa jason... Gotta say I'm with sarah on this one.
jason - 01/24/07 13:05
Sarah, why are you such a fucking hater?
Sarah, why are you such a fucking hater?
lilho - 01/23/07 22:58
did you ever feel like you just talk forever about nothing? if sex sells, then sells us sex, not long boring posts. pictures would be nice...
did you ever feel like you just talk forever about nothing? if sex sells, then sells us sex, not long boring posts. pictures would be nice...
theecarey - 01/23/07 14:01
Very few traits/characteristics of "virgo" apply to me anymore. 15 years ago, maybe. I am everybody. You will be greatly surprised if you hold to this categorization. Just 'warning' you ;)
Very few traits/characteristics of "virgo" apply to me anymore. 15 years ago, maybe. I am everybody. You will be greatly surprised if you hold to this categorization. Just 'warning' you ;)
inspiraysean - 01/23/07 13:37
such a virgo (e:theecarey) will analyze a grain of sand for hours with enough time to kill LOL
yeah, feeling that I might be on the other side of the frenzy, got word of an old friend passing away early this morning...symbolic of my journey on this side of the veil, dying to my old self and ways to be reborn to experience more Life:)
such a virgo (e:theecarey) will analyze a grain of sand for hours with enough time to kill LOL
yeah, feeling that I might be on the other side of the frenzy, got word of an old friend passing away early this morning...symbolic of my journey on this side of the veil, dying to my old self and ways to be reborn to experience more Life:)
theecarey - 01/23/07 13:07
I have said enough for a comment (yet not enough for the topic). However, I have a penchant for Systems thinking, Chaos theory, and inductive/deductive/transductive logic.
In short, I get you :)
Really..a deep freeze? Well, I will make excellent use of my fire place. Time to chop more wood!. Before all that, with the snow and milder temperatures, I'll be out there XC skiing!
- thinking out loud*
I have said enough for a comment (yet not enough for the topic). However, I have a penchant for Systems thinking, Chaos theory, and inductive/deductive/transductive logic.
In short, I get you :)
Really..a deep freeze? Well, I will make excellent use of my fire place. Time to chop more wood!. Before all that, with the snow and milder temperatures, I'll be out there XC skiing!
- chuckle* you really do make me laugh. Relish your frenzy- just don't go breakin' any hearts ;)
01/22/2007 11:05 #37813
Perfect StormCategory: sex ed
Category: School, College, Greek
Almost thought I'd have to put on the work boots in the wee pre-dawn hours this morning as an Alberta Clipper swooped on through around 2 AM. I awoke to witness a most perfect storm, which last only briefly much to my delight. I think I have just now fully paid off my sleep deficit over the last 3 nights from the previous all-nighter in the plow truck. Being awake during favored hours of slumber really puts me out of whack. I'm grateful that I've been blessed with sufficient recovery time until the next outing.
So I missed an opportunity to meet up with a very sexy nurse whom I met here on myspace. I had made plans for pizza and football with my brother before arranging for the meeting. By the time I was through hanging with my bro she had to go to work on the overnight shift. We made tentative plans to meet up some night later in the week. It was nice to visit with my brother who is in town on business for the next several weeks. We watched the NFC championship and by the time the AFC championship started we were both getting a little restless not used to sitting around idle for such an extended period of time. I went home before the first half was over with New England up big looking to repeat history with a playoff thumping of the Colts. It wasn't until this morning that I read in the paper that Indy had pulled off the biggest comeback in conference championship history vindicating playoff demons past as Peyton Manning deservedly earns his first trip to the Super Bowl. It's also a first for head coach Tony Dungee and the city of Indianapolis. In two weeks they will meet the "monsters of the miday" from Chicago, coached also by Lovie Smith making for the first ever Super Bowl pitting two African-American head coaches. Times, they are a changing...
This culture is so sexually repressed it's insane. We all want to enjoy the ecstasy of our sexuality without any shame or guilt, yet we do just that and limit the degree of pleasure derived. Sex is as spiritual an act as there is in the human experience. Many of us were brought up with religious doctrine preaching to the contrary, especially we Catholics. I'll never forget the priest who came into our 7th grade classroom to teach sex ed. May I ask, what the hell does a man who's taken a lifetime vow of celibacy know about sex? How can you teach about that which you do not know from experience? It's completely insane! And so if someone were to accuse me of being crazy, or insane, I'd reply quite simply that it takes one to know one. Insanity is the pattern of doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. The world is full of people chasing their tails hoping and praying that they may actually get a hold of it. Quit chasing your tail and start living your life for chrissakes! I know I am and so who am I to deny all these love-starved women clamoring at my door? Booyakasha!
One Love
Would you believe, SEAN, that there is nothing about your life today, not even what hurts, that you won't eventually appreciate, with happy tears running down your face?
Chokes me up just thinking about it -
The Universe
January 22, 2007
Joyous Surprises
Libra Daily Horoscope
Unexpected good news will likely please you greatly today. You may be surprised to hear that you are in line for a promotion at work or that a loved one has been the recipient of a financial windfall. The amazing announcement that comes to you via the grapevine may be emotional in nature, such as the coming together of two important people in your life. Because you will likely be caught off guard by this happy news, you may not know how to respond. However, collecting your thoughts can be as easy as taking a moment to determine what you are really feeling. If you allow yourself time to adjust today, your reaction to bombshells will likely be uniformly positive.
The pleasure of life's little surprises lies in their ability to catch us off guard and to remind us that there are many blessings still to come. When we are surprised, the unexpected joy we feel acts as a potent antidote to the daily grind and encourages us to remember that we cannot always predict what is lying in wait for us. Our expectations of the future are thus indelibly changed, as we understand that even our grimmest prophetic visions may be interrupted by positive circumstances at any time. Conversely, we are motivated by this notion to strive for excellence in every aspect of our lives because we also know that we are equipped to influence fate in our favor. The pleasant surprises that come into your life today will lift your spirits and add a spot of joy to your experience.
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01/20/2007 14:01 #37791
Secret SocietyCategory: finger food
It's afternoon on an arctic, though sunny Saturday. I finally got to catch up on a sleep deficit from the previous night's all-nighter, although I'm not quite there yet. I got up this morning only to return to bed for more sleep until about 8:30, but I was still groggy. Even now I can feel my body seeking more rest. Fortunately, the weather is looking to cooperate as the snow off the lakes has dissipated with the remainder mainly well south in ski country. I could really use another full night's sleep to recover. It's amazing how much one disrupted night affects my rhythm. Thank God we didn't have to go out again last night.
The weather on the ride to Rochester last night made for moderately hazardous driving conditions. Tara and I enjoyed some wonderful conversation on the way to meet up with friends for dinner, as well as on the return trip home. It wasn't until about halfway there that we discovered neither one of us had directions to our destination. She had set up a massage with Christopher to precede dinner, but assumed I knew how to get to he and Julie's home. I had never been there before and since we we're meeting up there rather than at the restaurant I didn't even bother to bring directions. It was funny. It might have been a nuisance back in the days before cell phones had become as common as, if not moreso, than a wristwatch. We got our directions and after some difficulty following them we required further guidance from a local gas station attendant who provided us the final steps on the route.
Christopher and Julie have created quite a lovely mulit-purpose living space, including running a holistic center out of it, The Balance Point, where they offer massage, energy work, tai chi and group functions pertaining to spirituality and wellness. Julie's father was in the midst of receiving a massage as we visited over tea. I was feeling the exhaustion creep up on me and considered migrating to the spare bedroom for a nap. However, I hung around and felt invigorated after the mint tea. We made merry with laughter and innuendo, par for the course when I'm in the mix, and set the foundation for a truly delightful evening. I even went so far as to make a perverted comment when her father came out from the massage asking Kate, the massage therapist, if she found a handkerchief among the sheets following the session. I said, "I didn't know you guys offer happy endings here?" Her father didn't appear to catch the joke and it also went over Kate's head until Julie reiterated later after her father exited. So she slapped twice, once for her and once for Kate. You just never know what might come out of my mouth, or appear in my blog.
Christopher had excused himself for a bath before his massage and once ready he and Tara relocated to the back room. Julie took a shower while I checked my email on her iMac. Upon emerging zestfully clean she and I enjoyed intimate conversation while Christopher was getting his massage. I shared with her details of what's been going on for me in recent months, the profound transformation and shift into higher energy states and consciousness. She seemed attentive taking sufficient interest to google my astrological chart on-line and provide for me a brief report. I had sent her a friend request earlier from myspace and noticed on her profile that she's a Leo. I remarked to her that Leos are my favorite and that I nearly married one many years ago. Had it been a different period in my life where I was in a space to do so I would have most certainly closed the deal. Megan was a great woman and we enjoyed a deep connection, including communication and sexuality. But alas, that was then and this now. I haven't so much as heard a word from her in years, and while I think nothing but fondly of her, I've no lingering regret. It went the way it was supposed to and now that I am coming into my own I'm in a much better space to enter into a long-term union with my Queen of Queens. In the meantime, I've never more enjoyed the bachelor life than I am now.
Everything proceeded in a timely fashion and we we're on our way to dinner on schedule. Our friend Michele called as were en route inquiring of our whereabouts and wondering if dinner had been cancelled. Julie reassured her directing her to a clock noting that it was not yet 7 PM, the agreed upon time to meet. Setting appointments and being on time is one of my strongest points. I am rarely late and when I am it is typically a situation where there was a loosely agreed upon time frame between me and another party. I much prefer establishing set times for all my engagments and honoring my word by being on time. In such a way I enable the Universe to conspire even more in my favor, which was palpable for the duration of the evening's flow.
Upon arrival it was obvious that Michele was a bit wound up. Once we were seated in the rear corner of the restaurant she proceeded to ramble on with enthusiasm about her adventures in Spain with a physical therapist. She noted the striking beauty of Barcelona going on at length about her new found love, the pros and cons. I was admiring the mural scene spread out over an entire wall depicting perhaps a native Ethiopian village with thatched roof abodes set in the jungle habitat. Michele asked how I'd been doing and to make a long story short I explained that I'm in a really great relationship with myself. I went on to assert that things are coming together as I set intention without any doubt of it manifesting. I mentioned that it's imminent and she asked, "What's that?" I responded with the dictionary definition, "About to happen," which was met with laughter and a high five from Julie as Michele looked perplexed. She wanted to know what specifically, "it" was and I explained that I'm staying open to whatever "it" will be within the stated intention of living effortlessly. The tone of the conversation had been set for the remainder of the evening with many tales shared amongst the five beautiful mirrors in attendance.
If you're ever in Rochester do yourself a favor and pay a visit to Abyssinia. It was my first experience with authentic Ethiopian cuisine- and it won't be my last I might add- so I've nothing to compare it to. Rest assured, we were absolutely treated to a five star meal and hospitality with two platters the size of a large pizza covered in an array of tangy delights. Our mouths burst with flavor as we each made it plenty known the degree of ectasy with giggles and moans. It didn't take long for us to scarf down the contents scooping it up with our hands in tightly rolled thin slices of pastry-like bread resulting in satisfied palettes and appetites. Christopher and I each enjoyed a strong cup of fresh brewed Ethiopian coffee flavored with cinammon and cloves. It was a potent and peculiar flavor, though splendid indeed. We made sure to inform our server of our gratitude and intention to return once again. He seemed pleased and honored as we departed.
Tara had suggested that we go somewhere for dessert, which was more a gesture expressing interest to continue enjoying one another's company than it was an interest in further sustenance. Julie directed us to Java's, a hip, eclectic coffee house in the city proper, replete with funky artwork on the walls, dimly lit ambiance and a crowd of upstate New Yorkers heartily gathered on a winter's eve. We ordered drinks and confections before taking up space in another corner location adjacent a piano and picture window. The conversation revolved around consciousness as we took turns sharing what it is we are intending for our lives as we ponder the possibilities for bright futures. We also shared some of our struggles and misgivings, in so doing offering a space of support and compassion with feedback. I joked how I felt like we we're a secret society meeting to commiserate and pontificate, noting how we had created a sphere with no other patrons immediately seated nearby despite a full house. I was in such a sense of gratitude in the moment realizing how blessed I am to have attracted such amazing people into my life. Michele offered me her services with a "reiki attunement" and so we made plans to meet again in a couple weeks with perhaps another trip to Abyssinia. I was grateful that the wintry weather had dissipated for the drive home as Tara and I continued the insightful nature of the evening's interaction in tandem. Upon arriving home I hugged her good night and went straight to bed out like a Christmas light.
I could actually go for a power nap right about now. I really don't sleep during the day, but I do manage to sit in my soul chair, close my eyes and rejuvenate periodically during this introspective season of setting intention we know as winter. I made plans to meet up with (e:theecarey) at Spot to reconvene for our vision board project. She's without a car at the present moment pleasantly stranded in Buffalo. My brother is due in later this afternoon and we'll be dining together with my parents. I also have tentative plans to meet up with Andrea later in the evening for a "date." I'm not sure where we shall meet or what we shall do, but I'm mainly curious to see if there's any chemistry. It would be nice to have a "girlfriend" but I'm not attached to an outcome. At this point it really doesn't matter. I'm so in love with Sean that everything else is a bonus. So long as I stay out of my own way and resist the urge to micro-manage the Universe my life is effortless. And I've got a hunch that many "bonuses" are on the way to be received.
One Love
January 20, 2007
New Realms of Thought
Libra Daily Horoscope
Feelings of youthful abandon can lift your spirits today, inspiring you to seek out opportunities to enjoy yourself. As your day's agenda may not allow you to toss aside your obligations, you may find yourself facing a unique situation in which you are desperate for fun yet anchored to a long list of mature responsibilities. Thus, this can be the perfect time to integrate play into your daily life through creative thought. If you cannot play games, you can turn your work into a game by challenging yourself to outdo your previous performance or engage in showdowns with amiable colleagues. You may discover today that your focus on play allows you to explore new ideas without feeling restricted by notions of correctness.
Play can be a wonderfully potent antidote to the hardening of the heart that often accompanies maturity because it gives us a means of exploring new ideas in a safe and non-threatening fashion. When we engage in playful behaviors, our imaginations are pressed into service as a matter of course and we can fully investigate concepts that initially strike us as unrealistic or bizarre. Because we are not subject to our usual limitations during games and imaginative play, our minds are free to wander into realms where notions both beautiful and fanciful dwell. Oftentimes, these creative and strange ideas become the seeds of refined, workable plans that enable us to approach our personal and professional objectives with flair. As you play today, you will find that your musings transport you to new worlds of creativity and focused thoughtfulness.
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The weather on the ride to Rochester last night made for moderately hazardous driving conditions. Tara and I enjoyed some wonderful conversation on the way to meet up with friends for dinner, as well as on the return trip home. It wasn't until about halfway there that we discovered neither one of us had directions to our destination. She had set up a massage with Christopher to precede dinner, but assumed I knew how to get to he and Julie's home. I had never been there before and since we we're meeting up there rather than at the restaurant I didn't even bother to bring directions. It was funny. It might have been a nuisance back in the days before cell phones had become as common as, if not moreso, than a wristwatch. We got our directions and after some difficulty following them we required further guidance from a local gas station attendant who provided us the final steps on the route.
Christopher and Julie have created quite a lovely mulit-purpose living space, including running a holistic center out of it, The Balance Point, where they offer massage, energy work, tai chi and group functions pertaining to spirituality and wellness. Julie's father was in the midst of receiving a massage as we visited over tea. I was feeling the exhaustion creep up on me and considered migrating to the spare bedroom for a nap. However, I hung around and felt invigorated after the mint tea. We made merry with laughter and innuendo, par for the course when I'm in the mix, and set the foundation for a truly delightful evening. I even went so far as to make a perverted comment when her father came out from the massage asking Kate, the massage therapist, if she found a handkerchief among the sheets following the session. I said, "I didn't know you guys offer happy endings here?" Her father didn't appear to catch the joke and it also went over Kate's head until Julie reiterated later after her father exited. So she slapped twice, once for her and once for Kate. You just never know what might come out of my mouth, or appear in my blog.
Christopher had excused himself for a bath before his massage and once ready he and Tara relocated to the back room. Julie took a shower while I checked my email on her iMac. Upon emerging zestfully clean she and I enjoyed intimate conversation while Christopher was getting his massage. I shared with her details of what's been going on for me in recent months, the profound transformation and shift into higher energy states and consciousness. She seemed attentive taking sufficient interest to google my astrological chart on-line and provide for me a brief report. I had sent her a friend request earlier from myspace and noticed on her profile that she's a Leo. I remarked to her that Leos are my favorite and that I nearly married one many years ago. Had it been a different period in my life where I was in a space to do so I would have most certainly closed the deal. Megan was a great woman and we enjoyed a deep connection, including communication and sexuality. But alas, that was then and this now. I haven't so much as heard a word from her in years, and while I think nothing but fondly of her, I've no lingering regret. It went the way it was supposed to and now that I am coming into my own I'm in a much better space to enter into a long-term union with my Queen of Queens. In the meantime, I've never more enjoyed the bachelor life than I am now.
Everything proceeded in a timely fashion and we we're on our way to dinner on schedule. Our friend Michele called as were en route inquiring of our whereabouts and wondering if dinner had been cancelled. Julie reassured her directing her to a clock noting that it was not yet 7 PM, the agreed upon time to meet. Setting appointments and being on time is one of my strongest points. I am rarely late and when I am it is typically a situation where there was a loosely agreed upon time frame between me and another party. I much prefer establishing set times for all my engagments and honoring my word by being on time. In such a way I enable the Universe to conspire even more in my favor, which was palpable for the duration of the evening's flow.
Upon arrival it was obvious that Michele was a bit wound up. Once we were seated in the rear corner of the restaurant she proceeded to ramble on with enthusiasm about her adventures in Spain with a physical therapist. She noted the striking beauty of Barcelona going on at length about her new found love, the pros and cons. I was admiring the mural scene spread out over an entire wall depicting perhaps a native Ethiopian village with thatched roof abodes set in the jungle habitat. Michele asked how I'd been doing and to make a long story short I explained that I'm in a really great relationship with myself. I went on to assert that things are coming together as I set intention without any doubt of it manifesting. I mentioned that it's imminent and she asked, "What's that?" I responded with the dictionary definition, "About to happen," which was met with laughter and a high five from Julie as Michele looked perplexed. She wanted to know what specifically, "it" was and I explained that I'm staying open to whatever "it" will be within the stated intention of living effortlessly. The tone of the conversation had been set for the remainder of the evening with many tales shared amongst the five beautiful mirrors in attendance.
If you're ever in Rochester do yourself a favor and pay a visit to Abyssinia. It was my first experience with authentic Ethiopian cuisine- and it won't be my last I might add- so I've nothing to compare it to. Rest assured, we were absolutely treated to a five star meal and hospitality with two platters the size of a large pizza covered in an array of tangy delights. Our mouths burst with flavor as we each made it plenty known the degree of ectasy with giggles and moans. It didn't take long for us to scarf down the contents scooping it up with our hands in tightly rolled thin slices of pastry-like bread resulting in satisfied palettes and appetites. Christopher and I each enjoyed a strong cup of fresh brewed Ethiopian coffee flavored with cinammon and cloves. It was a potent and peculiar flavor, though splendid indeed. We made sure to inform our server of our gratitude and intention to return once again. He seemed pleased and honored as we departed.
Tara had suggested that we go somewhere for dessert, which was more a gesture expressing interest to continue enjoying one another's company than it was an interest in further sustenance. Julie directed us to Java's, a hip, eclectic coffee house in the city proper, replete with funky artwork on the walls, dimly lit ambiance and a crowd of upstate New Yorkers heartily gathered on a winter's eve. We ordered drinks and confections before taking up space in another corner location adjacent a piano and picture window. The conversation revolved around consciousness as we took turns sharing what it is we are intending for our lives as we ponder the possibilities for bright futures. We also shared some of our struggles and misgivings, in so doing offering a space of support and compassion with feedback. I joked how I felt like we we're a secret society meeting to commiserate and pontificate, noting how we had created a sphere with no other patrons immediately seated nearby despite a full house. I was in such a sense of gratitude in the moment realizing how blessed I am to have attracted such amazing people into my life. Michele offered me her services with a "reiki attunement" and so we made plans to meet again in a couple weeks with perhaps another trip to Abyssinia. I was grateful that the wintry weather had dissipated for the drive home as Tara and I continued the insightful nature of the evening's interaction in tandem. Upon arriving home I hugged her good night and went straight to bed out like a Christmas light.
I could actually go for a power nap right about now. I really don't sleep during the day, but I do manage to sit in my soul chair, close my eyes and rejuvenate periodically during this introspective season of setting intention we know as winter. I made plans to meet up with (e:theecarey) at Spot to reconvene for our vision board project. She's without a car at the present moment pleasantly stranded in Buffalo. My brother is due in later this afternoon and we'll be dining together with my parents. I also have tentative plans to meet up with Andrea later in the evening for a "date." I'm not sure where we shall meet or what we shall do, but I'm mainly curious to see if there's any chemistry. It would be nice to have a "girlfriend" but I'm not attached to an outcome. At this point it really doesn't matter. I'm so in love with Sean that everything else is a bonus. So long as I stay out of my own way and resist the urge to micro-manage the Universe my life is effortless. And I've got a hunch that many "bonuses" are on the way to be received.
One Love
January 20, 2007
New Realms of Thought
Libra Daily Horoscope
Feelings of youthful abandon can lift your spirits today, inspiring you to seek out opportunities to enjoy yourself. As your day's agenda may not allow you to toss aside your obligations, you may find yourself facing a unique situation in which you are desperate for fun yet anchored to a long list of mature responsibilities. Thus, this can be the perfect time to integrate play into your daily life through creative thought. If you cannot play games, you can turn your work into a game by challenging yourself to outdo your previous performance or engage in showdowns with amiable colleagues. You may discover today that your focus on play allows you to explore new ideas without feeling restricted by notions of correctness.
Play can be a wonderfully potent antidote to the hardening of the heart that often accompanies maturity because it gives us a means of exploring new ideas in a safe and non-threatening fashion. When we engage in playful behaviors, our imaginations are pressed into service as a matter of course and we can fully investigate concepts that initially strike us as unrealistic or bizarre. Because we are not subject to our usual limitations during games and imaginative play, our minds are free to wander into realms where notions both beautiful and fanciful dwell. Oftentimes, these creative and strange ideas become the seeds of refined, workable plans that enable us to approach our personal and professional objectives with flair. As you play today, you will find that your musings transport you to new worlds of creativity and focused thoughtfulness.
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01/21/2007 12:37 #37800
Duck duck goose!Category: nursery rhymes
Earlier this morning, I brought myself up to speed on some local and international news while enjoying a cup of Seattle Dark at Wegman's. Hillary Clinton has officially tossed her hat in the ring for the 2008 Presidential Race, which I'm sure will be met with grave reaction from the likes of my father, the prototype middle-class Conservative Catholic suburban father of three man. My brother, sister and I roasted him a couple summers ago for his 60th birthday and created a spoof on the Budweiser "Real Men of Genius" ad campaign. It was hilarious. We recorded it on video and should have it converted to digital file so I can upload it here in my vids archive. In other news, the bike path rapist suspect has been arraigned on all counts over the last 25 years of unsolved cases. Whether or not the po-po got their man is of little interest to me. People want to think to that by removing someone from society it will somehow serve to make the world a safer place. But it don't work that way. There will be another to take his place. And women who wish to remain out of harm's way are best advised to apply the principles of The Secret. This might sound harsh, but I speak from a space of experience as a victim of a near fatal attack years ago while in college. I made myself a victim based on my sustained thoughts and feelings. Now I'm in an entirely different reality, if not dimension. And I am most grateful.
Also in the bulky Sunday edition was a piece in the Escapes and Getaways section on timeshares and vacation clubs. I was somewhat shocked to read of the investment required to acquire a share in some of the world's most notable and luxurious locations. You're looking at anywhere from about $13K to $25K plus annual maintenance fees over typically a 48 year term. There are of course wonderful amenities and flexibility with scheduling and trading options with comparable global destinations; however, clearly such places are the playground for the affluent and leisure class. I was inspired to investigate the subject further as part of my freelance travel intentions. I have in mind something of a travel guide or review, like perhaps a couple's guide to narrow down the niche. Tell me that wouldn't be a fantasy come true to go on tour of first-class facilities and exotic locales and get paid for it!
Among the plethora of emails in my inbox this morning was the latest newsletter from International Living, an on-line and off-line magazine offering a host of investment opportunities and information for the world traveler. In today's edition they are offering exclusive membership in the IL World Club, which includes perks like discounts on IL events and "red carpet" treatment at the most posh of venues worldwide. They are offering only 100 memberships for 2007 for a mere $4K. I'm tempted to just go for it and board the Express Train, although of course I have reservations about charging such a sum of cash to my AMEX card. I've been considering attending the AWAI Lucrative Traveler's Conference next month in Ft. Lauderale as well, which would likely run me about $2K for conference fees, lodging, airfare and food over 3 nights and 4 days. So I inquire of myself as I go deeply into contemplation, "What am I afraid of? Am I allowing fear to make my choice, either to go or to forgo?" These are questions with answers not always readily distinguished. I can remain in my current lifestyle indefinitely and there's nothing wrong with that choice. Or I can explore the burning desire within my spirit to put myself out there into the international scene and satisfy the quest for experience, knowledge and self-actualization. Reminds me of Dr. Suess, "Oh the places you'll go..."
I spoke with my man Gordon from western Mass. yesterday who called to say hello and mention that he's looking to return here to make some cash offering his tree trimming services. He was stoked about the Patriots making another Super Bowl run, although I confessed I'm rooting for Peyton Manning and the Colts in today's AFC championship game. I asked him what he's been doing to line up work and he replied that he made a couple calls that show some promise, but nothing concrete. I suggested that perhaps I can explore selling some jobs and make it worth his while to come to town. So now I'm mulling over running an ad in the local Bee Group classifieds perhaps at the cost of better than a $100 depending on the size and number of words. There's still a lot of trees requiring attention in the wake of the October Surprise Storm and we stand well-positioned to attract a portion of the cash on the table. If I can line up a few weeks of work for the month of February and the weather continues to cooperate as it has I could feasibly make myself a few grand and apply it toward my freelance ventures. I could also use the money to build a landscape service, or perhaps a combination of both.
The vision I've held for several years now is working 8-9 months out of the year and having winters for sabbatical. One scenario I've considered is continuing in the landscape profession, which is seasonal from the months of March thru November, and then having December thru February to develop my travel writing career. Hmm, I can see it coming together now. It would be easy to get overwhelmed and lost in the possibilities, but the trick is to just keep going and trying new things. I know I have control issues, which is really about feeling empowered. I need to trust my intentions and moreover, trust how the Universe shall line it up for me. This is exciting and should be fun. Who knows? I might wind up on Oprah someday as a featured guest on mastering the law of attraction. I had to sneak that prayer in there too. Call me narcissistic, but really, who doesn't like being the center of attention?
One Love
Got the winter blues?

January 21, 2007
Sooner Begun, Sooner Fun
Libra Daily Horoscope
Your dependable nature will likely serve you well today as you endeavor to address your routine obligations both quickly and capably. Because this attitude can inspire you to get your work done before transitioning your attention to playful pursuits, you may find you derive more pleasure than usual from fun. The freedom you feel upon crossing the last items off your day's agenda can surprise you. You may feel compelled today to test your newly-developed theories regarding work and play at home and on the job. While your main concern is likely maintaining a mindset of reliability, you may discover that the recreational activities in which you normally take pleasure become even more enjoyable when you can concentrate wholeheartedly on them.
When we habitually make an effort to address challenging or taxing duties before pursuing life's pleasures, we can enjoy ourselves with clear heads and hearts. The factors that most often interfere with our ability to appreciate play are related to our relationship with our obligations. Fun becomes a top priority only when we are confident that we have taken care of our responsibilities. Thus, reliability carries with it a gift that permits us to achieve work/life balance easily because we, by our conscientiousness, have made room in our lives for obligations as well as play. We can fully immerse ourselves in our enjoyment, never needing to give mind to unfulfilled responsibilities because we are consistently thorough in our steadfastness. As you have put your domestic and career obligations before your personal pleasure today, you can easily have fun without worrying.
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inspiraysean - 01/21/07 15:34
I think I might agree with you:)
I think I might agree with you:)
lilho - 01/21/07 14:27
i think you might be crazy...
i think you might be crazy...
And p.s. to my last comment-
there are tons of different forums out there for journaling, each of which will have a different dynamic. Maybe estrip is (or can be) clique-y and catty. But that's what makes it estrip and not myspace. Everyone has to find his own niche. Or just post to all of 'em at the same time. ;)