Earlier this morning, I brought myself up to speed on some local and international news while enjoying a cup of Seattle Dark at Wegman's. Hillary Clinton has officially tossed her hat in the ring for the 2008 Presidential Race, which I'm sure will be met with grave reaction from the likes of my father, the prototype middle-class Conservative Catholic suburban father of three man. My brother, sister and I roasted him a couple summers ago for his 60th birthday and created a spoof on the Budweiser "Real Men of Genius" ad campaign. It was hilarious. We recorded it on video and should have it converted to digital file so I can upload it here in my vids archive. In other news, the bike path rapist suspect has been arraigned on all counts over the last 25 years of unsolved cases. Whether or not the po-po got their man is of little interest to me. People want to think to that by removing someone from society it will somehow serve to make the world a safer place. But it don't work that way. There will be another to take his place. And women who wish to remain out of harm's way are best advised to apply the principles of The Secret. This might sound harsh, but I speak from a space of experience as a victim of a near fatal attack years ago while in college. I made myself a victim based on my sustained thoughts and feelings. Now I'm in an entirely different reality, if not dimension. And I am most grateful.
Also in the bulky Sunday edition was a piece in the Escapes and Getaways section on timeshares and vacation clubs. I was somewhat shocked to read of the investment required to acquire a share in some of the world's most notable and luxurious locations. You're looking at anywhere from about $13K to $25K plus annual maintenance fees over typically a 48 year term. There are of course wonderful amenities and flexibility with scheduling and trading options with comparable global destinations; however, clearly such places are the playground for the affluent and leisure class. I was inspired to investigate the subject further as part of my freelance travel intentions. I have in mind something of a travel guide or review, like perhaps a couple's guide to narrow down the niche. Tell me that wouldn't be a fantasy come true to go on tour of first-class facilities and exotic locales and get paid for it!
Among the plethora of emails in my inbox this morning was the latest newsletter from International Living, an on-line and off-line magazine offering a host of investment opportunities and information for the world traveler. In today's edition they are offering exclusive membership in the IL World Club, which includes perks like discounts on IL events and "red carpet" treatment at the most posh of venues worldwide. They are offering only 100 memberships for 2007 for a mere $4K. I'm tempted to just go for it and board the Express Train, although of course I have reservations about charging such a sum of cash to my AMEX card. I've been considering attending the AWAI Lucrative Traveler's Conference next month in Ft. Lauderale as well, which would likely run me about $2K for conference fees, lodging, airfare and food over 3 nights and 4 days. So I inquire of myself as I go deeply into contemplation, "What am I afraid of? Am I allowing fear to make my choice, either to go or to forgo?" These are questions with answers not always readily distinguished. I can remain in my current lifestyle indefinitely and there's nothing wrong with that choice. Or I can explore the burning desire within my spirit to put myself out there into the international scene and satisfy the quest for experience, knowledge and self-actualization. Reminds me of Dr. Suess, "Oh the places you'll go..."
I spoke with my man Gordon from western Mass. yesterday who called to say hello and mention that he's looking to return here to make some cash offering his tree trimming services. He was stoked about the Patriots making another Super Bowl run, although I confessed I'm rooting for Peyton Manning and the Colts in today's AFC championship game. I asked him what he's been doing to line up work and he replied that he made a couple calls that show some promise, but nothing concrete. I suggested that perhaps I can explore selling some jobs and make it worth his while to come to town. So now I'm mulling over running an ad in the local Bee Group classifieds perhaps at the cost of better than a $100 depending on the size and number of words. There's still a lot of trees requiring attention in the wake of the October Surprise Storm and we stand well-positioned to attract a portion of the cash on the table. If I can line up a few weeks of work for the month of February and the weather continues to cooperate as it has I could feasibly make myself a few grand and apply it toward my freelance ventures. I could also use the money to build a landscape service, or perhaps a combination of both.
The vision I've held for several years now is working 8-9 months out of the year and having winters for sabbatical. One scenario I've considered is continuing in the landscape profession, which is seasonal from the months of March thru November, and then having December thru February to develop my travel writing career. Hmm, I can see it coming together now. It would be easy to get overwhelmed and lost in the possibilities, but the trick is to just keep going and trying new things. I know I have control issues, which is really about feeling empowered. I need to trust my intentions and moreover, trust how the Universe shall line it up for me. This is exciting and should be fun. Who knows? I might wind up on Oprah someday as a featured guest on mastering the law of attraction. I had to sneak that prayer in there too. Call me narcissistic, but really, who doesn't like being the center of attention?
One Love
Got the winter blues?

January 21, 2007
Sooner Begun, Sooner Fun
Libra Daily Horoscope
Your dependable nature will likely serve you well today as you endeavor to address your routine obligations both quickly and capably. Because this attitude can inspire you to get your work done before transitioning your attention to playful pursuits, you may find you derive more pleasure than usual from fun. The freedom you feel upon crossing the last items off your day's agenda can surprise you. You may feel compelled today to test your newly-developed theories regarding work and play at home and on the job. While your main concern is likely maintaining a mindset of reliability, you may discover that the recreational activities in which you normally take pleasure become even more enjoyable when you can concentrate wholeheartedly on them.
When we habitually make an effort to address challenging or taxing duties before pursuing life's pleasures, we can enjoy ourselves with clear heads and hearts. The factors that most often interfere with our ability to appreciate play are related to our relationship with our obligations. Fun becomes a top priority only when we are confident that we have taken care of our responsibilities. Thus, reliability carries with it a gift that permits us to achieve work/life balance easily because we, by our conscientiousness, have made room in our lives for obligations as well as play. We can fully immerse ourselves in our enjoyment, never needing to give mind to unfulfilled responsibilities because we are consistently thorough in our steadfastness. As you have put your domestic and career obligations before your personal pleasure today, you can easily have fun without worrying.
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I think I might agree with you:)
i think you might be crazy...