Inspiraysean's Journal
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01/09/2007 22:26 #37620
South BuffaloCategory: meatballs
Mater Creatoris
Category: Travel and Places
It was just one of many latin phrases scribed throughout the ornately decorated Basilica that I had no clue as to the translation. Even with my scientific background in latin nomenclature I was at a loss. However, the utterly glorious display of paintings and sculptures throughout the sanctuary captured and held my interest as I sat in the pew contemplating. I was turned on to this magnificent holy place a few months ago when I met a couple friends out for dinner who wanted to visit on the way to the restaurant. It had such a pacifying effect that I'll never forget. Indeed, the estimated 1500-2500 angels scattered about in artistic display soothe the spirit no matter the state of mind. I enjoyed about a 1/2 hour visit on this trip as several people lingered, some touring the stations of the cross where Jesus made a most legendary journey from the garden of Gesthsemane to crucifixion. It is a tale that has inspired controversy and debate for over 2,000 years and for good reason. Personally, I think it is a powerful metaphor for dying to this world so as to bring in the next.
Upon leaving the Basilica I noticed the sun poking through the overcast skies ahead appearing in the shape of a heart. It was profoundly touching as I attempted to capture it with my camera phone. I made my way just a few hundred yards north for my next stop at the botanical gardens where I enjoyed communion with flora from the world over. It brought back memories of my visits to greenhouses atop Illick Hall back in college when I had made botany an academic focus of my life. I imagined what might have been had I pursued it further than a bachelor's degree, but alas that was then and this is now. I was bummed that the south wing remains closed for renovations where had been my favorite among the facilities' numerous collections- the tropical fruit trees. Funny thing is I had an intuition before leaving today. When I thought of my favorite spot 'mangrove' came to mind. And wouldn't you know it they're are in the midst of installing a replica of the Florida Everglades ecosystem, wherein mangroves are native. I'm looking forward to a future visit upon completion.
I've chosen to pass up an opporunity to gather for a Buffalo Entrepreneur Meet-up this evening. They'll be hosting a viewing of the highly acclaimed film The Secret. I'm feeling the need to continue my rest and recovery. I feel better today, although still not much of an appetite. I felt that wave of gratitude come over me this morning inciting a perm-a-grin type reaction. It's wonderful to be so alive.
One LOve
Every life is heroic, SEAN.
And yours has certainly been no exception.
With deep gratitude from the bleachers -
The Universe
01/09/2007 12:51 #37607
Vedic SolsticeCategory: bcs
January 14th marks the dawn of time in heaven. This signifies the return of light to the earth plane after 6 months of darkness. On this day the Sun moves into Capricorn. This is the most auspicious time to start a new business, relationship or any other activity. Things done during this time will have divine support.
The energy starts shifting on the 13th through the 15th. All of these days have tremendous prosperity energy. Indra, the king of heaven, rejoices during this time of abundance, fun, and luxury and happiness. To mark this occasion and to welcome the Sun into Capricorn we will do a special homa (fire ritual) for the Sun on January 14th. As this day also happens to fall on a Sunday, it is an especially powerful time.
The Sun governs ones health both physical and mental, self-esteem, proper functioning of the heart and the vision.
Astrological Timings for Ancestors
Each New Moon is a powerful time when the ancestors can interact more easily with you. The most powerful day to perform offerings to the ancestors is on the first New Moon after the Winter Solstice. This year Vedic Winter Solstice in on Sunday, January 14th (ET) and the New Moon occurs on Thursday, January 18, 2007 (ET).
The Winter Solstice is the day on which the relationship of Earth and Sun has changed path heading toward Summer Solstice, and the Earth, Moon and Sun are in a special configuration on New Moon such that the un-illuminated side of the Moon is facing towards the Earth. During this time a special Siva energy is available with great potential for spiritually increasing consciousness.
During this special New Moon on January 18th, your offerings can greatly increase consciousness of ancestors and elevate their awareness. From the other side, on that day, your ancestors are powerful anc can give blessings as they are released into Light. On New Moon days in general, you can maximize this special window or time by doing tarpanam (offerings) every hour between 6 AM and 6 PM.
The energy starts shifting on the 13th through the 15th. All of these days have tremendous prosperity energy. Indra, the king of heaven, rejoices during this time of abundance, fun, and luxury and happiness. To mark this occasion and to welcome the Sun into Capricorn we will do a special homa (fire ritual) for the Sun on January 14th. As this day also happens to fall on a Sunday, it is an especially powerful time.
The Sun governs ones health both physical and mental, self-esteem, proper functioning of the heart and the vision.
Astrological Timings for Ancestors
Each New Moon is a powerful time when the ancestors can interact more easily with you. The most powerful day to perform offerings to the ancestors is on the first New Moon after the Winter Solstice. This year Vedic Winter Solstice in on Sunday, January 14th (ET) and the New Moon occurs on Thursday, January 18, 2007 (ET).
The Winter Solstice is the day on which the relationship of Earth and Sun has changed path heading toward Summer Solstice, and the Earth, Moon and Sun are in a special configuration on New Moon such that the un-illuminated side of the Moon is facing towards the Earth. During this time a special Siva energy is available with great potential for spiritually increasing consciousness.
During this special New Moon on January 18th, your offerings can greatly increase consciousness of ancestors and elevate their awareness. From the other side, on that day, your ancestors are powerful anc can give blessings as they are released into Light. On New Moon days in general, you can maximize this special window or time by doing tarpanam (offerings) every hour between 6 AM and 6 PM.
01/07/2007 16:53 #37579
Make the connectionCategory: blue cheese
Daily Quotation
If we were standing in your physical shoes, that would be our dominant quest: Entertaining Yourself, pleasing Yourself, connecting with Yourself, being Yourself, enjoying Yourself, loving Yourself. Some say, "Well, Abraham you teach selfishness. And we say, yes we do, yes we do, yes we do, because unless you are selfish enough to reach for that connection, you don't have anything to give anyone, anyway. And when you are selfish enough to make that connection -- you have an enormous gift that you give everywhere you are. --- Abraham

One Love
If we were standing in your physical shoes, that would be our dominant quest: Entertaining Yourself, pleasing Yourself, connecting with Yourself, being Yourself, enjoying Yourself, loving Yourself. Some say, "Well, Abraham you teach selfishness. And we say, yes we do, yes we do, yes we do, because unless you are selfish enough to reach for that connection, you don't have anything to give anyone, anyway. And when you are selfish enough to make that connection -- you have an enormous gift that you give everywhere you are. --- Abraham

One Love
01/08/2007 17:45 #37592
You can run but not hideCategory: backwash
January 8, 2007
Facing Problems
Running Away versus Moving Forward
There are times when change-moving to a new city or a new home, or changing careers-is the right thing at the right time. But there are also times when the urge for change is really just a desire to run away from problems that need to be faced rather than avoided. These are the kinds of problems that recur in our lives. For example, issues with coworkers that seem to arise at every job we take, or repeatedly getting into unhealthy relationships. A move might temporarily distract us, and even cure the problem for a time, simply by taking us out of the situation in which the problem fully manifested itself. However, the problem will eventually appear again in our new situation.
One way to make sure you aren't running away from your problems is to notice whether you are moving towards something that is exciting in its own right, as opposed to something that is appealing only because it is not where you are now. For example, if you are leaving a city because you feel you can't afford it, you could be reinforcing poverty consciousness, and you might find that you are unable to make ends meet in your new city as well. It would ultimately be less of an effort to stay where you are and look more deeply into your beliefs about money. You may discover that as you address these issues, you are able to make more money simply by changing your mindset. You may still decide to move, but it will be an act with a positive intention behind it and not an escape, which could make all the difference.
Any pain involved in facing our issues is well worth the effort in the end. When we face our problems instead of avoiding them, we free our energy and transform ourselves from people who run away into people who move enthusiastically forward.
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Facing Problems
Running Away versus Moving Forward
There are times when change-moving to a new city or a new home, or changing careers-is the right thing at the right time. But there are also times when the urge for change is really just a desire to run away from problems that need to be faced rather than avoided. These are the kinds of problems that recur in our lives. For example, issues with coworkers that seem to arise at every job we take, or repeatedly getting into unhealthy relationships. A move might temporarily distract us, and even cure the problem for a time, simply by taking us out of the situation in which the problem fully manifested itself. However, the problem will eventually appear again in our new situation.
One way to make sure you aren't running away from your problems is to notice whether you are moving towards something that is exciting in its own right, as opposed to something that is appealing only because it is not where you are now. For example, if you are leaving a city because you feel you can't afford it, you could be reinforcing poverty consciousness, and you might find that you are unable to make ends meet in your new city as well. It would ultimately be less of an effort to stay where you are and look more deeply into your beliefs about money. You may discover that as you address these issues, you are able to make more money simply by changing your mindset. You may still decide to move, but it will be an act with a positive intention behind it and not an escape, which could make all the difference.
Any pain involved in facing our issues is well worth the effort in the end. When we face our problems instead of avoiding them, we free our energy and transform ourselves from people who run away into people who move enthusiastically forward.
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theecarey - 01/08/07 22:46
When people are growth and Self-focused, Change is an opportunity, a catalyst to navigate a journey to better/more appropriate/fulfilling place.
When people are stunted, suspended in time,(or fearful) Change is an escape, a bandaid, a scapegoat- anything to keep the focus off of themself and to resist acknowledging the truth.
When contemplating a decision, one that will effect change, there is a need to decifer the difference between running away from something or running towards something.
Either way, it takes an honest and deep look inside.
Thanks for posting this article- had a bit of a similar discussion today :)
When people are growth and Self-focused, Change is an opportunity, a catalyst to navigate a journey to better/more appropriate/fulfilling place.
When people are stunted, suspended in time,(or fearful) Change is an escape, a bandaid, a scapegoat- anything to keep the focus off of themself and to resist acknowledging the truth.
When contemplating a decision, one that will effect change, there is a need to decifer the difference between running away from something or running towards something.
Either way, it takes an honest and deep look inside.
Thanks for posting this article- had a bit of a similar discussion today :)
inspiraysean - 01/08/07 19:50
precisely and a great example!
precisely and a great example!
metalpeter - 01/08/07 19:47
I get your point, kinda like when some women claim there are no good men in town so they want to move. It isn't really that there arn't any good men it is that they are looking for them in the wrong place or prefer jerks. So if they move to another place the same thing would happen instead of looking inward.
I get your point, kinda like when some women claim there are no good men in town so they want to move. It isn't really that there arn't any good men it is that they are looking for them in the wrong place or prefer jerks. So if they move to another place the same thing would happen instead of looking inward.
01/08/2007 16:33 #37590
Another pork stuck in the roadCategory: religion
Hold the pork
Category: Parties and Nightlife
So much for my plans this morning to visit the botanical gardens and the Basilica after a long night of pain and discomfort. I managed to attract what I am guessing is "food poisoning" based on the symptoms. I've only endured this once before following a meal at Roy Rogers along the I-90 en route to the Thousand Islands for a family vacation almost 10 years ago. I thought I was going to die it was so horrible; uncontrollable vomiting, cold sweats, cramping like you wouldn't believe. I spent half that trip laid up in bed. This episode hasn't been nearly to that degree, but it's been rough to say the least. I started feeling queasy a couple hours after sitting down to dinner with my family last night. I was able to go to bed and fall asleep, but eventually I awoke in such discomfort that I opted to induce vomiting by sticking my fingers down my throat. I filled the toilet bowl three times as sweat streamed down my face. It was ghastly.
I had already taken in sustenance when I received the invitation to join my aunts, uncles and parents for a Sunday dinner. I was plenty full but figured I'd join them anyway to visit. My plate was filled with tossed salad, candied yams and half a twice-baked potato when the pork came around. I really didn't want to eat any meat but took a "no thank-you" helping anyway. And looking back I can clearly see how I gave my power away. I didn't enjoy eating it one bit, in fact, I found it to be somewhat objectionable. Yet, I forked down the two slices of tenderloin and just let it be. I declined an offering of red wine declaring that I'd already lost my taste for it from the New Year's Eve debacle the week before. And so now pork has joined the ranks of the unpalatable.
To my knowledge nobody else suffered from the meal as I haven't heard from anyone to that effect. I'm not so sure it was an entirely physical issue anyway. I think I brought it upon myself psychologically by going below the line in my thoughts and feelings. I was sitting upstairs in my soul chair meditating after saying my goodbyes to everyone following the meal. I listened as my mother and uncle discussed their fears of getting old and dying. My mother especially voiced her concerns of being a burden on anyone as she ages winding up in a nursing home to die as had my grandmother. She said something about instead doing it like the Indians used to and going out to the country to die in a snowbank. I noticed I was becoming irritated by the nature of the conversation as I judged them for unconsciously focusing on their fears. It wasn't long thereafter that I was Iming with Maranda and began to feel nauseous as the rest is history.
And so now I'm crawling back above the line on this much more wintry day as snowflakes mix with rain drops amid high gusts. Hopefully it won't amount to anything requiring us to snowplow later as I'm not sure I could handle that activity in this condition. There is enough time in the day to go visit the gardens and the church that once ranked as minor Basilica to the Vatican many decades ago. However, I'm not sure I feel up to it as I linger in reflection and recuperation. Tomorrow is another day and perhaps a better opportunity for such an outing. We'll see. Maybe I can get a cinammon muffin in my stomach washed down with some herbal tea and see if that helps the cause any. It felt good to finally evacuate my bowels as well. These are indeed most peculiar times...
One Love
This is just your friendly, annual reminder, SEAN, that things can change so very, very fast.
Passport up to date? Shot card? Bank deposit slips in your possession at all times?
You're gonna love 2007-
The Universe
January 8, 2007
Nurturing the Quiet
Libra Daily Horoscope
A relaxed and laid-back outlook can influence your decisions today, prompting you to seek opportunities to engage in calming, restful activities. You may want to consider taking a personal day so you can focus your attention wholeheartedly on those peaceful pursuits that bring you the most fulfillment. This can be a most practical choice, as your tranquil state may make focusing on your fast-paced obligations a tedious chore. However, you may simply prefer to be alone with your thoughts and retreat into your home without quite knowing why. As you indulge your need for quiet privacy today, you will likely discover that there are many ways you can ensure you remain as content as you feel in this moment.
Often, the easiest way to maintain a mood of contentment defined by blissful serenity is to retreat from our worldly concerns in order to nurture those parts of ourselves that are responsible for this gift of peace. Contrary to what many may believe, it is entirely possible for tranquility to exist in an environment wherein chaos reigns supreme. We need only, through focused reflection, to determine from where our inner quietude stems. Relaxed as we are, there is little that can come between us and contentment. Because we understand its source and how to access it, we gain the ability to conjure feelings of serenity no matter what the nature is of the circumstances that are unfolding around us. You will attain a lasting ability to call forth calm today when you use your time alone wisely.
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inspiraysean - 01/08/07 19:47
I overate to a much greater degree during the holidays including meat, potatoes and you name it down the hatch it went without coming back up. No, this was the result of something other than biology my friend, trust me, thanks for the feedback:)
I overate to a much greater degree during the holidays including meat, potatoes and you name it down the hatch it went without coming back up. No, this was the result of something other than biology my friend, trust me, thanks for the feedback:)
metalpeter - 01/08/07 19:42
First of all you said you had all ready eatin and then ate more. It is verry possible that you over ate and that your somach was full so the food you had wanted out. I don't know how often you eat meat but if go long enough with out meat and you eat it your body will have a bad reaction to it and out comes all your food. Hey sometimes your body can't break the food down quicker then you eat it so up it comes. It also could have been in your mind. If you felt bad about eating all that food then it could have caused you to purge it up.
First of all you said you had all ready eatin and then ate more. It is verry possible that you over ate and that your somach was full so the food you had wanted out. I don't know how often you eat meat but if go long enough with out meat and you eat it your body will have a bad reaction to it and out comes all your food. Hey sometimes your body can't break the food down quicker then you eat it so up it comes. It also could have been in your mind. If you felt bad about eating all that food then it could have caused you to purge it up.
inspiraysean - 01/08/07 19:27
hey chico thanks, I think it was definitely a mind over matter issue for sure as 5 other people consumed the same food without complication, more evidence that quantum physics is not only science, but also a metaphysical paradigm.
hey chico thanks, I think it was definitely a mind over matter issue for sure as 5 other people consumed the same food without complication, more evidence that quantum physics is not only science, but also a metaphysical paradigm.
chico - 01/08/07 19:24
Hey Sean, liked your post about the food poisoning, very real and vivid. I wonder if it was psychosomatic like you suggested? Interesting.
Hey Sean, liked your post about the food poisoning, very real and vivid. I wonder if it was psychosomatic like you suggested? Interesting.
hey Carey, I posted the pic at myspace so check me out there:)
"It had such a pacifying effect that I'll never forget." Precisely. nice to hear that you made it out there. My first visit several years ago was unplanned. Hadn't heard about it or seen it before. Happened to be in the area on business when I turned into the driveway. Maybe it was a wrong turn maybe it was something else, but either way I was in awe. I decided right then to go in and explore- that sense of awe was heightened immediately. Profoundly peaceful and pacifying.
how did the pic turn out?