The litmus test that will reveal whether or not those in your company are truly enlightened, SEAN, is whether or not they treat everyone else as if they, too, were enlightened.
Best to assume they are, if you get my drift.
All bow,
The Universe
It would be easy enough to dispense with my co-workers as among the unenlightened, but I know better than that, and besides, I treat all beings with respect and decency, a la the Golden Rule. Today we worked on the woodpile remnants from the surprise storm dicing up large chunks of mixed hardwoods splitting these into firewood size pieces to be sold next year. We definitely kicked some ass yet barely dented the massive collection harvested in the wake of an unprecedented climatic event. I was none too pleased to have been called in for my labor, especially after 5 days off over the holiday weekend. But by the end of the day I felt better as the sunshine and exertion does a body good.
I've opted out of the cleansing program I had been preparing myself for mentally the last several days. I figure its best to wait until a spring cleaning and instead keep the focus on developing and maintaining an overall regimen that will attract increased peace, health, prosperity and ultimately happiness into my life. The path to doing so is none other than gratitude and I made sure to give thanks today, even as my muscles ached after too long a layover since their last exercise. Bending over with the chainsaw and hurling logs, some weighing better than 50 pounds is a workout I'd challenge any fitness pro to attempt. I did it for 2 solid months this past autumn gaining a degree of physical strength that enabled me to scale trees like a monkey. I'm getting primed to return myself to top form after the lazy holy daze concluding the calendar year 2006.
So where to go from here? So many roads tease my soul, the crackling voice of a strung out Jerry Garcia echoes in my mind. He's dead now and along with him many more of the famous and unknown dearly departed. This energy shift we're encountering is truly one for the books. Peeps are going to be affected in a variety of ways from sublime to in-your-face. That schoolboy in Tacoma who shot and killed a fellow student falls into the latter, along with many others who are unable to manage their emotions in these times of heart-chakra expansion. And there are those among us who've taken up the spiritual warrior path and have been negotiating its often tenuous twists and turns for many years now. Still for others it's just the beginning of a brand new existence. One thing's for sure, 2007 will be distinctly remembered in one of two ways, as either the year that it all came together, or the year it all fell apart. And either way it's okay and perfectly the way it is supposed to be. I intend for myself personally to manifest the former, but if it were to be the latter I could deal. I've been there before, torn down only to rebuild. Remember, it's a marathon, not a sprint. I don't know about you but I'm going the distance, et vous?
One Love
Inspiraysean's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/03/2007 18:06 #37526
Men at WorkCategory: fashion
01/02/2007 20:55 #37516
King of myspaceOkay, I do intend to blog here on (e:strip) on a semi-regular basis, for I so love blogging, in the meantime come visit: 
One Love

One Love
joshua - 01/03/07 15:52
I thought it was interesting that Deepak Chopra wrote you a message. I'm a tad skeptical of Mr. Chopra and feel that he is a bit of a snake oil salesman, but on the other hand I feel that he is sincere about what he does and his book about life after death is very interesting. In other words, I think I still need some time to figure this guy out.
I thought it was interesting that Deepak Chopra wrote you a message. I'm a tad skeptical of Mr. Chopra and feel that he is a bit of a snake oil salesman, but on the other hand I feel that he is sincere about what he does and his book about life after death is very interesting. In other words, I think I still need some time to figure this guy out.
01/01/2007 10:55 #37489
The Secret Basically, SEAN, getting what you want is most efficiently accomplished by pretending you already have it. All of the time.
So, how do you like your beautiful home with lots of space to entertain, SEAN?
The Universe
So, how do you like your beautiful home with lots of space to entertain, SEAN?
The Universe
03/13/2006 17:24 #23170
Intro to e:stripHey fellow (e:strip) bloggers and doers, this is my first appearance here, shout out to Laura Jean and the buffalo tribe for turning me onto this community site. I've been addicting to blogging since Y2K, but originally my blogs were logs written on ms word, but I think it still counts. Anyway, I look forward to plugging in here and making new connections. I've been blogging at a couple other sites including myspace and blogger, here's the link: 
One Love

One Love
theecarey - 03/13/06 17:39
welcome to the site. I am sure you will enjoy the strip :)
welcome to the site. I am sure you will enjoy the strip :)
I deeply sense that it will be the "year it all came together"
but I know I can (and did) survive the "year it all fell apart"