(e:Paul) .. i love you and i so appreciate all the work you do on (e:strip). Hell, i wouldn't be bitching about this if i didn't love this place, right?
My posts keep disappearing from the Read The Latest list... But if i go directly to my post, it's there.
This is the one that is gone this time:
01/11/07 15:46 - 43F - ID#256
Leetee's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/12/2007 09:57 #37659
I'm Invisible!?!?01/11/2007 15:46 #37645
My Brain Hurts... In A Good WayThis GED stuff is... often exhasting. I just finished a GED Supplimental Package of Social Studies and i feel... worn out. My brain is so not used to thinking and it is complaining.
No, Brain, you cannot go watch t.v.; you need to study!
I graded the packet a few minutes ago. Out of the 152 questions on Editorial Cartoons, Drawings and Diagrams, U.S. History, World History, Geography, Economics and Civics and Government, i got 133 correct.... which, if i got the math bits right, is about 90.79%, or as i rounded to, 91%. Not bad. And what i assume to be a pass. I was concerned about the U.S. History the most, seeing as not much of it is taught in Canadian schools... and i would assume the Canadian perspective is different.
What i have been finding out about the social studies parts of the GED is that is is very much based on reading a passage and answering questions on it. However, it does assume the reader has some basic knowledge of some key U.S. Historical events. Those gaps are not as big as i thought they were, thank goodness. I am learning to find what the test is looking for, not what i think... oddly enough.
Teach says i might be ready to write the predictor soon, and the GED within weeks.
The process is..
First day of class, i wrote a very short 10 - 20 question test. Then, i wrote a TABE test based on the results of that first test. Then, i was given a score. The score meant nothing to me... what the hell does 12.9 mean, teacher man?! Turns out it means that 13 is the highest i can get. OK, so i did really well on the reading portion. Reading well means doing well on all the other sections, including the science and social studies. Yay. Math, i think i had a combination score of 9 something. They say an 11 is needed to write the infamous predictor.
The predictor is, apparently, a sample GED test. The whole deal. The 8 hours sitting in a room filling in dots that correspond to the correct answer to a question.
If that goes well, sign up for the next GED.
Studying daily. Brain complaining....
No, Brain, you cannot go watch t.v.; you need to study!
I graded the packet a few minutes ago. Out of the 152 questions on Editorial Cartoons, Drawings and Diagrams, U.S. History, World History, Geography, Economics and Civics and Government, i got 133 correct.... which, if i got the math bits right, is about 90.79%, or as i rounded to, 91%. Not bad. And what i assume to be a pass. I was concerned about the U.S. History the most, seeing as not much of it is taught in Canadian schools... and i would assume the Canadian perspective is different.
What i have been finding out about the social studies parts of the GED is that is is very much based on reading a passage and answering questions on it. However, it does assume the reader has some basic knowledge of some key U.S. Historical events. Those gaps are not as big as i thought they were, thank goodness. I am learning to find what the test is looking for, not what i think... oddly enough.
Teach says i might be ready to write the predictor soon, and the GED within weeks.
The process is..
First day of class, i wrote a very short 10 - 20 question test. Then, i wrote a TABE test based on the results of that first test. Then, i was given a score. The score meant nothing to me... what the hell does 12.9 mean, teacher man?! Turns out it means that 13 is the highest i can get. OK, so i did really well on the reading portion. Reading well means doing well on all the other sections, including the science and social studies. Yay. Math, i think i had a combination score of 9 something. They say an 11 is needed to write the infamous predictor.
- note to self -- try to use US spellings... color not colour **
The predictor is, apparently, a sample GED test. The whole deal. The 8 hours sitting in a room filling in dots that correspond to the correct answer to a question.
If that goes well, sign up for the next GED.
Studying daily. Brain complaining....
theecarey - 01/12/07 10:47
Lee! yay!!! I admire your daily perseverence. Almost perfect scores does not surprise me at all. I giggle at your 'note to self'--I was busted frequently in 6th grade English for writing, "colour" instead of "color". I couldnt understand why points would always be marked off for the usage- not that it ever stopped me :)
Lee! yay!!! I admire your daily perseverence. Almost perfect scores does not surprise me at all. I giggle at your 'note to self'--I was busted frequently in 6th grade English for writing, "colour" instead of "color". I couldnt understand why points would always be marked off for the usage- not that it ever stopped me :)
metalpeter - 01/11/07 19:20
So it sounds like you have been working hard. But that you still have a way to go. But don't worry about the way to go one thing at a time. Yes studing is important and you do need to put in a lot of time, but don't forget to take some time for yourself to. I know it is a tough balance but don't burn yourself out.
So it sounds like you have been working hard. But that you still have a way to go. But don't worry about the way to go one thing at a time. Yes studing is important and you do need to put in a lot of time, but don't forget to take some time for yourself to. I know it is a tough balance but don't burn yourself out.
libertad - 01/11/07 18:59
I knew that you wouldn't have any problems. Actually I was just wondering what was going on with your GED after reading mike's journal about going back to school.
I knew that you wouldn't have any problems. Actually I was just wondering what was going on with your GED after reading mike's journal about going back to school.
hodown - 01/11/07 15:52
Wow- good for you :) It sounds like you are going to pass with flying colors!!
Wow- good for you :) It sounds like you are going to pass with flying colors!!
01/10/2007 11:33 #37625
Bugg!Can't decide between a Pug and a Boston Terrier?
Well, why not get a Bugg!
Well, why not get a Bugg!

01/05/2007 20:52 #37548
Cookies!!!This weekend, we are going to Canada... yes, AGAIN. Sunday is my dad's birthday, so we are going to take him out to dinner Saturday evening. I used to always bake him a blueberry cheesecake, but with his high cholesterol and the difficulty with transporting a cheesecake over the border, i am making him these super duper easy cookies.
First, i start with a chocolate cake mix.

After sifting the mix, adding a stick of softened butter, 2 eggs and used all my muscles, i get this thick batter.

Using an old tablespoon measuring spoon and a couple of spoons, i plop the cookies onto an ungreased sheet, then roll them into wee balls.

It hardly makes any mess at all.

They spread a little, so i am careful not to have more than 12 to a sheet.

After 10 - 12 minutes in the oven, an additional 5 minutes to cool on the sheet, i put them on a rack to cool.

They taste like brownies.... YUM!
First, i start with a chocolate cake mix.

After sifting the mix, adding a stick of softened butter, 2 eggs and used all my muscles, i get this thick batter.

Using an old tablespoon measuring spoon and a couple of spoons, i plop the cookies onto an ungreased sheet, then roll them into wee balls.

It hardly makes any mess at all.

They spread a little, so i am careful not to have more than 12 to a sheet.

After 10 - 12 minutes in the oven, an additional 5 minutes to cool on the sheet, i put them on a rack to cool.

They taste like brownies.... YUM!
01/01/2007 12:50 #37491
Holiday PicturesI know ya'll might be anxious to see the pictures from the (e:PMT) New Year's Eve bash last night... and some of you may be cringing. But i had other pics i wanted to post too, so i thought i would do them all, for all the holiday, in one big post. So here goes...
The obligitory "godmom" pictures of Kirsten's pets taken over the holidays.
Cute lil Ava in her holiday wear

Elliott borrowed Ava's hat

Ava and Nolan

I must be boring Nolan.

Then there was the holiday with the family. Since they never asked to be stars of my blog, all the pictures of my brother and his family are, well, of them hiding mostly. Which is what the kids did naturally, i suspect.
Nephew Luke

Foster nephew Jamie

My brother, John

My neice, Arianna taking a picture of her Gramps

Arianna taking a picture of their dog, Rosie

Sister-In-Law, Michelle, petting Rosie

Rosie the basset hound

My Parent's dog, Ralphie, scared of all the humans, hiding behind his mom

My parent's little predecorated tree

My mom with her hand up a turkey

The piggie footie massager the kids got me for xmas

Me and a giant 10lb loaf of german rye bread my brother brought for us from the bakery he works for

And now, ladies and germs, the show you have been waiting for -- the (e:PMT) New Year's Eve bash. Thank you, yet again, (e:Paul) (e:Matthew) and (e:Terry) for hosting!
Oh, and before i go any further, thank you thank you thank you, my Secret Santa. I ADORE my gift!
The hosts with the mosts, (e:PMT)

(e:imk2) happy with her secret santa gift

(e:Terry) showing everyone the slight flaw in the design of (e:imk2) 's gift... the hole in the fabric should be down here, i think...

Uhmm... nice bottle, (e:imk2) !

(e:Enknot) 's crime fighting duo

(e:Metalpeter) and (e:Vycious)

The women of AbFab loving on (e:Metalpeter)

(e:Mike) drinking with style

awe, isn't dating cute?

(e:jenks) (e:Ladycroft) and (e:imk2) showing some girl on girl on girl action

Is this my best side, Darling?

From AbFab to I Love Lucy, all in one night

An (e:Jenks) sandwich... with (e:Soma) kicking out the jams

The obligitory "godmom" pictures of Kirsten's pets taken over the holidays.
Cute lil Ava in her holiday wear

Elliott borrowed Ava's hat

Ava and Nolan

I must be boring Nolan.

Then there was the holiday with the family. Since they never asked to be stars of my blog, all the pictures of my brother and his family are, well, of them hiding mostly. Which is what the kids did naturally, i suspect.
Nephew Luke

Foster nephew Jamie

My brother, John

My neice, Arianna taking a picture of her Gramps

Arianna taking a picture of their dog, Rosie

Sister-In-Law, Michelle, petting Rosie

Rosie the basset hound

My Parent's dog, Ralphie, scared of all the humans, hiding behind his mom

My parent's little predecorated tree

My mom with her hand up a turkey

The piggie footie massager the kids got me for xmas

Me and a giant 10lb loaf of german rye bread my brother brought for us from the bakery he works for

And now, ladies and germs, the show you have been waiting for -- the (e:PMT) New Year's Eve bash. Thank you, yet again, (e:Paul) (e:Matthew) and (e:Terry) for hosting!
Oh, and before i go any further, thank you thank you thank you, my Secret Santa. I ADORE my gift!
The hosts with the mosts, (e:PMT)

(e:imk2) happy with her secret santa gift

(e:Terry) showing everyone the slight flaw in the design of (e:imk2) 's gift... the hole in the fabric should be down here, i think...

Uhmm... nice bottle, (e:imk2) !

(e:Enknot) 's crime fighting duo

(e:Metalpeter) and (e:Vycious)

The women of AbFab loving on (e:Metalpeter)

(e:Mike) drinking with style

awe, isn't dating cute?

(e:jenks) (e:Ladycroft) and (e:imk2) showing some girl on girl on girl action

Is this my best side, Darling?

From AbFab to I Love Lucy, all in one night

An (e:Jenks) sandwich... with (e:Soma) kicking out the jams

ladycroft - 01/01/07 14:45
very nice daaaaahling sweeties! that last one of me is a little scary.
very nice daaaaahling sweeties! that last one of me is a little scary.
lilho - 01/01/07 14:11
awww. that pic of me and sean is cute. good times!
awww. that pic of me and sean is cute. good times!
metalpeter - 01/01/07 13:49
You have some great pictures I think I might like the Jenks Sandwich picture the best not really sure there are a bunch of good ones.
You have some great pictures I think I might like the Jenks Sandwich picture the best not really sure there are a bunch of good ones.
I saw it on the list last night...prob around 8:30 or so...
Peekaboo! I see you!