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02/06/2007 10:58 #37966

NFTA Trip Planner
Category: transportation
I am trying my damnest to use this thing, this NFTA Trip Planner online. Very interesting results. Seems i have to be 45 minutes early for my appointment at 1pm, or transfer 3 times. Or walk to Elmwood. How hard should it be to get from Bird between Grant and Niagara to Elmwood and Summer?

Maybe it isn't the trip planner, but where we live. Not as many cross town buses as there should be.

What is there to do at the corner of Elmwood and Bryant for 45 minutes?
museumchick - 02/08/07 10:46
I have trouble with the trip planner as well. I usually find there are simpler routes than what I get on the site.

I'm glad to hear it worked out for you as far as a ride.
metalpeter - 02/06/07 19:01
Cool that you are getting a ride. I have tried to use that trip planer and it dosn't work for me. I usaly have to go by the bus schedulles. The reason you had problems was that the #22 porter best bus dosn't run that often but the #12 should run ok that gets you like a block away. maybe this one will show up on your journal we shall see?
leetee - 02/06/07 18:54
Peeps are saying comments can't post, so i reckon this is a test.

I got a ride... didn't need to hang out on the corner after all. :O)

01/22/2007 12:06 #37816

Sneezie Leezie
Leezie was my nickname in highschool. Then, amongst the crowd i hung with, pig latin became popular (oh, i know, we were the coolest), and i did my best to drop the nickname Leezie! Those of you that know pig latin may understand why.

I have been sofa bound for a couple of days. Saturday night hit it me hard. I thought i escaped the cold bug (e:Uncutsaniflush) had... but it looks like i didn't. Damn it.

On another far more possitive note...
Happy Birthday, (e:Paul)!

01/20/2007 14:54 #37794

Birthday Party Pics
Thanks for hosting another house party, (e:PMT) !

Here are my snaps... in no particular order, even if i was trying to keep them cronological.

(e:Terry) was delicate most of the night

(e:Zobar) started the evening off with a flash!

Did someone just bring this bubble maker, or was it a birthday gift for (e:Paul) ?

(e:Libertad) and (e:MK) being anti-bubble!

I swear, it all started because i mentioned that (e:Matthew) 's jammie bottoms looked like something Edward Gorey would draw, and the next thing you know, (e:Dragonlady7) is reading The Gashlycrumb Tinies to us. Story Time! Yay!!

We barely got through that when we were told to get our hinnies out and watch (e:Paul) smash is porniata (sp?)

(e:Oda) got her sugar on

and (e:Mike) should have said no

(e:lilho) wanting no one to say no



The gang (nice heart, (e:Carolinian) ! )

Someone looks tired!

The only picture, all night long, i got of (e:Matthew) ! He just doesn't misbehave enough!!

Last but not least, the Birthday Boy...
paul - 01/21/07 10:51
Thanks for taking pics again peter.
libertad - 01/20/07 17:06
more fantastic fiesta pics. its good you didn't get any cock in that porñata the censor police may send a threatening letter.
mrmike - 01/20/07 16:56
Ah,sigh - nice pics
mk - 01/20/07 15:53
Great pics, and thanks again for the munchies! That's a great pic of Paul at the end there.
metalpeter - 01/20/07 15:10
Nice pictures thanks for sharing, that one of (e:lilho) with the cash and credit card is a classic. I wonder if anyone got a picture of the Pizza delivery person when she went out to the door like that. I belive the buble machine was a gift for paul but I'm not sure.

01/15/2007 12:59 #37699

Third Time's A Charm
So, what is a girl to do if she doesn't have a need or desire to go out during a rainy/snowy/icey day? Make ice cream!!

My first try was ok. Raspberry sorbet for my beloved. I didn't have as many frozen raspberries as i should have, so it was a bit too sweet. (e:Uncutsaniflush) doesn't have much of a sweet tooth, but when he wants sweets he wants them very sweet... so this fits the bill. Next time, more raspberries, less sugar and a tiny bit more lemon juice.

My second try didn't go as well. Cinnamon ice cream. I used a bit too much sugar, again, and a tiny bit too much cinnamon. Plus, the big boo boo was not letting the mixture cool enough before putting into the ice cream maker. Next time, i might just try steeping cinnamon sticks instead of putting in the powder.

This try... banana ice cream!! Oh, i hope it tastes as good when it is completely hardened as it did when it was soft serve from the ice cream maker!! At the last minute, i added walnuts and chocolate chips too. I cooled the mix in the fridge overnight while the ice cream bowl froze, too. So it should be yum!!

Of course, i could just find recipes instead of inventing them like (e:jenks) suggested...
leetee - 01/16/07 09:04
Ha ha ha... well, i think i disagree with that quote. My cinnamon ice cream was unredeemingly bad...
jenks - 01/15/07 18:45
yep, that's all I ever use. Sweet cream base #2 I think, and then I throw stuff in. There are tons of other yummy sounding ones in there that I always say I'll try, but never get around to. I think I even saw a recipe for beer ice cream somewhere.
zobar - 01/15/07 18:29
Shit, I didn't know you were flying solo with the ice cream maker. You should try the seriously old-skool Ben & Jerry's Cookbook. Great recipes; fun commentary. :::link::: "There's no such thing as an unredeemingly bad batch of homemade ice cream."

- Z

01/13/2007 10:54 #37668

It's supposed to snow or ice or be cold and icky out... so... what better thing to do but look for ice cream recipes online!!??!

Since i got my ice cream maker, i have been itching to use it, even if i don't always feel like eating ice cream in a big slightly drafty house in the winter.

More than anything, i want cinnamon ice cream. No one sells it, or at least it is rare to see in the grocery stores. And i so don't know why... i love love love cinnamon.

Had cinnamon toast for breakfast... a childhood favorite.

Found a couple of recipes online.. some at the cuisinart site. The dark chocolate sorbet looks good, and very simple. I may even have the ingredients -- water, white sugar, brown sugar, cocoa. Opps... no, we don't. Oh well. I won't die if i don't do it today.

Yesterday, (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i ate at a new mexican restaurant. So new their sign isn't even up. It's in the old Denny's by the corner of Niagara Falls Boulevard and Sheridan. Driving by not too long ago, i saw a sign -- one of those portable ones -- that said "authentic mexican food". So, we decided to wander in to try it.

Yum. It's no El Charro, the place in KNoxville Tennessee (E:Uncutsaniflush) and i hold all other Mexican restaurants up to as a comparison, but it was damn good. And i would recommend them.

We picked up a take out menu, since neither of us got further than the lunch specials and the vegetarian section looks good. Spinach Burrito is on my list of must trys...

Hmm... i feel like cooking and eating... i wonder if i have PMS?
zobar - 01/13/07 13:57
Anderson's has soft-serve cinnamon on special sometimes; check the calendar: :::link:::

We used to buy heavy cream by the half-gallon; alas, no Stew's in WNY. :::link:::

For good cheap authentic Mexican, see also El Canelo. Margaritas very tasty, albeit NEON! green. :::link:::

PMS makes you feel like cooking? Best PMS Ever!!

- Z
jenks - 01/13/07 11:13
Lee- the cinnamon ice cream i made (that was delicious) was just the usual vanilla recipe i use, with 1tsp of cinnamon. My vanilla uses eggs, but i'm sure you could use one you like...