Well, i gone done did it. Last night, i went to my first GED pre class. Thanks again,
(e:Ladycroft) for dropping off that brochure to me.
I called yesterday to see when classes start and i was told Mondays. And that i could come in that night, if i wanted to. I would have to have an orientation and do the prelim tests anyway, so why not do them now. OK, that makes sense.
So, last night, i did a short 50 question test. That was quickly graded and i was given the appropriate TABE test. That took the rest of the evening.
Tonight, i think i will get the TABE results and find out, more or less, where i need to concentrate my energies. I suspect maths will be the issue.. but i think i still need some social studies upgrades.
Having been school in another country, despite everyone here thinking "well, it's only right next door, Canada", we did learn different things. I have no idea, for example, what ANY of the amendments to the constitution are. Or how many ounces in a pound.... i learned metric! I think i only know inches because, for whatever reason, they are still the worldwide standard in hairdressing... wonder why that is?
Teach says i won't need to know some of those social studies things, that it is all in the test, you just need to read it to find it. But i had a math qestion last night i wouldn't have been able to figure out if i didn't know there are 16 ounces in a pound. How else could i know 8 ounces are 1/2 a pound?
As much as i would love to say that i could take that wonderful book you gave me,
(e:Theecarey) (thanks once again for giving it to me!) and do it all, i have realized that after over 20 years away from schooling, i need more structure. Else, i think i would already have this damn GED.
So, for now, i will be satisfied by being the oldest one in the class. Perhaps even older than the teacher...
hmmm....the chocolate fountain broke on the first use, so now I have 4lbs of melted chocolate and nothing to do with it. I ate so much yesterday that I thought i'd puke. so now I think i'll give the chocolate fountain back and am going to get a ''soft serve'' ice cream maker. they're selling for around 120 dollars but would be soooo worth it. so thank you for the offer (e:leetee), but hopefully i'll have my own ice cream maker by the time my birthday rolls around. i'll keep everyone updated.
mmm... eggnog, hell, any kind of icecream with chocolate all over it... it's a date, (e:imk2) !!!
What kind of ice cream do you want me to make you for your birthday, (e:Paul) ?
For the record, eggnog ice cream is good.. but it was a little on the weak tasting side. Cold dulls flavours a little, so next time, i might try to bump up the sugar or add a little dash of nutmeg or some vanilla.
I am so totally jealous.
OMG!!! i so want one, it would go perfectly with my chocolate fountain!