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12/14/2006 19:15 #25699

Don't Look At This Post, Mom
Because it has pictures of your xmas gift.

Every year for well over 10 years i have been making my mom the same gift. The first year i did it, she opened it, gasped and told me i would never again be stuck for something to get her. Also in that first year, i did every single bit of it by hand. Now, done on CorelDraw (i swear, 2008 will be Open Source!!).

You would think a calendar would be boring. Or, that it would be easy to describe to people. Some might also wonder why it takes me so much time, even though nothing but my signature on the back of it and my instructions to Kinkos are done by hand anymore.

Here are pics of my Mom's 3 Month On A Page Calendar, 2007.

Front Page




February (those dots are hearts)










July and a close up to see the cute lil maple leafs










December with another closeup


twisted - 12/16/06 01:33
Holy moly! That's quite an undertaking!

I just got back from my "midnight run" to Kinkos (with 2.5 hours to spare). Maybe I'll post about it later.

12/12/2006 09:41 #25698

Bad Neighbourhood and Trunk
Yesterday, we headed into Canada. Our main purpose was to return a birthday gift my parents got (e:Uncutsaniflush) and since they still had the reciept, we had to go all the way into Hamilton, not just to the nearest Future Shop. There's a lesson in that for us...

After the dastardly deed of returning said gift, getting a gift card for the value of it and purchasing something more appropriate was acheived, we decided to head downtown to the worst neighbourhood in town.

The corner of Barton Street East and Sherman Avenue North used to be that 'hood that i would ignore when apartment hunting, no matter how cheap the rents were.

It is also the Polish neighbourhood. And we were in search of a Polish treat i haven't had in a long time. (And yeah, folks, if i could spell it, i would; the fact that i can pronounce it is a feat in and of itself! Maybe (e:Uncutsaniflush) will be kind enough to tell us in the comments)

We went to a deli that (e:Uncutsaniflush) vaguely remembered when he and my dad walked by after they parked on a side street to go eat dinner at a Polish restaurant before going to Ivor Wynne to see the Ti-Cats play... probably over a year ago.

Didn't get the treat i wanted, but we got lots of other yummy sweets, even by the same company, E.Wedel, including a beautiful tin wiht very very good chocolates inside!

We had fun wandering the two short blocks.

We went out to dinner with my parents.

And, we found out the cedar chest i have always loved did fit into the back seats of our lil Toyota Prius! My mom offered it to us once she got a small chest of drawers to put her stuff into. She found one at Ikea, put it together and emptied the chest out. The customs officer looked slightly perplexed and wanted to look inside... which of course we had made sure was possible.

I am thrilled to have it. It's my late maternal grandmother's. Someone i was very close with. It was her hope chest when she got married. She gave it to my mom. And now, finally, my mom gave it to me.
leetee - 12/12/06 13:54
I think that's the place we got all our chocolate from... the only Polish Deli i saw in that 'hood. I didn't hang out in that area much... grew up in the sticks on the "mountain", then headed downtown the soonest chance i got...
vincent - 12/12/06 12:28
Yea, I'm familiar with that place. Usually when I'm up in that area I stop in the Polish Deli across the street from St. Stans on Barton.

Oskee Wee Wee Oskee Wa Wa!!!!!

12/09/2006 13:07 #25697

Snail Mail Geek
I admit it. I love going to the mailbox and finding a letter or a card. I like paper, stationery, fancy pens and cards.

I know i am a dying breed... no one cares much for anything as slow as snailmail anymore. But i do. I just finished my holiday cards.

I mailed off the ones that need to go overseas to England and Australia yesterday. Hope they won't be late.

The Canadian and US ones are mostly ready, save 2 of my cousins that moved last year. Rob, from Michigan to Texas for a better accounting job. Mike and his wife, Nicole moved away from Toronto to get a house in Oakville, i think (shocked the hell out of me; both are total Toronto snobs). Waiting for emails to tell me their addresses. Interesting twist there...

I also updated my user sound, since i was getting all holidayish. Kate Bush's Decemember Will Be Magic Again. Not her best, but hey, it's very holiday-y sounding...
twisted - 12/09/06 14:27
I love that song!

12/06/2006 00:02 #25696

*%$#@* Dentist
Not that it is his fault my filling cracked and crumbled in my mouth today. It's actually the fault of a previous dentist, i am sure; he knew i was totally broke and only patched up my teeth, instead of giving me a more expensive crown. Looks like i have to call my dentist in the morning. (e:Mike) , you should get a finders fee from them... they are making a few bucks off me and you recommended them!
jenks - 12/06/06 00:05
i love my dentist lee, if you're looking. Stanley scott, in hamburg, right on the lake.

12/05/2006 13:04 #25695

What actually happens to socks that get lost in the laundry process? I used to loose socks in the dryer. I thought those coin op ones had it in for me and my manly black socks. Then, one here and there would disappear in the washer. Today, it disappeared before getting to either -- in the sorting process. Is this a sign i am supposed to be a barefoot hippie?!?
paul - 12/05/06 21:59
I always wonder that myself. I have lost hundreds of socks this way. Mostly during the laundromat year.