I tried a few things here and there, the symptoms went away for a little bit, but they always came back. I was chatting with some friends and they recommended enzymes. Then, i saw a commerical and thought i would get me arse online and look into a few things. The Beano website

Now, it's been 3 whole days and my gut feels better than it has in, well, years. Nothing is perfect and not all the symptoms are gone completely, but it feels liberating to not have cramps 24/7. I feel human...
Hope this doesn't jinx this. It feels so precarious.
On another note, i think the lil grey mousey i saw dash out from under our stove is hiding out in our sofa now. Poor thing nearly scared the piss outta me about an hour ago when it scurried its fuzzy behind up over the top of the sofa and behind some pillows.
i love your title!
here's to you for feeling better. thanks for making me smile, too.