What actually happens to socks that get lost in the laundry process? I used to loose socks in the dryer. I thought those coin op ones had it in for me and my manly black socks. Then, one here and there would disappear in the washer. Today, it disappeared before getting to either -- in the sorting process. Is this a sign i am supposed to be a barefoot hippie?!?
Leetee's Journal
My Podcast Link
12/05/2006 13:04 #25695
Socks11/23/2006 00:24 #25694
Off The Wall User Sound(e:Uncutsaniflush) and i decided to eat lunch off our usual beaten path today. Since it was a nice day, we thought eating on the strip and a stroll would be a good thing.
My only request was anywhere but Globe Market, since the few times i was there, they couldn't get their heads out of their asses. And i think my only 2 choices there are cheese related....
We thought about Solid Grouds, but the menu online had me aghast -- 7 bucks for a peanut butter sandwich? No thanks.
We ended up at Off The Wall, having had a decent dinner there many moons ago and we vaguely recalled something about lunch specials.
I reckon we should have run when the server told us what they had run out of. I think, too, the cook (no way i would call him a chef) ran out of something as well, but i am way to polite to say. Suffice it to say that any cook that can't make french fries that are cooked all the way through and actually warm (forget about hot), perhaps needs a refresher in cookery. Even i know that warming up a plate really helps keep food warm to bring out to customers. Sheesh.
My veg burger was moderately good, if barely warm. The salad dressing (my second choice, they ran out of the one i asked for) was very good, though. Best thing i can say about the meal. 'Cause i can bitch about the price... not worth it, peeps, not worth it.
On a sweeter note...
I changed my user sound. Title track to the album Car Wheels On a Gravel Road by Lucinda Williams.
My only request was anywhere but Globe Market, since the few times i was there, they couldn't get their heads out of their asses. And i think my only 2 choices there are cheese related....
We thought about Solid Grouds, but the menu online had me aghast -- 7 bucks for a peanut butter sandwich? No thanks.
We ended up at Off The Wall, having had a decent dinner there many moons ago and we vaguely recalled something about lunch specials.
I reckon we should have run when the server told us what they had run out of. I think, too, the cook (no way i would call him a chef) ran out of something as well, but i am way to polite to say. Suffice it to say that any cook that can't make french fries that are cooked all the way through and actually warm (forget about hot), perhaps needs a refresher in cookery. Even i know that warming up a plate really helps keep food warm to bring out to customers. Sheesh.
My veg burger was moderately good, if barely warm. The salad dressing (my second choice, they ran out of the one i asked for) was very good, though. Best thing i can say about the meal. 'Cause i can bitch about the price... not worth it, peeps, not worth it.
On a sweeter note...
I changed my user sound. Title track to the album Car Wheels On a Gravel Road by Lucinda Williams.
leetee - 11/23/06 10:28
I guess i am just a cheapskate then, huh? lol. But seriously, as a vegetarian, i found the Solid Grounds menu really limited for the expense. I trust your judgements, though, (e:jenks) and (e:Paul) and someday i might just squeek open my wallet and eat there.
I guess i am just a cheapskate then, huh? lol. But seriously, as a vegetarian, i found the Solid Grounds menu really limited for the expense. I trust your judgements, though, (e:jenks) and (e:Paul) and someday i might just squeek open my wallet and eat there.
paul - 11/23/06 09:56
I agree. Solid grounds is a bit expensive but they do make up for it in atmosphere, friendliness and tastiness. It is definitely one of my favorite restaurants to eat lunch at.
I agree. Solid grounds is a bit expensive but they do make up for it in atmosphere, friendliness and tastiness. It is definitely one of my favorite restaurants to eat lunch at.
jenks - 11/23/06 00:42
next time stick with solid grounds. It's yummy. my (food) experiences at OTW have been lackluster, too.
next time stick with solid grounds. It's yummy. my (food) experiences at OTW have been lackluster, too.
11/15/2006 16:44 #25693
Unfaithful?Is it cheating if we saw (e:lilho) at Weggies instead of (e:Mrmike) ?
mrmike - 11/15/06 17:57
Not if you wuz ho shoppin
Not if you wuz ho shoppin
11/14/2006 23:26 #25692
I Could Beano Better...I'm way too lazy to look up the many times i have complained here that i have been having issues with my stomach and digestion. The lovely doctor of the house, (e:jenks) has confabed with me via email about it a few times and offered suggestions.
I tried a few things here and there, the symptoms went away for a little bit, but they always came back. I was chatting with some friends and they recommended enzymes. Then, i saw a commerical and thought i would get me arse online and look into a few things. The Beano website
was eyeopening. Particularly the section on Complex Carbohydrate Intolerance.
Now, it's been 3 whole days and my gut feels better than it has in, well, years. Nothing is perfect and not all the symptoms are gone completely, but it feels liberating to not have cramps 24/7. I feel human...
Hope this doesn't jinx this. It feels so precarious.
On another note, i think the lil grey mousey i saw dash out from under our stove is hiding out in our sofa now. Poor thing nearly scared the piss outta me about an hour ago when it scurried its fuzzy behind up over the top of the sofa and behind some pillows.
I tried a few things here and there, the symptoms went away for a little bit, but they always came back. I was chatting with some friends and they recommended enzymes. Then, i saw a commerical and thought i would get me arse online and look into a few things. The Beano website

Now, it's been 3 whole days and my gut feels better than it has in, well, years. Nothing is perfect and not all the symptoms are gone completely, but it feels liberating to not have cramps 24/7. I feel human...
Hope this doesn't jinx this. It feels so precarious.
On another note, i think the lil grey mousey i saw dash out from under our stove is hiding out in our sofa now. Poor thing nearly scared the piss outta me about an hour ago when it scurried its fuzzy behind up over the top of the sofa and behind some pillows.
oda - 11/15/06 00:26
i love your title!
here's to you for feeling better. thanks for making me smile, too.
i love your title!
here's to you for feeling better. thanks for making me smile, too.
11/07/2006 11:10 #25691
Ducks, Voting and AnniversariesYesterday was the 2 year anniversary of (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i moving to Buffalo. Time flies... yet it feels like we have been here forever (in a good way, not in a 'gee, this feels like a prison sentence' kinda way).
Right now, (e:Uncutsaniflush) is voting. I've never been overly political, but i have always tried to stay somewhat informed and voted. Well, until i moved here. Can't vote here. Not a citizen. I'm just a resident.
I fed ducks yesterday. They insisted. We left them and went to get them some healthy food (wild bird seed). They ate right outta my hand...

Right now, (e:Uncutsaniflush) is voting. I've never been overly political, but i have always tried to stay somewhat informed and voted. Well, until i moved here. Can't vote here. Not a citizen. I'm just a resident.
I fed ducks yesterday. They insisted. We left them and went to get them some healthy food (wild bird seed). They ate right outta my hand...

I always wonder that myself. I have lost hundreds of socks this way. Mostly during the laundromat year.