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11/02/2006 09:21 #25690

How Canadians Are Different
One thing i know for sure, is that the word shit sometimes sneaks by on radios. Would that happen here, i asked (e:Uncutsaniflush) ? He said no.

I remember we watching a CityTV film when he was visiting Canada and the word "Mother" was bleeped out, but "Fucker" wasn't.

Sex isn't taboo in Canada. It's not something to be hidden from children. It's something to be learned about, to be taught responsiblity about...

But i still giggled like a school girl when i saw this...



Yeah, ok, i know, the name has got to be Salon Swank. Maybe i should have purchased that tshirt with the finger pointing to someone beside me that said "wanker" on it in the Brit shop down the road?
museumchick - 11/02/06 16:46
that is pretty amusing...

10/30/2006 08:36 #25689

I Rock
No... not bragging about my abilities at, well, anything.

We got a rocking chair yesterday, that's all.

Here it is...


And here it is in our space...


museumchick - 10/30/06 12:19
That chair looks beautiful!
jason - 10/30/06 11:36
Oh you do rock!!!!
paul - 10/30/06 09:46
Looks great. I bet matthew will be jealous.

10/29/2006 08:38 #25688

It's All Her Fault
The early snow storm a few weeks ago notwithstanding...

Whenever my mom decides to visit us for the weekend, the weather turns bad. It's been a little while, but the last time she was here it was warm and sunny and pleasant for at least a week before she arrived. Then, bam, cooler weather! She doesn't like cold weather. Why she lives in Canada, then, is beyond us, but she does.

So, on behalf of BossMom... sorry for the bad/windy/rainy/cold weather this weekend.

She's supposed to be busy for a while and may not be able to visit before the xmas holidays... so we might be safe for a while!

10/25/2006 16:29 #25687

What Theme Next?
Thanks (e:Uncutsaniflush) for the help and eye. Thanks, too, of course, to (e:Paul) for all of your help -- adding the bats, your touches here and there... and liking it enough to not change much at all! I almost gave up on it a few times, the non-computer geek that i am!

Should i start on Hanukkah and Christmas themes now?
leetee - 10/25/06 23:15
lol... a green on green theme, (e:Mrmike) ? Thanks!
mrmike - 10/25/06 19:55
and don't forget St. Patty's Day -- Nice job

10/23/2006 09:51 #25686

Bumpy Beginning
As i mentioned in (e:LeeTee,232) the end of the era of me having to walk to get a morning paper is over. Sad thing is the beginning of the new era of me just going to the front porch to get the paper is off to a bit of a bumpy start. No paper at 9:15am. So i called. Was on hold for about 5 minutes. Was told a manager would deliver one.

And as i type this, (e:Uncutsaniflush) says the paper has arrived...

I hope i don't have to call the Buffalo News every morning!
leetee - 10/24/06 09:31
Lucily for us, the paper arrived and was waiting for us this morning. Yay! :)

Sorry to hear about the issues you guys have had trying to get a paper delivery, (e:chico) !

Never having been a paperboy/girl, i guess i don't understand the job all that well. I feel for anyone having to go door to door to deliver or sell anything, though...
chico - 10/23/06 19:09
Ah yes, Buffalo News home delivery (sigh).

When we moved to B-lo I had already been reading the paper online and figured it'd be good to get the newspaper delivered every morning. I was happy then when the Buffalo News called me to solicit me for a subscription -- I was all over the promotion they offered and signed on...

But then no paper for like 10 days after they promised. I called, they promised again, and again nothing. This is now going on 3 weeks. Finally, it arrives! No, not the paper -- the bill. Hello, straw? Meet the camel's back. I called and canceled my subscription, having never received a single copy of the paper.

Two days later, the Buffalo News showed up in my driveway. :::WTF?:::

Like Paul I feel bad for "paper boys" but the truth is that a lot of routes are really "paper adults" -- and apparently not always responsible ones, even in good weather (in this case, late August).
paul - 10/23/06 13:02
I feel bad for paper boys. I mean I realize that people pay for a service at a certain time but having been a paper boy - I give them leeway - kind of how people that were waiters or waitresses deal better with food service problems.

Funny story: One time I remember it being so cold that I got into my paperbox and shivered with my handwarmers :::link::: . I love those thing. After about a half hour, the woman who's house I was in front of came out and opened the box. I was so embarassed. She asked if I needed help. I just got out and started delviering papers like nothing was out of the ordinary.