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11/07/2006 11:10 #25691

Ducks, Voting and Anniversaries
Yesterday was the 2 year anniversary of (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i moving to Buffalo. Time flies... yet it feels like we have been here forever (in a good way, not in a 'gee, this feels like a prison sentence' kinda way).

Right now, (e:Uncutsaniflush) is voting. I've never been overly political, but i have always tried to stay somewhat informed and voted. Well, until i moved here. Can't vote here. Not a citizen. I'm just a resident.

I fed ducks yesterday. They insisted. We left them and went to get them some healthy food (wild bird seed). They ate right outta my hand...


11/02/2006 09:21 #25690

How Canadians Are Different
One thing i know for sure, is that the word shit sometimes sneaks by on radios. Would that happen here, i asked (e:Uncutsaniflush) ? He said no.

I remember we watching a CityTV film when he was visiting Canada and the word "Mother" was bleeped out, but "Fucker" wasn't.

Sex isn't taboo in Canada. It's not something to be hidden from children. It's something to be learned about, to be taught responsiblity about...

But i still giggled like a school girl when i saw this...



Yeah, ok, i know, the name has got to be Salon Swank. Maybe i should have purchased that tshirt with the finger pointing to someone beside me that said "wanker" on it in the Brit shop down the road?
museumchick - 11/02/06 16:46
that is pretty amusing...

10/30/2006 08:36 #25689

I Rock
No... not bragging about my abilities at, well, anything.

We got a rocking chair yesterday, that's all.

Here it is...


And here it is in our space...


museumchick - 10/30/06 12:19
That chair looks beautiful!
jason - 10/30/06 11:36
Oh you do rock!!!!
paul - 10/30/06 09:46
Looks great. I bet matthew will be jealous.

10/29/2006 08:38 #25688

It's All Her Fault
The early snow storm a few weeks ago notwithstanding...

Whenever my mom decides to visit us for the weekend, the weather turns bad. It's been a little while, but the last time she was here it was warm and sunny and pleasant for at least a week before she arrived. Then, bam, cooler weather! She doesn't like cold weather. Why she lives in Canada, then, is beyond us, but she does.

So, on behalf of BossMom... sorry for the bad/windy/rainy/cold weather this weekend.

She's supposed to be busy for a while and may not be able to visit before the xmas holidays... so we might be safe for a while!

10/25/2006 16:29 #25687

What Theme Next?
Thanks (e:Uncutsaniflush) for the help and eye. Thanks, too, of course, to (e:Paul) for all of your help -- adding the bats, your touches here and there... and liking it enough to not change much at all! I almost gave up on it a few times, the non-computer geek that i am!

Should i start on Hanukkah and Christmas themes now?
leetee - 10/25/06 23:15
lol... a green on green theme, (e:Mrmike) ? Thanks!
mrmike - 10/25/06 19:55
and don't forget St. Patty's Day -- Nice job