So here I am, safely back in my own time and dimension. Whatever that means. ;-)
It was really amazing spending some real time with you all in my "alternate universe." I feel like J.T. Kirk after beaming down to an historically familiar time and place. Except, when he interacts with the "inhabitants," the plot is fairly predictable. But there's no predicting you guys. ;-)
Anyway, I did feel a little out of phase, although not as much as last trip, for what that's worth.
Ok, back to reality. At work they haven't yet realized there's no way we're going to be ready to launch by October 27th. So I made sure to reiterate I can't work the last week of October when
(e:Paul) is here. They weren't phased by that, so I decided I might as well take advantage of their naivete and take the next two days off to go to the beach with Brenda & Kathy.
Stinson Beach, here I come! Right where I was almost 2 years ago [inlink]twisted,8[/inlink] when I first joined this site. Somehow it seems much longer ago, but at the same time like only yesterday. That's internet time for you!
Can't wait to cue up my new CDs from
(e:Hodown) and blast off for the beach tomorrow! Have a great weekend everybody!
p.s. - regarding retro user pics. It's so easy to be cute when you're little. But when you get older, you have to be wearing the right outfit, be having a good hair day, be lit by flattering light...
Anyway, maybe it's the lighting at
(e:PMTs). But you all are as cute as can be! Don't let anybody tell you otherwise!
It was great to finally meet you twisted!! Now I'll def get my fanny out to san fran so we can do some adventuring :)
You with a big wooden spoon would make the perfect beach Tiki Goddess. Now there's a Halloween costume idea for you - armed Tiki Goddess come to life. It's a thin line between nightmare and fantasy...
true dat about the cuteness thing. i woke up today and it was raining like the ark was coming a second time. needless to say, not a cute day. i actually contemplated not leaving the house, as the sleepy one got to stay in bed. have fun at the beach. ill be there in spirit, with the big wooden spoon.