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09/16/2006 19:53 #36748

Get the Balance Right
Category: life
I only seem to have time to post telepathically these days. I hope you all enjoyed my latest 10, haha. Ok, here's a brief recap.

Stevil [inlink]twisted,425[/inlink] and I have gone to a few shows together. Somehow, they've all not worked out for one or the other of us. We're like star-crossed music lovers. I don't know what the deal is. Luckily all the shows were free, but still - I don't have time for this.

I had originally invited Mr. Coffee [inlink]twisted,433[/inlink] to see my friend Paul play the Red Vic last night. That also turned out to be a mistake. I did it on impulse - since I had declined his last two invites (the latest one being to a new 80s bar opening with free beer sponsored by The Onion). I figured it was my turn to go out on a limb and be accepted or rejected to keep things even. I was accepted, but in the most disturbing way ever. I think I've already alluded to having some reservations about him. I hate to judge someone (within reason) before I've met them. But he has this habit of making up cutesy (your opinion may vary) terms for things, which could be very annoying. Or maybe cute. But I doubt it.

Anyway, it was tolerable in writing, and untested in person so far. Then I got his email response to my invitation (below):

dang it! 80's is my favorite decade, and free is my favorite price! oh well.

My friend Paul Manousos is playing the Red Vic Friday. Wanna go?


His response is so over the top, it's not even funny:

well, hey dare and howdee!

i hope this email finds you in fine fikkle and amongst good spirits.

"yes, please", as my new orleans friend used to say (about just about everything, but that's nawlins for you)....

but more specific cali: "yes please", to a red victorola lisa's friend concert. how ami gonna know which ones chew? i guess it doesn't really matter. we can all just get along.

hey which 80's are your fave deck? 1980's? 1880's? 2080's? (wise guy, me)

That pretty much rendered me speechless. Long enough for him to renege (thank God!):

guess what. we have to go on not meeting like this. here's why: Dug Hlsinger and Bruce Ducheneau are playin' at SF's lovely eagle tavern fri nite:

with all due respect to yer pal, (and i checked his website and i like the music) when hilsinger plays, i simply have to go get my ears baked.

rats, i was looking forward to meeting you, and i continue to look forward to it, i'll just have to look forwarder.

Anyway, why does this have to be so hard? Now that I live in SF, I think I just have to get out there more. Meeting online is for the birds.

twisted - 09/17/06 05:01
No kidding! In my most generous moments, I think maybe he's trying to impersonate Nat the dog walker, as played by Hank Azaria on "Mad About You." Then I read his emails again and think, nope! No such luck.
libertad - 09/16/06 23:32
Don't let that one get away from you twisted. Sounds like a great catch!
paul - 09/16/06 20:52
Wow, someone was "hooked on phonix" :::link::: Omg, there site is made in coldfusion. That is so web 0.2

09/14/2006 21:58 #36747

Not a sight you see every day...

Although maybe once a year.

A few quick notes --

(e:Libertad) : You could get free wireless internet if you moved to SF. Although the cost of a few other things might go up. I would totally be into splitting the cost of internet service. Although, it would already be free, so that doesn't get you much. ;-)

I can't even try to keep up with what's going on. I had a pigeon control guy out here today. Pigeon control! It's like mind control, only with pigeons. Don't let me go there...

I went on this long rant (in my mind) about work last night. Luckily, I was no where near a keyboard, so you don't have to hear it. Yet.

(e:Paul) - who do I have to convince to have you all go to Burning Man with me next year?




paul - 09/15/06 00:06
She has been trying to convince me to go since 2003.
twisted - 09/14/06 22:09
what change of heart? and don't call me sweetie.
ajay - 09/14/06 22:07
Re: Burningman. Why the change of heart, sweetie?

09/12/2006 00:00 #36746

It's All In My Mind
Category: philosophy
Ever find yourself blogging in your head, but never quite committing it to pixels? That's been happening to me a lot lately. Maybe it's a sign that real life is taking precedence. But somehow it doesn't feel real.

Mr. Coffee did, in fact, ask me on a date. To power to the peaceful. (Un)fortunately(?) I had a prior commitment, so I couldn't make it. He also told me about a dream he had, and asked me what I dream about. Well, it's funny how you don't remember your dreams unless someone asks. It's been interesting remembering mine. I think now I don't want to meet him after all. It's almost certain we won't hit it off (I have reasons for believing that), but I look forward to getting his emails and composing mine to him. Is that so wrong?

Re: 9/11. I probably should have just stayed in today. It hit me like a ton of bricks when I realized the date this morning. I still remember when Brenda called me to turn on the TV. I couldn't believe it. It was so weird being so physically "removed" from NYC, even though it's firmly established in my frame of reference. A frame of reference that now has a huge hole in it.

Re: Battle of the sexes. You know what? Everybody is entitled to live their life the way they want to. Which may not be the way you want them to. So for fuck's sake, get over it!

That's all for tonight. Maybe I'll back-post more later. ;-)

09/09/2006 21:22 #36745


My framed Matisse print fell off the picture rail and broke into a million pieces. This is one of the two prints Mark and I bought in Paris. When we split up I got this one and he got the other one. Maybe he's ready to trade now, haha.

metalpeter - 09/10/06 10:26
In the picture it looks like you where lucky and only the glass broke and no damage was done to the picture, hopefully that is true. If that is the case hopefully reframing it won't be to costly.
paul - 09/09/06 21:23
So was it an earthquake?

08/29/2006 23:55 #36743

Coffee Reviews
From my latest craigslist correspondent:

Hey Lisa.

Camping with my family is such an impossible thing to imagine that I
had to just laugh when I heard you say that.

I have played around with mixing software: protools and performer, but currently am going to tape. i'm looking around for a computadora to record on, but kinda dreading the process: hours in manual madness when i just want to make music. have to do it, have to do it, i'll do it tomorrow.
(old wall of voodoo song.)

i'm sticking to my resolution to go to a different cafe every day.
kind of a comment on how many cafes there are in this hood. now i'm starting to write reviews. i've included my notes for your boredom.

okay, gots to get to work.

have fun with the fams.


- Muddy's [24/Valencia] (I bring my own cup) 20 oz for 1.35, best,
strongest, the benchmark

- Ritual [21st/Valencia] 12 oz. 1.75, weak/watery, pretty bad, over the
top social scene "Who wants to get dressed up just to go get coffee." - Overheard on the street.

- Phil's [24th Folsom] 12 oz. 3.00 plus 1 dollar tip: hand made
(individual drip) excellent/strong, if it weren't for the price and the distance this would be the one. Great funky hippie scene.

- Starbucks [safeway on market] (forget howmuch, not very good)

- Out of the Way [22nd/Bartlett in the mall] (2 week old place) "2.98"
plus 1; hand made, okay/weak, but nice place full of plants and good
hippie/latin vibe, but this place will fail.

- Little spot [23rd and Folsom] 1.50 for 12 oz. surprisingly strong,
Virginia recommended this joint cause it's fair trade coffee. Excellent for price/caffeine.

[reprinted without permission]
southernyankee - 09/01/06 18:26
I am a caffeine addict. I drink coffee and martini's. This seems to sustain me throughout the night and day time hours. In other words, I am like a walking zoombie!
joshua - 08/30/06 16:20
People getting dressed up to go to get coffee? Hi2u SPoT Coffee! Of course, many of these people are what I've heard refer to as the "Starbucks squatters" and do the usual loitering for 4 hours and soaking up free internet in exhange for purchasing a $1.50 cup of coffee.

But $3 for a cup of coffee is simply outrageous. You can easily buy the highest quality beans and brew at home for far cheaper. Thats true with any coffee house, and its not like I am a cheapo when it comes to coffee... I've dumped thousands into SPoT. That is simply foolishness and affluence mixed together.