Ever find yourself blogging in your head, but never quite committing it to pixels? That's been happening to me a lot lately. Maybe it's a sign that real life is taking precedence. But somehow it doesn't feel real.
Mr. Coffee did, in fact, ask me on a date. To
power to the peaceful. (Un)fortunately(?) I had a prior commitment, so I couldn't make it. He also told me about a dream he had, and asked me what I dream about. Well, it's funny how you don't remember your dreams unless someone asks. It's been interesting remembering mine. I think now I don't want to meet him after all. It's almost certain we won't hit it off (I have reasons for believing that), but I look forward to getting his emails and composing mine to him. Is that so wrong?
Re: 9/11. I probably should have just stayed in today. It hit me like a ton of bricks when I realized the date this morning. I still remember when Brenda called me to turn on the TV. I couldn't believe it. It was so weird being so physically "removed" from NYC, even though it's firmly established in my frame of reference. A frame of reference that now has a huge hole in it.
Re: Battle of the sexes. You know what? Everybody is entitled to live their life the way they want to. Which may not be the way you want them to. So for fuck's sake, get over it!
That's all for tonight. Maybe I'll back-post more later. ;-)
I am still hoping for an appearance. No pressure but if you don't come the party is cancelled ;) Just kidding.