Either way, I'm signed up to dog sit in Alameda May 27-June 29. Don't even ask me how that happened.
And this morning I was asked (again) if I would be available for an interview for an article with Alameda Magazine about

I keep trying to get back to the right place at the right time. Thought I was back on track, but now not so sure.
News Flash!!!! (this just in from Larry)
Buzzcocks will be at Mezzanine Thursday, July 27; tickets go on sale on Saturday, May 20 at noon. They are also going to be on the bill of this year's Warped Tour, at Piers 30/32 on Saturday, July 8 (the day after Rev Horton Heat plays the Fillmore), along with Joan Jett and a host of others.
Ok, I've got a waypoint plotted back to the right place, right time. I'll just hope for the best.
So, I had this dream last night that (e:PMT) came to visit me (a peep can dream, can't she?) and I was so excited they were going to stay with me and I could finally show them around San Francisco.
Flash forward to Thursday night in my dream. I'm driving home from work and all of a sudden I realize, OMG!!! (e:PMT) have been here for almost a week and they've been trapped in my place and couldn't go see anything on their own because I took the car to work! I was so freaked out. In my head I kept calculating just how much of their time I had wasted -- and wondering why didn't they come last Friday or Saturday so we could have a couple weekend days first? But it all boiled down to me taking the car.
So I get home, ready to make amends, and there's (e:PMT) with my Dad. I don't know how Dad got into this dream, but he's grilling a huge steak for us to eat, so obviously I have to let him stay, haha. Dad loves his meat rarer than rare, but for some reason, it's taking a long time to grill this one. Since it's already 11pm and I know I have to work again tomorrow, I decide to sneak out and plan a sightseeing itinerary for (e:PMT).
I wish you could have been there for this part. It's the typical harrowing gamut of all things feared in your life. I'm thinking, "I can't map this out for them! I know how great the view is at the end, and even I don't want to go here!" Then I realized I had also forgotten my camera, so I couldn't even take a picture for them.
For some reason, I was convinced they couldn't see what I wanted them to see unless I showed them, or took a picture. And I was also convinced I couldn't change my schedule so I could go with them myself.
It's kind of like this whole long-distance blog thing, when you think about it. haha.
So anyway, if anyone decides to visit me here (before hell freezes over, that is), I really am a dedicated tour guide. Mi coche es tu coche.
That is so funny. I have dreams about you comming to visit all the time but usually you are trapped in something, which i think is a reference to IMing you from from phone.
i will, i will! i know my plans were foiled last time, but will make it up in the near future!
The Buzzcocks are playing here, too... On July 12th. And they are playing Toronto on June 10th at the Phoenix. I saw them at the Phoenix in Toronto before; it was a good show.
Pete Shelley and Steve Diggle did a radio interview that afternoon and i went to the studios (dragged a friend, kicking and screaming). They had the doors locked while the dj was talking and they were trying to get in with their publicist. She was panicing. I was outside smoking. I told her to press the red button and the door would unlock. Pete Shelley asked me for a fag. I gave him one, obviously...